This document provides a list of references on personality tests and psychological assessment tools. It includes references to books and articles on objective personality tests, the Rorschach inkblot test, websites for Sigma Assessment Systems and the Rorschach Society of North America, dictionaries, and sources on projective techniques and attitude measurement. The references cover topics like the advantages and disadvantages of objective personality tests, a practical introduction to psychological testing, definitions of key terms, and overviews of specific assessment tools and methods.
Lain. (2007). The advantages and disadvantages of objective
personality tests. Associated Content. Retrieved from
Hogan, T. P. (2007). Psychological testing: A practical introduction (2nd ed.).
Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley
Merriam-Webster Dictionary, (2014) Retrieved February 7, 2014
Reilly, P. (2007). Rorschach Inkblot Test. The Rorschach
America. Retrieved from
Sigma Assessment Systems. (2005-2012). Retrieved from
The Handbook Of Research For Educational Communications and
Technology. (2001). Retrieved from
Society of
The Rorschach Test .(n.d.).Retrievedfrom
Editor's Notes
In each generation, one may realize they have specific and unique characteristics about themselves. A few teenagers may demonstrate short-tempers related to a parent, or give a caring demeanor when a friend requires assistance. Whether an individual is respectful, selfish, or selfless all of the qualities represent character. Personality testing may offer a basic or detailed description of an individual's character. Discussed will be different personality testing's and the advantages or disadvantages the test provide. Additionally, a discussion correlated to attitudes and behaviors as they apply to character are below.
Objective personality tests considered being more accurate and valid than the other tests and held in high regard to psychologists. An objective personality test is an assessment method that uses a format that only allows for limited responses. These types are usually ordinal scale ratings or could be true or false questions, which makes the results simple and easy to determine (Lain, 2007). The tests themselves extensively test the validity scales to determine accuracy which determines whether or not the person taking the test is giving truthful answers to the questions. There are many types of objective personality tests, but the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), is the most well-known test and is the most renowned and held in the highest regard among test givers (Lain, 2007).
The objective character test has both advantages and disadvantages to its use. The first advantage would be that the test itself is very economical. In times when there much debate exists over the cost of health care an objective personality test is reasonably affordable and inexpensive. The tests are also easy to use and given that the format is so user friendly many doctors can give the test to their patients to do and take home and bring back (Lain, 2007). The tests themselves are less time consuming, given that the interface is simple, and questions are true or false, or in a style whereby questions demand little from those taking them, they can be finished fairly quickly. Lastly the results are easy to interpret. Disadvantages of these types of tests would be that some would argue that there is little to be gained from the results. Formatted tests have predetermined results based on the answers which examinees choose, there is little to no ground to be obtained in accordance to behavior. Another disadvantage would be the limited answers the test can give in regards to a patient. Lastly, the validity of honesty based test scores can be questioned as these tests rely on the honesty of the person taking the test. Scores can be highly and easily invalid considering honesty based tests which based on the honesty of the patient, is dependent answers the questions correctly, or be completely indifferent to the questions; scores could reflect undesired inaccurate data in reference to the patient causing the scores to be invalid (Lain, 2007).
Projective personality tests use patterns, colors, or cartoons assist in understanding an individuals traits, attitude, or feelings. Projective personality techniques have two common uses. This category of tests remains a standard assessment for individuals and in research according to Hogan (2007). There are different forms of projective personality test. The following eight tests regularly appear high in the rankings: the Rorschach Inkblot Test, the Thematic Apperception Test, the Childrens Apperception Test, and sentence completion tests, human figure drawings, the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, the House-Tree-Person test, and the Kinetic Family Drawing (Hogan, 2007, p. 522). Unlike the objective test, projective techniques scored for meaning do not have limited responses but offer a free response format. According to Hogan (2007), projective personality techniques receive high rankings and these types of the test are used seven out of 10 times compared to other personality test. Projective procedures can be used in schools, by employers, and by a psychologist who want to determine if there are underlying issues or if the character fits the need of the employer.
Each day we have some discussion about some type of personality characteristics either our own or another individuals, this takes place in common conversations. However the psychologists have a much more scientific approach as they use personality tests in order to gather information, which will accurately and consistently measure an individuals personality. These types of tests are used in assisting theories, to see the many changes or uniqueness of ones personality, it aids in evaluating the effectiveness of ones therapy, helps with diagnosing psychological problems that an individual may be faced with, and aids in screening for job placements.
Rorschach Inkblot Test developed by Hermann Rorschach and used the most of all projective techniques. The purpose of this test is to gain understand of ones personal sense, or thoughts by seeing what they see or how they feel about the image shown to them. The Rorschach Inkblots consist of 10 bilaterally symmetrical blots (Hogan, 2007, P. 526). Numbered cards in the configuration in which the cards should be presented and the coloring on the cards varies. The examiner administers the test by showing the examinee different pictures, then asking what they see in the image while noting the patients response. The response time is "the response phase" of administering the test. The next phase is the inquiry phase where the examiner ask where the person seen whatever he or she might have seen in the picture. The scoring process of the inkblot test includes a coding process, based upon the examinees answers. The answers are broken down into either general responses, or special score responses based on the determinants that caused the response of the examinee.
Although upon developing the Rorschach inkblots he had never intended them to be used as a general personality test, they were intended as a tool for the diagnoses of Schizophrenia, and however they became quite useful in assessing an individuals general personality and began being used for this purpose.
The main idea of personality tests is to determine personality features and look for underlying causes of psychological issues, and the main purpose of approach and interest tests is to determine areas of interest and a persons understanding, opinion, or reaction attached to a subject, idea, place, object, or model (Hogan, 2007). Personality measures and approach and interest measures have some general applications such as uses in the work place, in scholastic settings, and even in clinical settings. Appropriate interpretation by trained and licensed professionals is essential for proper test use and to ensure validity of test results. Testing these constructs provides insight into learning styles, mental aptitudes, mental disabilities, helps with job placement, educational placement, and abilities when given in conjunction with ability tests (Hogan, 2007).
Personality tests are the best way of deciding the character a person might have. A person can have many different personality traits. These may not all come out at the same time, or that might even be recognizable to a person that does not have training in personalities. Many tests developed to determine different types of personalities, including the FiveFactor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire, Jackson Personality Inventory Revised, the Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment, NEO Five Factor Inventory-3, NEO Personality Inventory-3, Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire, and the Personality Research Form. Each personality test has been designed to help a person identify their personality in the easiest way possible.
Merriam-Webster, (2014) dictionary defines the word attitude as a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state, which differs from a personality in many different ways. The main way that attitude and personality differ from each other is the fact that a person has some control over their attitude, whereas they do not have as much control over their personality. Measuring a persons attitude can be made in a similar way than a persons personality measured with a test, but a persons attitude can also be measured by observation. Watching a person can be a very simple way of seeing and understanding what their attitude towards someone or something might be. Interest tests have become very helpful in assisting a person in finding a career that will be stimulating to a person and their interests. These tests were designed to be as easy as possible for the test taker to answer questions and comprehend what the final answers are telling the person.
Both personality, interests, and attitudes are unique to each person. Personality greatly influences the attitude and interests a person displays. The complexities of a persons attitude mirrors how he or she perceives and communicates information and is a psychometric measure of how a person thinks he or she feels about a topic, concept, idea, or object (Hogan, 2007). Physiological influences such as illness, injury, or uncomfortable testing conditions can alter attitude and interest and personality assessments. The biological components of temperament can also influence attitude.
Conclusively, personality tests are countless and offer several benefits. More so, consideration is given to the idea that every test has potential disadvantages. Certain testing is appropriate for schooling settings, and others to rule out possible mental illnesses. Determining the appropriate test may be made by a medical professional or researchers who have deemed it appropriate based on the desired results. An individuals personality can often enforce behaviors. However, it is irrefutable that society can alter attitude's to deviate negative personality symptoms.