1. The document discusses differences between brains and computers, noting that brains are more resilient when damaged and can perform tasks like guessing intent that computers cannot.
2. It also discusses fixed action patterns in animals that are triggered by releasing stimuli to produce specific behaviors, and how more advanced animal brains like mice integrate multiple stimuli, hormones, and learning to modify behaviors.
3. The document examines various hormones and neurotransmitters like oxytocin, dopamine, testosterone, and their context-dependent effects on behaviors. It provides examples of how closely related animals sometimes adopt babies of other species due to similar brain wiring for "baby-mania".
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Psych of Art - Day 13 - Oxytocin and cute aggression
9. Fixed Action Pattern a behavioral pattern
triggered by a releasing stimulus that, once it
begins, runs to completion
F.A.P. = Spider cartwheeling
R.S. = wasp + steep dune
F.A.P. = Stickleback fish zigzag dance
R.S. = sight of female stickleback fish
F.A.P. = Stickleback fish nest building
R.S. = sexual maturity (hormones?) + sight of clean nest site
F.A.P. = Herring gull chick pecks at red spot on adult gulls beak
R.S. = sight of long yellow beak with red spot
10. >> if StimulusA && StimulusB
>> execute BehaviorX
>> elsif StimulusC && StimulusD
>> execute BehaviorY
A fishs brain is like a simple computer:
11. >> if Stim(Female) && Condition(NestReady)
>> execute Behavior(ZigzagDance)
>> elsif . . .
A fishs brain is like a simple computer:
12. >> if StimulusA && StimulusB
>> execute BehaviorX
>> elsif StimulusC && StimulusD
>> execute BehaviorY
When is a human brain like a simple computer?
13. >> if shape appears close to eyes
>> execute Behavior(Flinch)
>> elsif StimulusC && StimulusD
>> execute BehaviorY
When is a human brain like a simple computer?
14. >> if StimulusA && StimulusB
>> increase HomoneG 60%
>> if HormoneG >= 400ppm && HormoneH >= 950ppm
&& StimulusC && StimulusD && StimulusE
>> execute BehaviorX(modified by LearningY)
A mouses brain is a more advanced computer:
15. Differences between brains and computers?
1. Brains are resilient when damaged they will rewire and
maintain some function
2. The human brain is faster and more energy efficient than
a computer
3. The brain cant do certain things a computer does
(memorize trillion-digit numbers or flawlessly record
pixel-by-pixel videos);
However, the human brain is better at other things
(watching someone demonstrate a task, guessing their
17. Stimulus Behavior
(Stimulus A will always produce Behavior X)
Learning Behavior
(Stimulus A might produce Behavior X,
depending on hormones, learning, etc.)
18. Hormones & NeurotransmittersHormones & Neurotransmitters
Released by glands
Stay in your body a
long time (hours,
days, )
In your blood stream*
Released by synapses
Stay in your body a
short time (seconds,
20. Amygdala = fear center in your brain;
Hippocampus = short-term memory
21. Testosterone increases risk takingHey, lets
gamble and invade.
Testosterone increases risk takingHey, lets
gamble and make a peace offer.
Testosterone makes you feel goodLets start
another fight, since the last one went swell.
Testosterone makes you feel goodLets all hold
[. . .] testosterones effects are hugely context
Excerpt From: Robert M. Sapolsky. Behave: The
Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst.
27. These animals have baby-mania!
A lioness adopted 5 baby antelopes, ate one, and kept
on caring for the others.
A female leopard killed a baboon but adopted its baby
(she carried the baby by the scruff of its neck into a
tree and protected it as her own).
Barnyard hens protected baby geese, ducks, and
kittens in the nest.
A female Jack Russell Terrier nursed a kitten to
A female cat adopted a Rottweiler pup.
Horses, goats, and many other animals would never
adopt or show affection to someone elses baby. Why?