2. How do we link these together?
Aware /
Perceptions /
What we
Does it help
in the Class?
Mark Healy (@cijane02)
6. Key Insights but New Learning?
1. Both nature and nurture affect the learning brain
2. The brain is plastic
3. The brains response to reward is influenced by
expectations and uncertainty
4. The brain has mechanisms for self-regulation
5. Education is a powerful form of cognitive enhancement
6. There are individual differences in learning ability with a
basis in the brain
Mark Healy (@cijane02)
11. What do we mean when
we talk about mindsets and
Self Theories?
Go.To.Source. or we fight
the war of the ghosts (AifL)
Mark Healy (@cijane02)
12. 1.Students with high ability are
more likely to display mastery
oriented qualities?
2.Success in school directly fosters
mastery oriented qualities
True or False?
Mark Healy (@cijane02)
13. 3.Praise, particularly praising a
students intelligence, encourages
mastery oriented qualities?
4.Students confidence in their
intelligence is the key to mastery
oriented qualities?
Mark Healy (@cijane02)
14. 1. Coherence to Values & Ethos?
2. Concordance with school wide psychological
3. Ethics?
4. Silver Bullet?
5. Far & near transfer effects?
6. Can we even teach it?
7. If we can, why are we?
8. Measurement and Reliability?
9. Scalability? Sample size? Data Set?
Some Provocations
Mark Healy (@cijane02)
Editor's Notes
#11: 16
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<title>What's the biggest factor in explaining inappropriate behaviour?</title>