This document discusses women empowerment and the process of empowering women. It defines empowerment as increasing spiritual, political, social, or economic strength of individuals and communities. Women empowerment specifically challenges gender-based discrimination against women in society's institutions and structures. The document then outlines 11 aspects of women empowerment, including improving personal knowledge, self-defining, personal power, authenticity, creativity, physical strength, equality, mutuality in relationships, economic independence, women identification, and freedom from oppression. It also describes the four main processes that can lead to women's empowerment: changes in women's mobility, labor patterns, access to and control over resources, and control over decision-making. Finally, it discusses a women
Over the past decade and more increasingly, international development donors are calling for stronger approaches to incorporate gender into program design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.
Want to Integrate Gender in your Evaluation but Dont Know Where to Start?MEASURE Evaluation
This document provides guidance on integrating gender into evaluations. It begins with key definitions of sex and gender. It then discusses why integrating gender is important for evaluations to improve programs and address gender dimensions. The document outlines a 7-step process for engendering evaluations: 1) identify stakeholders, 2) develop a gender-integrated theory of change, 3) define gender-related evaluation questions, 4) select an appropriate study design, 5) select gender-related measures, 6) collect and interpret sex-disaggregated data, and 7) disseminate and use results. Examples are provided for each step.
Gender capacity assessment and development in the CGIAR Livestock and Fish Re...ILRI
Presented by Els Rijke (Transition International, consultant), Violet Barasa (ILRI) and Diana Brandes van Dorresteijn (ILRI), Tanzania, 1-8 December 2014
Developing Measures of Womens Reproductive Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Afric...MEASURE Evaluation
This document summarizes research to develop measures of women's reproductive empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa. It discusses conducting a literature review of existing empowerment measures and focus groups in Zambia to inform new culturally appropriate scales. Preliminary focus group findings touched on relationship dynamics around family planning decision making, negotiating sex, and influence of others. Next steps include analyzing focus group data to generate reproductive empowerment measures and validating them through cognitive interviews and health surveys. The goal is to better understand and measure empowerment to improve reproductive health and family planning outcomes through research and programs.
This document summarizes an action research project focused on women's participation in collective decision making at the household level in a village in Pakistan. The project was conducted in three phases:
1. Pre-action research involved focus groups, interviews and surveys to understand existing perceptions and practices. It found that men dominated decision making and women had little involvement or power.
2. The action intervention phase aimed to raise awareness of the importance of women's roles and collective decision making.
3. Post-action research evaluated the impact through comparative analysis with the pre-research data. It found that awareness had increased of women's contributions and the importance of their participation in decisions. Participants expressed willingness to empower women in the household.
Seven Steps to EnGendering Evaluations of Public Health ProgramsMEASURE Evaluation
Because international development increasingly focuses on gender, evaluators need a better understanding of how to measure and incorporate genderincluding its economic, social, and health dimensionsin their evaluations. This interactive training, consisting of this presentation and a tool, will help participants learn to better evaluate programs with gender components. Access the tool at
This document summarizes a presentation on accelerating the advancement of women leaders. It discusses barriers women face such as gender stereotypes that view women as less suitable for leadership roles than men. It also examines how organizational cultures and practices can disadvantage women, such as evaluating women more harshly and viewing aggressive women negatively. The presentation outlines research findings that contradict beliefs that hold women back and provides examples of interventions organizations can take, including increasing awareness of bias. It concludes with a case study of efforts at Harvard Business School to improve gender diversity and inclusion through cultural assessments and distributed leadership.
Women's Rights and Gender Equality : Impressive Gains and Staggering Failures...Gender at Work .
This document discusses gender inequality and discrimination globally and provides examples of programs aimed at challenging them. It first provides context on how gender is a social construct that allocates unequal duties and rewards. It then discusses two case studies: 1) A Dalit women's accountability program in India that increased women's participation in employment programs and challenged stereotypes. 2) A women farm workers trade union in South Africa that worked to develop women leaders and an inclusive culture despite entrenched patriarchal norms. The gender at work framework aims to uncover and transform discriminatory structures through reflection, collective action, and building accountability.
GENDER AND POWER in sociology.pptx(by Mavra Iqbal)syedamavra411
This presentation will guide you what are the main roles of the specific gender in our society. What are the rights and duties of the specific gender in our environment, how they make our environment comfortable.
This presentation also uses visual aids to make your learning interesting.
At the CCIH 2016 Annual Conference, Lavanya Mahhusudan discusses the Jamkhed model of community empowerment for wholistic health. She explores how to measure empowerment and what it means for communities.
Gender mainstreaming aims to promote gender equality by integrating gender perspectives into all policies, programs, and activities. It seeks to address inequalities that discriminate against both women and men. Gender mainstreaming is not just about improving access or balancing statistics - it targets major economic and social policies to ensure both women and men participate fully and benefit equally from development. It recognizes that gender affects lives from birth and aims to establish a balanced distribution of responsibilities between women and men through determined political action and support.
Gender mainstreaming aims to promote gender equality by integrating gender perspectives into all policies, programs, and activities. It seeks to address inequalities that discriminate against both women and men. Gender mainstreaming is not just about improving access or balancing statistics - it targets major economic and social policies to ensure both women and men participate fully and benefit equally from development. It recognizes that gender affects lives from birth and aims to establish a balanced distribution of responsibilities between women and men through determined political action and support.
This document presents a new framework for gender transformative health promotion for women. It identifies current approaches as gender-specific, gender-sensitive or gender-transformative. Gender-transformative approaches actively examine and change rigid gender norms and power imbalances to achieve both health and gender equity. The framework was developed through a process that included theoretical foundations in gender theory and feedback from practitioners. It positions gender as a social determinant of health and provides examples of initiatives that reinforce or challenge gender inequities in different topics like alcohol. The document argues for health promotion approaches that challenge social norms and advocate structural changes to achieve gender and health equity.
This short-but-thorough presentation from IWMIs Valentine J Gandhi provides a valuable introduction to the gender analysis in agricultural research. Covering the many reasons for undertaking gender-sensitive research and the tools available for the job, it also looks at the skills required in an effective gender researcher, and ways to analyze and interpret results.
Introduction to gender concepts drvalentine_LIVESProjectvalentinejg
This document provides an introduction to key gender concepts for a training on gender and value chains. It defines terms like gender, sex, gender roles and gender analysis. It distinguishes between gender equality and equity. It also discusses approaches to integrating gender like gender mainstreaming and differences between women in development and gender and development frameworks. Gender is defined as socially constructed characteristics of women and men, including expected roles and behaviors, and how power is distributed. The training emphasizes that addressing both practical and strategic gender needs is important to improve gender relations and empower women.
This document discusses key concepts related to gender, participatory research approaches, and transformative gender research. It defines terms like sex, gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender division of labor, and gender relations. It also discusses the principles and levels of participatory research, from passive participation to interactive and self-motivated participation. Transformative gender research is defined as integrating efforts to address gender disparities in access and control over resources with actions to address underlying social norms and power relations.
1) The document analyzes the role of microfinance and self-help groups (SHGs) in empowering women in Kollam district, Kerala through a case study.
2) It finds that SHG membership helped increase women's income generation, economic status, and decision making power within their families and communities.
3) The study concludes that microfinance through SHGs is an effective tool for reducing poverty, empowering women, and promoting sustainable development in villages.
Gender analytical tools and skills drvalentinevalentinejg
The document provides an introduction to gender analytical tools for a project in Ethiopia. It discusses key concepts in gender analysis including practical and strategic gender needs, intra-household dynamics, and inter-household relations. It also outlines the purpose of gender analysis to identify gender-based differences and how people will be affected by interventions. The document reviews principles of gender analysis and lists tools that can be used, including daily activity profiles, access and control profiles, and strength and problem analyses. Qualitative research methods like focus groups and key informant interviews are also discussed.
This document discusses how to conduct an effective gender analysis. It outlines key steps and considerations, including: 1) Collecting sex-disaggregated data on roles, resources, participation and impacts; 2) Assessing differences in roles, access, needs and priorities between males and females; 3) Understanding gender relations and how they constrain or provide opportunities to address inequalities. The goal is to identify inequalities and barriers, develop strategies to address them, and establish gender-sensitive monitoring. Participatory methods that engage affected males and females are emphasized.
IFPRI Gender Breakfast with CARE and WorldFish: Measuring Gender-Transformati...IFPRI Gender
Measuring Gender-Transformative Change in Agriculture: A review of the literature and promising practices
February 16, 2017
Presenters: Steven Cole, Cynthia McDougall, & Afrina Choudhury from WorldFish & the FISH CGIAR Research Program; Emily Hilenbrand & Pranati Mohanraj from CARE USA
Discussant: Ruth Meinzen-Dick (IFPRI)
Gender inequalities are recognized as both a major driver of poverty and an impediment to agricultural development. Understanding complex processes of social change remains a critical challenge for effective agricultural development programming that advances gender equality. Gender transformative approaches represent a move beyond business as usual gender integration in programming towards the creation of an enabling social environment and more equitable formal and informal institutions that expand life choices for women and men.
At the heart of their work, WorldFish (in particular, through its FISH and Aquatic Agricultural Systems cross-cutting research program) and CARE USA (through its global Pathways to Empowerment agriculture program) strive to apply gender transformative approaches (GTA) in designing, implementing, and learning from agricultural development interventions. However, committing to GTA implementation approaches also requires a transformation of measurements and indicators of change, an area of research that remains relatively under-developed in the agriculture sector.
In this webinar, CARE and WorldFish Center jointly present a literature review of promising indicators and tools for measuring gender-transformative change in agriculture, along with some practical case studies and the implications of applying such approaches in practice.
This document introduces key concepts related to gender, including:
- The difference between gender and sex, with gender referring to socially constructed roles and sex referring to biological attributes.
- Gender equality means equal rights and opportunities regardless of gender, while gender equity aims to compensate for historical disadvantages faced by women.
- Gender analysis, mainstreaming, and empowerment are tools and strategies to promote gender equality and make programs more inclusive of both women and men.
- There are practical benefits to considering gender in development work such as increased productivity and household welfare, as well as strategic needs to transform norms and power imbalances.
The document discusses factors for assessing organizational capacity for gender equality and categorizes organizations into four types: gender-blind, gender-aware, gender-aware and redistributive, and gender-redistributive. It provides examples of appropriate objectives for each type of organization to progress towards greater gender equality. It also lists types of quantitative and qualitative baseline data that can be collected to assess an organization's current status with respect to gender equality.
This document summarizes a presentation on accelerating the advancement of women leaders. It discusses barriers women face such as gender stereotypes that view women as less suitable for leadership roles than men. It also examines how organizational cultures and practices can disadvantage women, such as evaluating women more harshly and viewing aggressive women negatively. The presentation outlines research findings that contradict beliefs that hold women back and provides examples of interventions organizations can take, including increasing awareness of bias. It concludes with a case study of efforts at Harvard Business School to improve gender diversity and inclusion through cultural assessments and distributed leadership.
Women's Rights and Gender Equality : Impressive Gains and Staggering Failures...Gender at Work .
This document discusses gender inequality and discrimination globally and provides examples of programs aimed at challenging them. It first provides context on how gender is a social construct that allocates unequal duties and rewards. It then discusses two case studies: 1) A Dalit women's accountability program in India that increased women's participation in employment programs and challenged stereotypes. 2) A women farm workers trade union in South Africa that worked to develop women leaders and an inclusive culture despite entrenched patriarchal norms. The gender at work framework aims to uncover and transform discriminatory structures through reflection, collective action, and building accountability.
GENDER AND POWER in sociology.pptx(by Mavra Iqbal)syedamavra411
This presentation will guide you what are the main roles of the specific gender in our society. What are the rights and duties of the specific gender in our environment, how they make our environment comfortable.
This presentation also uses visual aids to make your learning interesting.
At the CCIH 2016 Annual Conference, Lavanya Mahhusudan discusses the Jamkhed model of community empowerment for wholistic health. She explores how to measure empowerment and what it means for communities.
Gender mainstreaming aims to promote gender equality by integrating gender perspectives into all policies, programs, and activities. It seeks to address inequalities that discriminate against both women and men. Gender mainstreaming is not just about improving access or balancing statistics - it targets major economic and social policies to ensure both women and men participate fully and benefit equally from development. It recognizes that gender affects lives from birth and aims to establish a balanced distribution of responsibilities between women and men through determined political action and support.
Gender mainstreaming aims to promote gender equality by integrating gender perspectives into all policies, programs, and activities. It seeks to address inequalities that discriminate against both women and men. Gender mainstreaming is not just about improving access or balancing statistics - it targets major economic and social policies to ensure both women and men participate fully and benefit equally from development. It recognizes that gender affects lives from birth and aims to establish a balanced distribution of responsibilities between women and men through determined political action and support.
This document presents a new framework for gender transformative health promotion for women. It identifies current approaches as gender-specific, gender-sensitive or gender-transformative. Gender-transformative approaches actively examine and change rigid gender norms and power imbalances to achieve both health and gender equity. The framework was developed through a process that included theoretical foundations in gender theory and feedback from practitioners. It positions gender as a social determinant of health and provides examples of initiatives that reinforce or challenge gender inequities in different topics like alcohol. The document argues for health promotion approaches that challenge social norms and advocate structural changes to achieve gender and health equity.
This short-but-thorough presentation from IWMIs Valentine J Gandhi provides a valuable introduction to the gender analysis in agricultural research. Covering the many reasons for undertaking gender-sensitive research and the tools available for the job, it also looks at the skills required in an effective gender researcher, and ways to analyze and interpret results.
Introduction to gender concepts drvalentine_LIVESProjectvalentinejg
This document provides an introduction to key gender concepts for a training on gender and value chains. It defines terms like gender, sex, gender roles and gender analysis. It distinguishes between gender equality and equity. It also discusses approaches to integrating gender like gender mainstreaming and differences between women in development and gender and development frameworks. Gender is defined as socially constructed characteristics of women and men, including expected roles and behaviors, and how power is distributed. The training emphasizes that addressing both practical and strategic gender needs is important to improve gender relations and empower women.
This document discusses key concepts related to gender, participatory research approaches, and transformative gender research. It defines terms like sex, gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender division of labor, and gender relations. It also discusses the principles and levels of participatory research, from passive participation to interactive and self-motivated participation. Transformative gender research is defined as integrating efforts to address gender disparities in access and control over resources with actions to address underlying social norms and power relations.
1) The document analyzes the role of microfinance and self-help groups (SHGs) in empowering women in Kollam district, Kerala through a case study.
2) It finds that SHG membership helped increase women's income generation, economic status, and decision making power within their families and communities.
3) The study concludes that microfinance through SHGs is an effective tool for reducing poverty, empowering women, and promoting sustainable development in villages.
Gender analytical tools and skills drvalentinevalentinejg
The document provides an introduction to gender analytical tools for a project in Ethiopia. It discusses key concepts in gender analysis including practical and strategic gender needs, intra-household dynamics, and inter-household relations. It also outlines the purpose of gender analysis to identify gender-based differences and how people will be affected by interventions. The document reviews principles of gender analysis and lists tools that can be used, including daily activity profiles, access and control profiles, and strength and problem analyses. Qualitative research methods like focus groups and key informant interviews are also discussed.
This document discusses how to conduct an effective gender analysis. It outlines key steps and considerations, including: 1) Collecting sex-disaggregated data on roles, resources, participation and impacts; 2) Assessing differences in roles, access, needs and priorities between males and females; 3) Understanding gender relations and how they constrain or provide opportunities to address inequalities. The goal is to identify inequalities and barriers, develop strategies to address them, and establish gender-sensitive monitoring. Participatory methods that engage affected males and females are emphasized.
IFPRI Gender Breakfast with CARE and WorldFish: Measuring Gender-Transformati...IFPRI Gender
Measuring Gender-Transformative Change in Agriculture: A review of the literature and promising practices
February 16, 2017
Presenters: Steven Cole, Cynthia McDougall, & Afrina Choudhury from WorldFish & the FISH CGIAR Research Program; Emily Hilenbrand & Pranati Mohanraj from CARE USA
Discussant: Ruth Meinzen-Dick (IFPRI)
Gender inequalities are recognized as both a major driver of poverty and an impediment to agricultural development. Understanding complex processes of social change remains a critical challenge for effective agricultural development programming that advances gender equality. Gender transformative approaches represent a move beyond business as usual gender integration in programming towards the creation of an enabling social environment and more equitable formal and informal institutions that expand life choices for women and men.
At the heart of their work, WorldFish (in particular, through its FISH and Aquatic Agricultural Systems cross-cutting research program) and CARE USA (through its global Pathways to Empowerment agriculture program) strive to apply gender transformative approaches (GTA) in designing, implementing, and learning from agricultural development interventions. However, committing to GTA implementation approaches also requires a transformation of measurements and indicators of change, an area of research that remains relatively under-developed in the agriculture sector.
In this webinar, CARE and WorldFish Center jointly present a literature review of promising indicators and tools for measuring gender-transformative change in agriculture, along with some practical case studies and the implications of applying such approaches in practice.
This document introduces key concepts related to gender, including:
- The difference between gender and sex, with gender referring to socially constructed roles and sex referring to biological attributes.
- Gender equality means equal rights and opportunities regardless of gender, while gender equity aims to compensate for historical disadvantages faced by women.
- Gender analysis, mainstreaming, and empowerment are tools and strategies to promote gender equality and make programs more inclusive of both women and men.
- There are practical benefits to considering gender in development work such as increased productivity and household welfare, as well as strategic needs to transform norms and power imbalances.
The document discusses factors for assessing organizational capacity for gender equality and categorizes organizations into four types: gender-blind, gender-aware, gender-aware and redistributive, and gender-redistributive. It provides examples of appropriate objectives for each type of organization to progress towards greater gender equality. It also lists types of quantitative and qualitative baseline data that can be collected to assess an organization's current status with respect to gender equality.
alteration in oxygenation hypoxia defineFallenAngel35
Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen at the tissue level. There are four main types of hypoxia: hypoxic, anemic, stagnant, and histotoxic. Hypoxia progresses through four stages - asymptomatic, compensatory, deterioration, and critical - which are defined by arterial oxygen saturation levels and associated symptoms. Pulse oximetry is used to monitor patients' oxygen status during hypoxia.
This document discusses the concepts of spirituality and factors that can affect it. It defines spirituality as a person's relationship with a non-material higher power or force. Spirituality provides meaning and purpose in life. Factors like developmental stage, family, ethnicity, and life events can influence a person's spirituality. Spirituality is an important part of holistic care and nurses should understand patients' spiritual needs and beliefs.
The document discusses diabetes mellitus type 2, including its definition as a metabolic disease caused by insulin resistance or deficiency resulting in high blood sugar, common symptoms like those of type 1 diabetes but without ketoacidosis, and management through proper diet, exercise, medication and monitoring of blood sugar and cholesterol levels to control complications affecting eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessels.
A complete blood count (CBC) test measures several components of blood including red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelets. It can detect disorders like anemia and infection. The document defines normal ranges for components of a CBC and explains what each component measures. For example, red blood cell count measures the number of oxygen-carrying cells, white blood cell count indicates infection level, and platelet count relates to blood clotting. The procedure for a CBC involves drawing blood from a vein and sending the sample to a lab for analysis of components.
Oral suctioning is a procedure to remove secretions from the mouth using suction. It is used for patients who have difficulty swallowing or producing excess saliva. The document defines oral suctioning, lists its purposes as removing secretions to clear the airway and prevent infections, and describes the Yankauer sucker and suction machine used. It provides indications for oral suctioning such as inability to clear secretions and contraindications like facial fractures or bleeding disorders. The procedure section outlines preparing supplies, gaining consent, inserting the suction tube safely, and cleaning equipment after to maintain sterility.
This document discusses oral suctioning, including its definition as removing secretions from the mouth, purposes of clearing the airway and preventing infections, and indications for patients unable to clear their own secretions. The procedure is described in detail, from preparing supplies to inserting the oral sucker and suctioning all areas of the mouth. Proper cleaning and replacement of equipment is emphasized. In conclusion, oral suction plays an important role in healthcare by removing secretions and preventing respiratory or digestive infections.
Documentation in nursing serves several key purposes: to communicate information about patient care, support legal requirements, and enable quality assurance. There are various types of documentation including recording and charting. Common documentation systems are problem-oriented medical records, problem-intervention-evaluation, and computerized documentation. Nurses must follow best practices for documentation like using objective language and maintaining patient privacy, while correcting errors and documenting all teaching.
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3. Components Of Women Empowerment
Awareness building on womens situation, discrimination
and rights and opportunities as a step towards gender
Capacity building and skill development, ability to
plan, take decision, organize, manage and carry out
activities to deal with people.
4. Greater participation and control in the decision
making process at home, in community and society.
Action to bring about greater equality among men
and women.
5. Parameters Of Women Empowerment
Self-esteem and self-confidence
Positive image
Ability to think critically and take decisions
Opportunity for equal participation in the
development process
6. Access to legal literacy and their rights
Level of knowledge and skill leading to economic
8. Reference
Sreevani, R. (2022). Applied Psychology For Nurses: as per
revised INC syllabus (4th ed.). S.l.: Jaypee brothers medical
Publishers (P) Ltd.