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Applied Psychology
Topic- Components And Parameters Of Women Empowerment
General Objectives
 Components of Women Empowerment
 Parameters of Women Empowerment
Components Of Women Empowerment
 Awareness building on womens situation, discrimination
and rights and opportunities as a step towards gender
 Capacity building and skill development, ability to
plan, take decision, organize, manage and carry out
activities to deal with people.
 Greater participation and control in the decision
making process at home, in community and society.
 Action to bring about greater equality among men
and women.
Parameters Of Women Empowerment
 Self-esteem and self-confidence
 Positive image
 Ability to think critically and take decisions
Opportunity for equal participation in the
development process
 Access to legal literacy and their rights
 Level of knowledge and skill leading to economic
We have discussed about
 Components of Women Empowerment
 Parameters of Women Empowerment
 Sreevani, R. (2022). Applied Psychology For Nurses: as per
revised INC syllabus (4th ed.). S.l.: Jaypee brothers medical
Publishers (P) Ltd.
Psychology-2.pptx components and parameters of women empowerment

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Psychology-2.pptx components and parameters of women empowerment

  • 1. Applied Psychology Topic- Components And Parameters Of Women Empowerment
  • 2. General Objectives Components of Women Empowerment Parameters of Women Empowerment
  • 3. Components Of Women Empowerment Awareness building on womens situation, discrimination and rights and opportunities as a step towards gender equality. Capacity building and skill development, ability to plan, take decision, organize, manage and carry out activities to deal with people.
  • 4. Greater participation and control in the decision making process at home, in community and society. Action to bring about greater equality among men and women.
  • 5. Parameters Of Women Empowerment Self-esteem and self-confidence Positive image Ability to think critically and take decisions Opportunity for equal participation in the development process
  • 6. Access to legal literacy and their rights Level of knowledge and skill leading to economic independence.
  • 7. Summary We have discussed about Components of Women Empowerment Parameters of Women Empowerment
  • 8. Reference Sreevani, R. (2022). Applied Psychology For Nurses: as per revised INC syllabus (4th ed.). S.l.: Jaypee brothers medical Publishers (P) Ltd.