You can now earn the No1 Psychometric certification from BPS (ATU, TUA, TUP) E learning mode from the comfort of your home/office at an affordable investment
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Psychometric certifications from BPS (ATU, TUA, TUP) E learning mode
1. Certifications in Psychometrics: E-Learning Courses Leading to
British Psychological Society’s (BPS) ATU,TUA, TUP (Formerly Level A/B)
1. Assistant Test User (ATU) 2. Test user Ability (TUA) 3. Test User Personality (TUP)
4. Assessment Centre
Techniques (ACT)
BPS RQTU Assistant Test User qualification is
typically meant for HR and Psychology
professionals who are involved in recruitment and
selection procedures or assessment for staff
development programs. Assistant Test Users are
able to administer and score specific tests under
the supervision of a person qualified at Test User
level. They will have gained an awareness of
broader issues related to testing and test use, of
limitations and value of using tests, and know
when to seek more expert help. They are not able
to make choices about which tests should be used
or provide interpretations or feedback of test
scores. This is a pre-requisite for TUA and TUP.
Couse Content
 Understanding the distinction between
different types of tests
 Distinguishing between tests of maximum
performance and typical performance
 Understanding issues associated with testing,
e.g. disability, practical arrangements
 Understanding different methods of testing,
e.g. online, face-to-face
 Briefing candidates
 Administering tests to one or more
 Scoring tests
 Ensuring test confidentiality and security
 Understanding the ethics of testing
BPS RQTU Test User Occupational Ability
qualification is typically meant for HR professionals
and psychologists or recruiters in employment
agencies although line managers also enhance
their skills with this qualification. Test Users may
use ability tests for selection, development, and
coaching or careers advice. Test Users are able to
decide when, and when not to use specific tests,
and are able to administer, score, interpret and
provide feedback on test results.
Course Content
 Understanding the major theories of
 How race, ethnicity, culture, gender, age, and
disability may interact with ability
 The distinction between measures of general
and specific ability.
 Statistical principles of making comparisons
between candidates
 Key characteristics of psychometric tests:
their reliability and validity
 Understanding job analysis and competency
 Analysis of tests, their technical properties
and suitability
 Testing and the law
 Practical interpretation of test results
 Providing oral and written feedback of test
scores and their meaning
BPS RQTU Test User - Occupational Personality
qualification is typically meant for HR professionals and
psychologists or recruiters in employment agencies and
coaches. Line managers also can enhance their skills with
this qualification. Test Users may use personality tests for
selection, development, and coaching or careers advice.
Test Users are able to decide when, and when not to use
specific tests, and are able to administer, score, interpret
and provide feedback on personality questionnaires.
Course Content
 Key differences between the psychometric,
psychoanalytic, social-learning, humanistic and
behaviour analytic theories of personality.
 Formal and informal assessment methods, ipsative
and forced-choice measures and states and traits
 Factors that impact on personality development,
including genetic and environmental factors and the
interaction between them
 Statistical principles of making comparisons between
 Key characteristics of personality questionnaires:
their reliability and validity
 Understanding job analysis and competency profiling
 Analysis of personality questionnaires, their technical
properties and suitability
 Testing and the law
 Practical interpretation of personality profiles
 Providing oral and written feedback of test scores and
their meaning
Skills in the design and
implementation of
centers are invaluable for HR
professional, consultants and
line managers alike. Indeed, the
contribution of the latter group
is often overlooked when it
comes to organizing assessment
centers. This certificate is issued
by UK
Course Content
 Background to assessment
 Defining competence
 Identifying observable,
measurable behaviours
 Typical assessment
activities e.g. group
activities, in-trays/e-trays,
fact-finding, presentations
 Key characteristics of
personality questionnaires:
their reliability and validity
 Critical assessor skills -
observing, recording, rating
 Running a wash-up session
 Centre administration
Original Price= £350 Original Price= £600 Original Price= £600 Original Price= £450
Combo Offer ATU, TUA, TUP = £900 Offer Price= £450
2018 Special Year End Offer for ATU, TUA, TUP and ACT Combo = £750. Bulk discounts and Rupee payment options are also available
Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU) member benefits are listed at: These include 1. Access to purchase and
use restricted psychological and psychometric tests. A full list is available for download in PDF format on this page:
benefits/access-restricted-psychological-and 2. Assessment and Development Matters (ADM) subscription 3. BPS e-Subscriber benefits 4. Testing International Newsletter access 5. CIPD discount
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