This document provides the table of specification for the Second Periodical Test in English VI. It outlines 8 content areas that will be covered in the test, the number of days each area was taught, the number of test items for each area, and the percentage of the test allocated to each area. It also lists the specific skills and objectives that students will be assessed on for each content area based on the English VI curriculum. The test will contain 60 multiple choice items and will assess areas such as distinguishing informational texts, inferring meaning from context, organizing information from sources, using proper grammar structures, and revising for clarity.
The document contains a list of 40 students with their names and student codes. It also contains 7 appendices that describe a classroom action research study conducted by a teacher named Tri Wahyuni. Appendix 1 lists the students, Appendix 2 is a research journal, Appendices 3-5 contain observation schemes from different cycles, Appendix 6 is an evaluation of a pre-cycle, and Appendix 7 is an evaluation of cycle 1.
This module focuses on becoming a discriminating and analytical learner. It contains a pretest to assess skills like identifying main ideas, distinguishing facts from opinions, and using correct verb forms. The module then covers activities to develop these skills, including choosing word meanings based on context, identifying synonyms, and summarizing a fable about honesty. The goal is to help learners answer whether information will help them make wise decisions.
This module focuses on helping learners become more discriminating and analytical in their reading and thinking. The objectives are to develop skills like identifying main ideas, distinguishing facts from opinions, recognizing word meanings from context, and demonstrating understanding of idioms. The instructions guide learners to complete a pre-test, activities, and post-test to assess and improve these skills. Key areas of focus are identifying purpose, bias, and relevance in information to make wise decisions.
This document appears to be an English exam for secondary school students. It contains multiple choice and short answer questions testing listening comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and reading skills. The exam covers topics like a coach trip, pronunciation, word stress, verb tenses, transportation, films and entertainment. It concludes by providing the answers to check student work.
DepEd k12 English 7 fourth quarter module 4Rachel Iglesia
This folktale teaches about the importance of honesty between friends. A crow and sparrow make a bet to see who can eat the most peppers, but the crow cheats by hiding peppers under the mat without the sparrow seeing. When the crow claims victory and says he will eat the sparrow according to their bet, the sparrow insists the crow first wash his beak since crows eat nasty things. This leads the crow on a futile quest to get water, make a pot, and dig clay, exposing the crow's dishonest nature at each attempt. Ultimately, the greedy crow is burned to ashes when fire is placed on his back, while the honest sparrow lives to a ripe old age.
This document appears to be an English exam for a second periodical test. It contains multiple choice questions testing comprehension of passages, filling in blanks with correct verb forms and plurals, ordering events in a story chronologically, and matching groups of words to proper headings. It also includes a short writing section requiring correct punctuation, capitalization, and formatting. The exam covers a range of basic English language and comprehension skills.
English Periodical Test for Grade Six pupilsTashaunNizod
This document provides the table of specification for the Second Periodical Test in English VI. It outlines 8 content areas that will be covered in the test, the number of days taught for each area, the number of test items for each area, and the percentage of the test represented by each area. It also provides the total number of items and percentage breakdown of the test. The content areas include distinguishing different types of informational texts, noting information from texts, inferring word meanings, inferring target audiences, gathering information from sources, organizing information for writing tasks, using proper grammatical structures, and revising for clarity and mechanics. The test will contain 60 total items and cover these 8 content areas.
Here are some possible additional causes and effects based on the passage:
1.) The sun was in Pias eyes
- Pia blinked
- Pia saw a silver fish-tail briefly
2. Pia wasn't sure what she saw initially
1. Pia didn't move
- Pia was curious
- Pia wanted to see what/who was there
2. Pia met Lia
3.) Pia wore necklace
- Pia was able to breathe underwater
- Pia was able to explore the coral reef with Lia
2. Pia had an amazing underwater adventure
1. The document provides an introduction to a module on 21st century literature from the Philippines and the world. It explains that the module will help students understand literary context and its importance.
2. The module contains lessons on literary genres like graphic novels, hyper poetry, and text-talk novels. It also contains a poem about Padre Faura witnessing the execution of Jose Rizal and questions to help students analyze the poem.
3. Understanding context is important for appreciating literature. The module will help students examine the social and historical context of texts as well as literary techniques used by authors.
The document contains a daily lesson log for an English class in Grade 6. It outlines the objectives, content, learning competencies, procedures and activities for the week. The lessons focus on comprehending texts, oral communication skills, writing for different audiences, and providing tactful feedback. Key activities include analyzing short stories, distinguishing text types, using graphic organizers, and role playing conversations. The goal is to help students improve their English language skills.
The document contains a daily lesson log for an English class in Grade 6. It outlines the objectives, content, learning resources and procedures for the week. The objectives include understanding text types and using appropriate sentence structures for different audiences. Key lessons for the week include analyzing short stories, distinguishing text types, using graphic organizers to plan writing, and communicating tactfully. The resources listed will help students meet these objectives through activities like close reading, group discussions and multimedia presentations.
This document contains a 50-item diagnostic test in English for 6th grade students. It assesses various English skills through multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions. The test covers analyzing sound devices, pluralizing nouns, subject-verb agreement, inferring meanings from context clues, identifying sentence types, using roots to determine word meanings, and distinguishing text types. It also includes a table specifying the objectives, skills, number of items, and percentage of the test allocated to each skill area.
Cloze passages and jumble sentences un challengeWulida Sudrajat
Scientists predict that increasing greenhouse gases will warm the Earth by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius over the next century. The average temperature has been rising, with the 1990s being the warmest decade and 2005 the warmest year on record. Some scientists are reluctant to say global warming has begun as climate varies from year to year, but there is little disagreement that global warming is underway.
The document is a mid-semester exam for a 5th grade English class at SDIT Roudhotul Jannah school in Bekasi, Indonesia. The exam tests students on a reading passage about octopuses and includes multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions about the passage and English grammar. It aims to evaluate students' comprehension of the octopus text and their mastery of verbs, pronouns, prepositions and other English language concepts.
The document provides comprehension questions and answers for various reading passages. On page 2, questions assess understanding of details about Kala Nag's life. Page 4 questions check comprehension of a newspaper article. Page 6 questions test understanding of a personal account describing a family member's mental illness. The document continues providing questions for additional passages on various topics.
The document provides reading comprehension questions and suggested answers for three units. It covers topics such as Kala Nag's life, newspaper articles, personal accounts of mental illness, cultural symbols of Sikhism, the history of cell theory, and theories about a volcanic eruption in 535 AD. The questions test understanding of details, vocabulary, inferences, and writing styles across different types of texts.
This document contains exercises from an English grammar textbook focusing on noun phrases, adjectives, and adverb phrases. There are multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and sentence rewriting exercises testing understanding of articles, generic and specific reference, and modifying phrases using premodifiers and postmodifiers. Suggested answers are provided for each exercise.
The document provides a module for learning about narrative texts for 11th grade students in Indonesia. It includes:
1. An introduction to narrative texts, including their generic structure of orientation, complication, and resolution.
2. Examples and exercises for students to practice identifying the generic structure of narratives.
3. A sample narrative text in English about a prince searching for a princess. Questions follow to test comprehension of the sample text.
The document aims to teach students how to understand and analyze the components of a narrative text.
The document provides information about names and titles through vocabulary, listening, and reading exercises. The vocabulary section defines first and last names and has students practice filling in names. The listening section has students complete forms with names and messages. The reading comprehension asks students to understand details about the city of Lincoln, England from a passage and photograph, including locations of landmarks like the cathedral and castle. It also asks students to verify statements about the text.
The document provides examples and explanations of verb tenses, including the present, past, and future tenses. It discusses how the tense of a verb indicates the time frame of the action. There are exercises for students to identify and correct verb tenses in sentences. Key points covered include forming the past tense by adding "d" or "ed", uses of the present tense for general truths and habits, and using auxiliary verbs like "shall" and "will" to form the future tense.
1) The document provides information on the use of articles (a, an, the) in the English language. It explains the differences between indefinite articles (a, an) and the definite article (the) and their various uses.
2) Examples are given of inserting articles correctly in sentences and passages. The document also discusses cases where articles are omitted.
3) Assignments are included where readers must fill in articles correctly or omit them as needed in sentences. The document aims to teach readers the proper use of articles in the English language.
The document contains a reading comprehension test with multiple choice questions about 10 short texts. The texts cover topics like congratulating a student, celebrating a school anniversary, and planning a trip to visit a local French school. The test is intended to assess students' understanding of details, vocabulary, and inferences from the provided passages.
The document provides a 50-item quiz covering topics in MAPEH 6 (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health). The quiz includes multiple choice questions testing knowledge of:
- Musical notation, keys, intervals, and other concepts in Music.
- Digital painting software tools and techniques in Arts.
- Invasion games and their skills in Physical Education.
- Proper waste disposal, composting, and maintaining a healthy environment in Health.
The questions are divided into sections for each subject area, and a table at the end specifies the objectives, number of items, and percentage allocated for each topic area in the second quarter MAPEH 6 examination.
English Periodical Test for Grade Six pupilsTashaunNizod
This document provides the table of specification for the Second Periodical Test in English VI. It outlines 8 content areas that will be covered in the test, the number of days taught for each area, the number of test items for each area, and the percentage of the test represented by each area. It also provides the total number of items and percentage breakdown of the test. The content areas include distinguishing different types of informational texts, noting information from texts, inferring word meanings, inferring target audiences, gathering information from sources, organizing information for writing tasks, using proper grammatical structures, and revising for clarity and mechanics. The test will contain 60 total items and cover these 8 content areas.
Here are some possible additional causes and effects based on the passage:
1.) The sun was in Pias eyes
- Pia blinked
- Pia saw a silver fish-tail briefly
2. Pia wasn't sure what she saw initially
1. Pia didn't move
- Pia was curious
- Pia wanted to see what/who was there
2. Pia met Lia
3.) Pia wore necklace
- Pia was able to breathe underwater
- Pia was able to explore the coral reef with Lia
2. Pia had an amazing underwater adventure
1. The document provides an introduction to a module on 21st century literature from the Philippines and the world. It explains that the module will help students understand literary context and its importance.
2. The module contains lessons on literary genres like graphic novels, hyper poetry, and text-talk novels. It also contains a poem about Padre Faura witnessing the execution of Jose Rizal and questions to help students analyze the poem.
3. Understanding context is important for appreciating literature. The module will help students examine the social and historical context of texts as well as literary techniques used by authors.
The document contains a daily lesson log for an English class in Grade 6. It outlines the objectives, content, learning competencies, procedures and activities for the week. The lessons focus on comprehending texts, oral communication skills, writing for different audiences, and providing tactful feedback. Key activities include analyzing short stories, distinguishing text types, using graphic organizers, and role playing conversations. The goal is to help students improve their English language skills.
The document contains a daily lesson log for an English class in Grade 6. It outlines the objectives, content, learning resources and procedures for the week. The objectives include understanding text types and using appropriate sentence structures for different audiences. Key lessons for the week include analyzing short stories, distinguishing text types, using graphic organizers to plan writing, and communicating tactfully. The resources listed will help students meet these objectives through activities like close reading, group discussions and multimedia presentations.
This document contains a 50-item diagnostic test in English for 6th grade students. It assesses various English skills through multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions. The test covers analyzing sound devices, pluralizing nouns, subject-verb agreement, inferring meanings from context clues, identifying sentence types, using roots to determine word meanings, and distinguishing text types. It also includes a table specifying the objectives, skills, number of items, and percentage of the test allocated to each skill area.
Cloze passages and jumble sentences un challengeWulida Sudrajat
Scientists predict that increasing greenhouse gases will warm the Earth by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius over the next century. The average temperature has been rising, with the 1990s being the warmest decade and 2005 the warmest year on record. Some scientists are reluctant to say global warming has begun as climate varies from year to year, but there is little disagreement that global warming is underway.
The document is a mid-semester exam for a 5th grade English class at SDIT Roudhotul Jannah school in Bekasi, Indonesia. The exam tests students on a reading passage about octopuses and includes multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions about the passage and English grammar. It aims to evaluate students' comprehension of the octopus text and their mastery of verbs, pronouns, prepositions and other English language concepts.
The document provides comprehension questions and answers for various reading passages. On page 2, questions assess understanding of details about Kala Nag's life. Page 4 questions check comprehension of a newspaper article. Page 6 questions test understanding of a personal account describing a family member's mental illness. The document continues providing questions for additional passages on various topics.
The document provides reading comprehension questions and suggested answers for three units. It covers topics such as Kala Nag's life, newspaper articles, personal accounts of mental illness, cultural symbols of Sikhism, the history of cell theory, and theories about a volcanic eruption in 535 AD. The questions test understanding of details, vocabulary, inferences, and writing styles across different types of texts.
This document contains exercises from an English grammar textbook focusing on noun phrases, adjectives, and adverb phrases. There are multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and sentence rewriting exercises testing understanding of articles, generic and specific reference, and modifying phrases using premodifiers and postmodifiers. Suggested answers are provided for each exercise.
The document provides a module for learning about narrative texts for 11th grade students in Indonesia. It includes:
1. An introduction to narrative texts, including their generic structure of orientation, complication, and resolution.
2. Examples and exercises for students to practice identifying the generic structure of narratives.
3. A sample narrative text in English about a prince searching for a princess. Questions follow to test comprehension of the sample text.
The document aims to teach students how to understand and analyze the components of a narrative text.
The document provides information about names and titles through vocabulary, listening, and reading exercises. The vocabulary section defines first and last names and has students practice filling in names. The listening section has students complete forms with names and messages. The reading comprehension asks students to understand details about the city of Lincoln, England from a passage and photograph, including locations of landmarks like the cathedral and castle. It also asks students to verify statements about the text.
The document provides examples and explanations of verb tenses, including the present, past, and future tenses. It discusses how the tense of a verb indicates the time frame of the action. There are exercises for students to identify and correct verb tenses in sentences. Key points covered include forming the past tense by adding "d" or "ed", uses of the present tense for general truths and habits, and using auxiliary verbs like "shall" and "will" to form the future tense.
1) The document provides information on the use of articles (a, an, the) in the English language. It explains the differences between indefinite articles (a, an) and the definite article (the) and their various uses.
2) Examples are given of inserting articles correctly in sentences and passages. The document also discusses cases where articles are omitted.
3) Assignments are included where readers must fill in articles correctly or omit them as needed in sentences. The document aims to teach readers the proper use of articles in the English language.
The document contains a reading comprehension test with multiple choice questions about 10 short texts. The texts cover topics like congratulating a student, celebrating a school anniversary, and planning a trip to visit a local French school. The test is intended to assess students' understanding of details, vocabulary, and inferences from the provided passages.
The document provides a 50-item quiz covering topics in MAPEH 6 (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health). The quiz includes multiple choice questions testing knowledge of:
- Musical notation, keys, intervals, and other concepts in Music.
- Digital painting software tools and techniques in Arts.
- Invasion games and their skills in Physical Education.
- Proper waste disposal, composting, and maintaining a healthy environment in Health.
The questions are divided into sections for each subject area, and a table at the end specifies the objectives, number of items, and percentage allocated for each topic area in the second quarter MAPEH 6 examination.
Groups will rotate through stations analyzing pictures of materials. They will identify whether materials seen are useful or harmful. Students must complete a table labeling materials in each station and indicating if they are useful or harmful. They will be assessed on what materials they observed, whether all materials are safe, and how to identify useful vs. harmful materials based on what they are made of.
The document describes the steps in designing a product using recyclable materials. It includes planning the product by determining the objective, title, materials needed, and time required. The key steps are cleaning and preparing the materials, cutting and shaping them, decorating or labeling, and assembling the final product. The process aims to address a need while promoting reuse of recyclable items and waste reduction.
The document discusses proper waste disposal and management techniques. It covers:
1. Different waste management techniques like reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, and repair that can help lessen the harmful effects of waste.
2. The importance of proper waste segregation and disposal in preventing pollution. Improper disposal of waste into bodies of water can pollute them.
3. Ways to practice proper waste disposal like implementing waste separation in schools, homes, and communities to increase awareness on its importance. Managing waste properly through the 5Rs approach benefits the environment.
The document provides information and activities about identifying and reducing waste materials. It discusses identifying recyclable materials and gives examples. Students are asked to classify materials into boxes for reusing or recycling. Activities teach ways to reuse items like clothes and bottles. The document emphasizes reducing waste by using reusable containers and minimizing unnecessary materials.
This document outlines lessons on a school project where students construct useful products out of local and recyclable solid materials. It provides instructions on how to make a piggy bank out of a water bottle and a flower vase out of a plastic bottle. It also describes how to make a pencil case with a zipper out of two plastic bottles. The document discusses reviewing students' designed products, motivating them, and having them present and evaluate their finished outputs. Rubrics are used to assess each finished product on characteristics like outstanding, very satisfactory, satisfactory or poor.
The document describes the steps in designing a product using recyclable materials. It includes planning the product by determining the objective, title, materials needed, and time required. The key steps are cleaning and preparing the materials, cutting and shaping them, decorating or labeling, and assembling the final product. The process aims to address a need while promoting reuse of recyclable items and waste reduction.
Financial Forms, Awards & Appeals for Families & CounselorsCyndy McDonald
How can families maximize financial awards & pursue appeals? What happens once financial aid forms land at the college? Learn directly from financial aid officers what goes into award committee decisions & how financial aid offers are made. Discuss how to compare aid offers, and the correct way to approach appeals.
#cyndyfridayforums #cyndymcdonald #financialaid #collegeadmissions #collegecounseling
APM event hosted by the Wessex Network on 6 March.
Speakers: Martin Paver and James Garner
An evening of ground-breaking discussion on how next-generation project delivery is set to disrupt the traditional methods of project management. From risk management to PMOs, we explored the tension between refining old methods and completely reimagining them. An interactive conversation with the audience.
We explored why sticking to outdated practices can hinder progress and how embracing new technologies like AI and advanced data analytics can revolutionise the field. We challenged the conventional wisdom that has dominated project management for decades and highlight the pitfalls of resisting change. This session provided insights into how adopting innovative approaches can lead to more efficient, adaptive, and successful project outcomes. Whether you are a seasoned project manager or new to the field, this event should have provoked thought and inspired you to rethink your strategies. Plus, we showed you a path to futureproof your career.
Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of the project management revolution with some of the leading minds on the subject.
We delved into 2 recent open source books on Next Generation PMOs and Next Gen Risk Management which are successfully challenging established norms and seeding a movement. We also showcased some of the latest developments and demonstrate that we have transitioned from sci-fi to making this a reality.
Attendees gained insights into how these cutting-edge techniques can lead to more efficient, adaptive, and successful project outcomes.
Useful Link:
Recent advances in Insulin therapy: A comprehensive overviewDr C Vignesh
Recent Advances in Insulin Therapy: A Comprehensive Overview
This presentation provides an in-depth overview of insulin therapy, covering its historical evolution, structure, mechanism of action, and recent advances. The session is designed to enhance understanding of insulin's role in diabetes management and the latest innovations in its therapeutic application.
Key Highlights:
Pancreatic Anatomy & Physiology Understanding the endocrine function of the pancreas and insulin secretion mechanisms.
Insulin Structure & Mechanism of Action Exploring the biochemical structure, receptor interactions, and physiological regulation of insulin.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Definition, classification, diagnostic criteria, and complications associated with diabetes.
Timeline of Insulin Development A historical perspective on the discovery and evolution of insulin therapy.
Recent Advances in Insulin Therapy Discussion on novel insulin analogues (ultra-rapid, basal, and glucose-responsive insulins) and innovative insulin delivery systems (smart pens, closed-loop pumps, oral and inhaled insulins).
This presentation is useful for medical students, healthcare professionals, and researchers interested in advancements in diabetes management.
Keywords: Insulin therapy, insulin analogues, diabetes management, insulin delivery systems, diabetes mellitus, recent advances
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Understand the PRISMA Guidelines Explain the purpose and key components of the PRISMA checklist and flow diagram in systematic review reporting.
Identify Common Pitfalls Recognize frequent errors and challenges in reporting systematic reviews and how they impact transparency and reproducibility.
Apply Best Practices Implement strategies to enhance the clarity, completeness, and accuracy of systematic review reporting.
Use PRISMA Effectively Utilize PRISMA tools and resources to improve the structure and presentation of systematic reviews.
Assess PRISMA Compliance Critically evaluate published systematic reviews for adherence to PRISMA guidelines.
Chapter 4. Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis.pdfRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability.
Meaning, Objectives and Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis. , Tools for Financial
Statement Analysis , Balance Sheet: Vertical Balance Sheet (Simple Numerical) , Comparative
Statement: Introduction, Methods and Steps for Preparation (Example of Simple Statement ) ,
Common Sized Statement: Introduction, Methods and Steps for Preparation(Example of Simple
Statement ) , Cash Flow Statement: Importance Steps for Preparation & Use (Example of
Simple Statement ) , of Accounting Ratios: Meaning, Objectives and Classification
This table from Public Impact and The Innovation Project shows how models from Public Impact, called Opportunity Culture models, align with North Carolina's Advanced Teaching Roles (ATR) legislative requirements.
How to Simplify Reconciliation Process using Reconciliation Models using odoo...Celine George
In a firm, daily transactions are invoiced, but the accounting department may not enter all details immediately. Weekly, account statements are reviewed for reconciliation, ensuring accuracy and transparency by comparing cash transactions with bank records.
More Than Both Sides Redefining Objectivity March 2025.pdfLogan Aimone
Objectivity has been the gold standard in journalism. But whose objectivity? The traditional definition of objective must evolve beyond detached stenography and performative balance journalists must be truth tellers. Learn how increasing standards of fairness and transparency can improve credibility and trust.
The Paradox of Perfection - Publecture (EOS VU Amsterdam)Wico Mulder
"The Paradox of Perfection: Why Does Performance Pressure Hold Us Back?" with Wico Mulder, a youth doctor for adolescents and public health physician (Arts M&G). 咋
Gain valuable insights into how perfectionism and performance pressure impact personal growth and how to navigate them effectively. - 17 maart 2025.pdf
Design Policy and Strategy in the Expansion of Global Economic InitiativesMIPLM
PT_ENGLISH 6_Q2.docx
1. Second Periodical Test in English VI
Table of Specification
Contents/ Objectives No. of Days
No. of Items % Item
1. Distinguish various types of
informational/factual text
5 6 10 1-6
2. Note down relevant information from
text heard
(EN6LC-II-d-e 2.2)
5 6 10 7-12
3. Infer meaning of borrowed words and
context specific terms using
-context clues
-affixes and roots
-other strategies
(EN6V-II-a-f-12.3.3,, 12. 4.2.3)
6 7 12 13-19
4. Infer the target audience
4 5 7 20-25
5. Gather relevant information from
various sources:
- glossary
-Online references
(EN6SS-II-a-d-1.3, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3)
7 8 15 25-32
6. Organize information from primary
sources in preparation for writing,
reporting, and similar academic tasks in
collaboration with others
4 5 7 33-37
7. Compose clear and coherent sentences
using appropriate grammatical structures;
-order and degrees of regular adjectives
-order and degrees of irregular adjectives
-adverbs of intensity
-adverbs of frequency
-adverbs of manner
-adverbs of place and time
-prepositions and prepositional phrases
-subordinate and coordinate conjunctions
(EN6G-IIa-j-5.5, 5.2, 5.5.1, 5.2.1, 6.6, 6.7,
6.8, 6.5, 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 8.3, 8.4)
15 18 30 38-55
8. Revise clarity correct spelling-
appropriate punctuation marks-
transition/signal words
(EN6wC-II-e-1.8.2, 1.8.1,1.8.3)
4 5 8 55-60
Total 50 60 100 60
NAME: ____________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ______________________
I.A. Directions: Listen carefully then answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the correct
The Mountain and The Squirrel by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The mountain and the squirrel had a quarrel, And the former called the latter "Little prig.
Bun replied, "You are doubtless very big; But all sorts of things and weather Must be taken in
together.To make up a year and a sphere. And I think it no disgrace to occupy my place.
If I'm not so large as you, You are not so small as I, And not half so spry: I'll not deny you make A
very pretty squirrel track. Talents differ; all is well and wisely put; If I cannot carry forests on my back,
Neither can you crack a nut."
1. What was the cause of the quarrel between the mountain and the squirrel?
a. The mountain belittled the squirrel.
b. The squirrel said the mountain is wise.
c. The quarrel started when the mountain called the squirrel a little prig.
d. The quarrel started because the squirrel wanted to become big as the mountain.
2. What does the squirrel mean by saying all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together to
make up a year and a sphere?
a. That the mountain must show respect to others.
b. That we must consider the weather each day.
c. That the squirrel is mightier than the mountain.
d. The squirrel may be small but it can do many things the huge mountain can't do.
3. What does the squirrel mean by saying, If Im not so large as you, you are not so small as I.
a. It means that some of our limitations are good for us.
b. It means that the mountain can never be.
c. It means that the mountain cannot be like the small squirrel.
d. It means that the squirrel cannot grow as big as the mountain.
4. What advantages that the squirrel has over the mountain?
a. The mountain is quicker than the squirrel
b. The squirrel can walk faster than the mountain.
c. Squirrel is spry but the mountain cannot even move.
d. The squirrel can make a pretty track, but mountains can't.
B. Directions: Read the selection then answer the questions that follow.
Why Does a Cow Chewing When She isnt Eating?
A cow has a special stomach with four parts. When she eats grass, she chews it just enough to
make it wet. Then it goes into the first part of its stomach, where it becomes softer. From there it goes
into the second part, where it is made into little balls called cuds. Later, while the cow is resting, she
brings up each cud one at a time and chews it well. When she swallows it, the food goes into the third
part of her stomach. There the water squeezed out of it. Finally, the food goes to the fourth part of the
3. cows stomach and is broken down into very tiny pieces. Then the cows body can take what it needs
from the food to live and grow.
5. What happens to the grass when it goes to the first part?
A. The grass becomes harder. C. The grass becomes softer.
B. The grass liquify. D. The grass goes to the intestine
6. In what part is the water squeezed out?
A. first C. second
B. fourth D. third
III. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
7. Wetlands are synonymous to________.
A. rivers C. ponds
B. swamps D. seas
8. What is the root word of the word rarity?
A. rar C. rarity
b. rare D. ity
9. Which of these does not belong to land vegetation?
A. farms C. orchards
B. gardens D. reefs
10. She did not get the correct answer. So her answer is ________.
A. correct C .incorrect
B. right D. excellent
11. He always say, You are bad Grandma! The boy is ________.
A. impolite C. unpolite
B. mispolite D. dispolite
12. My mother bought a cheap pair of shoes in the market. She bought me_______ pair of shoes.
A. unexpensive C. misexpensive
B. inexpensive D. disexpensive
13. Although I was unable to understand all of the details of the presentation, I did get the gist of it.
A. humor C. main point
B. notes D. joke
IV. Directions: Complete the table below. Underline the product/service indorsed and the target
Eskinol, Olay, Bello Teenage boys, kids, teenage girls
Huggies, EQ, Pampers cook, mothers, teachers
Head and Shoulder, Creamsilk,
Men, Women, Babies
4. 17.
Anlene Gold, Bear Brand, Nido Old Women, Old Men, Teenagers
Fit n Right, Revicon, Cobra Working Men, Working Women,
IV. Directions: What reference materials will you refer to get information on the following? Write Al
for Almanac, En for Encyclopedia, Cc for Card Catalog and At for Atlas.
19. Mr. United nations in 1980. ___________
20. The first dog in space. ______________
21. The total land area of the Philippines. ___________
22. Information about Alburquerque, New Mixeco. _________
23. The illustrations in Black Beauty. _________
24. The history of music. ________
25. A book entitled The Swimming Lesson. ________
26. Who is Queen Elizabeth? ________
V. Directions: Determine if the source would be a Primary Source or Secondary Source.
27. A painting by Leonardo Da Vinci.
28. A letter from John Smith about his meeting with the Powhatan Indians.
29. A text book describing the The Great War.
30. A college professor describing how the pilgrims lived.
31. A reporter describing his time in Iraq.
VI. A. Supply the blank with the correct degree of adjectives in each sentence.
32 Mathematics for me is the (hard) _______ subject.
33. Mall of Asia is (gigantic) _______ than Festival Mall.
34. Which do you think is (pretty) ______ , a velvet gown or a satin gown?
35. Pagudpud is the (far) _____ place Ive ever been.
36. Watching TV is the (less) _____ of my priority right now.
B. Rearrange the sentences by placing the adjectives in correct order.
37. My mother bought me a black, long beautiful, silk gown.
38. I live in a brick, lovely, ancient, gigantic house.
39. We love our English, young, intelligent, teacher.
C. Underline the adverb of intensity used in each sentence.
40. Our driveway is completely flooded.
41. Daryls cheese cake is absolutely delicious.
42. Ms. Tess is terribly grumpy today.
5. D. Rewrite each sentence using the given adverb of frequency in its correct position.
43. Kyla listen to classical music.(often)
44. Ludy complains about her homework.(never)
E. Underline the preposition/s in each sentence.
45. I have to place my bag under the table to avoid mess-up of my things.
46. I have to finish my research paper before dinner time.
F. Identify the type of conjunction used in each sentence.
47. She has to go to school but shes not feeling well.
48. Although Liza is willing to take care of her, she couldnt.
49. Both her father and mother are at work.
A. Write the correct spelling of the underlined word.
50. This milk tastes suor.
6. Key to Correction
Second Periodical Test in English VI
1. Argument/ Persuasive text 21. Pampers, mothers 41. farthest
2. Expository text 22. Creamsilk, women 42. least
3. Procedural text 23. Anlene, old women 43. beautiful, long, black
4. Literary non fiction 24. Cobra, working men 44. lovely, gigantic, ancient, brick
5. Literary non fiction 25. Al 45. intelligent, young, English
6. Procedural text 26. En 46. completely
7. C 27. At 47. absolutely
8. D 28. At 48. terribly
9. A 29. Cc 49. Kyla often listens to classical
10. D 30. Al 50. Ludy never complains about
her homework.
11. C 31. Cc 51. under
12. D 32. al 52. before
13. B 33. Primary source 53. coordinating
14. B 34. Primary source 54. subordinating
15. D 35. Secondary source 55. correlative
16. C 36. Secondary source 56. sour
17. A 37. Primary source 57. proud
18. B 38. hardest 58. blouse
19. C 39. more gigantic 59. When I was at the movie, I
saw Tyson and Clyde.
20. Eskinol, teenage girls 40. prettier 60. We won the game! they
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