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Presented By: Monique Dallas & Lana Highfill
       2010-11 & 2011-12 Indiana Regional Presidents
What’s in a name?

Phronimon        Thumos      Katharotes
 Wisdom         Aspiration     Purity
Mission Statement
                "The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa
      shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship
              among two-year college students.
         To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa
       shall provide opportunity for the development
                   of leadership and service,
for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals,
               for lively fellowship for scholars,
                 and for stimulation of interest
             in continuing academic excellence."
ï‚— enrolled in a regionally accredited institution offering
  an associate degree program
ï‚— have completed at least 12 hours of coursework that
  may be applied to an associate degree
ï‚— have a grade point average of 3.25*
ï‚— receive an invitation to membership from the chapter
  at the college where presently enrolled

                                  * or as determined by your chapter

ï‚— The Golden Key Pin: worn on left side only, on lapel, or if no lapel, above
  your heart; do not wear on tee shirts
ï‚— Officer Pins: may be worn on left or right side, if you wear both key pin and
  officer pin, the officer pin should be worn on the right
ï‚— Medallions: wear at special occasions only; do not wear with officer pins
ï‚— Other Pins: do not wear other pins with the key pin; (Five Star pin is worn
  under key pin; International Convention pin may be worn on the right side
   ï‚— Exception!: A United States flag pin may be worn above the key pin
The Plans
For Members:
ï‚— Five Star Competitive Edge
  ï‚— Learn life skills and develop an online portfolio to
    showcase your accomplishments when transferring,
    applying for scholarships or starting your career.
For Chapters:
ï‚— Five Star Chapter Development Plan
  ï‚— A blueprint for building and maintaining a
    successful chapter
Competitive Edge
     Get a leg up on the competition for scholarships, transferring and your dream job.
                    Your college classes are only part of your education.
        Soft skills - such as communication, professional etiquette, team building
  and critical thinking - are just as important and can give you an advantage over others.

The Professional Development Plan Includes:
ï‚— Instructional videos by experts on critical thinking, scholarship application
  tips, professional etiquette, overcoming speech anxiety and more
ï‚— Activities to strengthen soft skills, completed individually or with your
ï‚— An Online Portfolio, a central location for posting leadership and service
  experience, awards/honors and photos/videos of accomplishments; share your
  portfolio with those writing letters of recommendation, potential employers,
  scholarship providers, college admissions officials and others
ï‚— A Professional Resume, step-by-step instructions for creating a professional
Five Star Chapter Development
The Program: Honors in Action
ï‚— Honors Study Topic
   ï‚— A timely, interdisciplinary and issue-driven subject chosen to promote
     discussion and to inspire individual, chapter and regional Honors in
     Action Projects
ï‚— Honors Case Study Challenge
   ï‚— An academic research competition based on the Honors Study Topic,
     includes cash awards and online publication of winning entries, open to
     individuals and chapters
ï‚— Honors Institute
   ï‚— A five-day summer conference examining the Honors Study Topic using
     speaker presentations and small group discussions
Additional Programs
ï‚— Leadership Development Studies
   ï‚— A humanities-based course using great works of
     literature, film, speeches, biographies and experiential
     learning in the study of leadership

ï‚— Facebook Leadership Development Study
   ï‚— An online dialogue exploring leadership topics with
     interested members, alumni or prospective members
The Recognition
ï‚— Hallmark Awards
  ï‚— Competitive awards recognizing outstanding Honors
    in Action by individuals, chapters and regions;
    applications due in February
ï‚— Nota Bene Anthology
  ï‚— A literary competition for members, includes cash
    awards and publication opportunities, submissions
    due in December
ï‚— Pinnacle Awards
   ï‚— An incentive program for chapters focused on
     effective member recruitment
Special Initiatives
ï‚— Community College Completion Corps
   ï‚— A student-led initiative to raise awareness of the
     importance of college completion not only for
     students but for colleges and the communities they
ï‚— Relay For Life
  ï‚— An annual fundraising event for the American
    Cancer Society in which chapters regularly
Scholarship Opportunities
ï‚— Transfer Scholarships

ï‚— Frank Lanza Memorial Scholarship

ï‚— Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise

ï‚— GEICO Business Student Scholarship

                Additional scholarships include, but are not limited to:
Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Scholarship Fund, Jeanette Rankin
                      Foundation, International Scholar Laureate Program,
                             Pearson Prize for Higher Education
Chapter Involvement
ï‚— Chapter Meetings
ï‚— Induction Ceremonies
ï‚— New Member Orientations
ï‚— Faculty & Student Awareness
ï‚— Event Committees
ï‚— Fundraisers
ï‚— Fellowship Events
ï‚— Campus Open Houses
ï‚— College & Transfer Fairs
ï‚— Collaboration with other student groups
ï‚— College and Honors in Action Projects
Regional & International Events
ï‚— Regional Convention
ï‚— International Convention
ï‚— Honors Institute
ï‚— Regional Summer Planning
ï‚— Regional Honors Conference
ï‚— Sister & Other Regional Events
Indiana Regional Officers
International Officers
Graduating with Honors
Indiana Region Alumni Association
ï‚— Eligible upon graduation or transfer from your
  two-year institution, as a member in good standing
ï‚— Applications available online
ï‚— Participate with chapter, regional and international
  conferences, meetings, and other events
ï‚— Continue to serve Phi Theta Kappa as an
  Alumni Association Member or Officer*
                                       *(term of office is 2 years)
Stay Connected!
ï‚— Facebook
   ï‚— Phi Theta Kappa
   ï‚— International Officers
   ï‚— Alumni

ï‚— Twitter
   ï‚— @ptkioteam

ï‚— YouTube
   ï‚— Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
ï‚— All information initially compiled by Jessica Roberts
  and modified by Lana Highfill
ï‚— Sources include ptk.org and indianaptk.org

More Related Content

PTK 101

  • 1. Presented By: Monique Dallas & Lana Highfill 2010-11 & 2011-12 Indiana Regional Presidents
  • 2. What’s in a name? Phronimon Thumos Katharotes Wisdom Aspiration Purity
  • 3. Mission Statement "The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence."
  • 4. Eligibility ï‚— enrolled in a regionally accredited institution offering an associate degree program ï‚— have completed at least 12 hours of coursework that may be applied to an associate degree ï‚— have a grade point average of 3.25* ï‚— receive an invitation to membership from the chapter at the college where presently enrolled * or as determined by your chapter
  • 5. Recognitions ï‚— The Golden Key Pin: worn on left side only, on lapel, or if no lapel, above your heart; do not wear on tee shirts ï‚— Officer Pins: may be worn on left or right side, if you wear both key pin and officer pin, the officer pin should be worn on the right ï‚— Medallions: wear at special occasions only; do not wear with officer pins ï‚— Other Pins: do not wear other pins with the key pin; (Five Star pin is worn under key pin; International Convention pin may be worn on the right side ï‚— Exception!: A United States flag pin may be worn above the key pin
  • 6. The Plans For Members: ï‚— Five Star Competitive Edge ï‚— Learn life skills and develop an online portfolio to showcase your accomplishments when transferring, applying for scholarships or starting your career. For Chapters: ï‚— Five Star Chapter Development Plan ï‚— A blueprint for building and maintaining a successful chapter
  • 7. Competitive Edge Get a leg up on the competition for scholarships, transferring and your dream job. Your college classes are only part of your education. Soft skills - such as communication, professional etiquette, team building and critical thinking - are just as important and can give you an advantage over others. The Professional Development Plan Includes: ï‚— Instructional videos by experts on critical thinking, scholarship application tips, professional etiquette, overcoming speech anxiety and more ï‚— Activities to strengthen soft skills, completed individually or with your chapter ï‚— An Online Portfolio, a central location for posting leadership and service experience, awards/honors and photos/videos of accomplishments; share your portfolio with those writing letters of recommendation, potential employers, scholarship providers, college admissions officials and others ï‚— A Professional Resume, step-by-step instructions for creating a professional resume
  • 8. Five Star Chapter Development
  • 9. The Program: Honors in Action ï‚— Honors Study Topic ï‚— A timely, interdisciplinary and issue-driven subject chosen to promote discussion and to inspire individual, chapter and regional Honors in Action Projects ï‚— Honors Case Study Challenge ï‚— An academic research competition based on the Honors Study Topic, includes cash awards and online publication of winning entries, open to individuals and chapters ï‚— Honors Institute ï‚— A five-day summer conference examining the Honors Study Topic using speaker presentations and small group discussions
  • 10. Additional Programs ï‚— Leadership Development Studies ï‚— A humanities-based course using great works of literature, film, speeches, biographies and experiential learning in the study of leadership ï‚— Facebook Leadership Development Study Group ï‚— An online dialogue exploring leadership topics with interested members, alumni or prospective members
  • 11. The Recognition ï‚— Hallmark Awards ï‚— Competitive awards recognizing outstanding Honors in Action by individuals, chapters and regions; applications due in February ï‚— Nota Bene Anthology ï‚— A literary competition for members, includes cash awards and publication opportunities, submissions due in December ï‚— Pinnacle Awards ï‚— An incentive program for chapters focused on effective member recruitment
  • 12. Special Initiatives ï‚— Community College Completion Corps ï‚— A student-led initiative to raise awareness of the importance of college completion not only for students but for colleges and the communities they serve. ï‚— Relay For Life ï‚— An annual fundraising event for the American Cancer Society in which chapters regularly participate
  • 13. Scholarship Opportunities ï‚— Transfer Scholarships ï‚— Frank Lanza Memorial Scholarship ï‚— Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise ï‚— GEICO Business Student Scholarship Additional scholarships include, but are not limited to: Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Scholarship Fund, Jeanette Rankin Foundation, International Scholar Laureate Program, Pearson Prize for Higher Education
  • 14. Chapter Involvement ï‚— Chapter Meetings ï‚— Induction Ceremonies ï‚— New Member Orientations ï‚— Faculty & Student Awareness ï‚— Event Committees ï‚— Fundraisers ï‚— Fellowship Events ï‚— Campus Open Houses ï‚— College & Transfer Fairs ï‚— Collaboration with other student groups ï‚— College and Honors in Action Projects
  • 16. Regional & International Events ï‚— Regional Convention ï‚— International Convention ï‚— Honors Institute ï‚— Regional Summer Planning ï‚— Regional Honors Conference ï‚— Sister & Other Regional Events
  • 20. Indiana Region Alumni Association ï‚— Eligible upon graduation or transfer from your two-year institution, as a member in good standing ï‚— Applications available online ï‚— Participate with chapter, regional and international conferences, meetings, and other events ï‚— Continue to serve Phi Theta Kappa as an Alumni Association Member or Officer* *(term of office is 2 years)
  • 21. Stay Connected! ï‚— Facebook ï‚— Phi Theta Kappa ï‚— International Officers ï‚— Alumni ï‚— Twitter ï‚— @PHITHETAKAPPA ï‚— @ptkioteam ï‚— YouTube ï‚— Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
  • 22. Resources ï‚— All information initially compiled by Jessica Roberts and modified by Lana Highfill ï‚— Sources include ptk.org and indianaptk.org

Editor's Notes

  1. The founders chose to model their new Society after the prestigious senior honor society, Phi Beta Kappa. The name Phi Theta Kappa was taken from the initial letters of the three Greek words meaning wisdom, aspiration and purity.
  2. Phi Theta Kappa's mission is two-fold: 1) recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students (this is YOU!, sitting here today shows that Phi Theta Kappa has recognized your scholarship achievement and you have received an exclusive invite to become a part of this society) and (2) provide opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in honors, leadership, service and fellowship programming (everything that Phi Theta Kappa throws your way, through the chapter, regional and international levels is an opportunity for you to develop yourself).
  3. Recognition and other items are available at http://store.ptk.org/
  4. Honors Program Guides are distributed to every chapter and are available in pdf form at http://www.ptk.org/sites/default/files/docs/honors/2012_honors_program_guide.pdf
  5. A full listing of Scholarship Opportunities are listed at http://www.ptk.org/become-a-member/scholarships
  6. Members in our region are eligible to run for all regional positions (VP North & VP South are based on location of your home chapter). Applications for Regional Office are due in February. Elections are held at the Annual Regional Convention in late February or March.
  7. Members are eligible to apply to run for International VP of Division III or International President. Applications for International Office are due in February. Elections are held at the Annual International Convention in April.
  8. Be sure to check out our regional website: http://indianaptk.org/ and our regional facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/indiana.region