This document provides an overview of a public lecture course at the Mother of Good Counsel Seminary Graduate School of Theology. The course aims to help students demonstrate competence in researching, writing, and delivering a public lecture that synthesizes their initial theological studies. It will provide lectures, library work, and online consultation to guide students through each step of the research process, including topic selection, methodology, source finding, data analysis, writing, and presentation. Students will be evaluated based on their written research paper and public lecture delivered at the end of the course.
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Public lecture overview
1. Mother of Good Counsel Seminary
Graduate School of Theology
a theologico-pastoral synthesis
Rev. Fr. Kenneth D. Alde
3. “an eternal conversation about things that matter done in
passion and discipline.”
-Hans-Georg Gadamer
expects the students to sufficiently manifest the
necessary skills in public address by showing
coherence of ideas as formulated and delivered
in a context-sensitive and socially relevant way,
as public lecture is required of the pastoral
ministry program as a means of synthesizing
one's initial studies in theology.
5. "pastoral synthesis of initial
theological studies"
aims & outcomoeustcomes
• demonstrate sufficient competence
of the research process
• write a research paper
• deliver a public lecture
9. Orientation A quick overview of the course
Planning a Research What is Research?
In Search of a Topic
Designing a Research The HOW? in Research: Methodology
Research Proposal
Searching for Sources Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
Breaking the Library Maze
Digging for Gold: critical use of the WEB
Collecting and Analyzing Data The Research Process
Data Analysis
Tools in Data Analysis
Writing Writing Do’s And Don’ts: A Guide
Formats and Styles (emphasis on referencing styles)
Reporting Presenting 101
course outline