The document provides an agenda for a public meeting to gather input on a proposal to close up to three elementary schools. It discusses factors driving the potential closures like declining enrollment, increased graduation requirements, and budget issues. It then lists criteria that will be used to evaluate which schools may be closed, such as the number of students affected, proximity to other schools, historical significance, and facility conditions. A timeline for the closure process is also outlined.
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Public Meetings - School Closings
1. A g e n d a Good evening, thank you for coming out tonight. We are here primarily for the purpose of gathering information and listening to public input . Presentation on the school closing process (sharing the facts the Board of Education is working with) Answer any clarifying questions surrounding the presentation and process Open the floor to all questions and comments related to Long Range Master Planning and the school closing process
2. Why is TCAPS considering closing up to three elementary schools?
3. maintain small class sizes preserve high quality programs ensure every TCAPS graduate is well prepared to succeed in the future In order to:
4. A number of external factors are stimulating change: school reform that includes greater rigor in the high school curriculum state budget woes that jeopardize adequate funding support slightly declining enrollment
6. High School Graduation Requirements are Increasing VPAA=Visual Performing Applied Arts LOTE=Language Other Than English added to graduation requirements with class of 2016
11. Enrollment/Capacities There are currently 16 elementary schools within TCAPS operating in 15 separate sites (Central Grade and Montessori share the Central Grade site). The total enrollments and capacities for these 15 sites are indicated below: 油 Data from 9/27/06 enrollment report
13. The guiding principles of the Long Range Master Planning process: Student achievement is the highest priority Keep class sizes as small as possible Maintain the quality and variety of the curriculum Give parents options: open enrollment, preschool, half-day or all-day kindergarten, etc.
14. Maintaining programs and small class sizes is more important than keeping buildings open Geography is a big factor when redistricting School closings and redistricting will be challenging for those affected The guiding principles (contd.)
15. Enrollment trends: Building District (Jr. High implications) Where to reassign students: Student proximity and Space available at nearby buildings Number of walkers attending the school Accessibility from other areas of the district Site issues: Age and condition of building Transportation and parking Playground and property Long term viability/future uses Financial implications Open enrollment implications Numbers in and out Other Criteria for Closing a School - Factors to Consider - TCAPS 2004
17. Criteria for Closing a School - Factors to Consider - Number of students displaced Net open enrollment in vs. out Number of walkers Proximity to non-TCAPS public schools Historical significance Current enrollment and projected trend Cost of renovation to meet 21 st century needs Size and flexibility of building/site for TCAPS purposes Value of property for other uses Transportation implications length and cost The ten criteria listed below are based upon public input, previous TCAPS closings and an analysis of processes used in other districts and are in no particular order.
18. Blair Elementary opened 1990 Courtade Elementary opened 1991 Old Mission Elementary reconstructed 2006 Silver Lake Elementary opened 1987 Traverse Heights Elementary reconstructed 2007 Westwoods Elementary opened 1990 The following six elementary schools have been removed from consideration for school closing: These buildings were removed from consideration for closure since they all meet 21 st century educational environmental needs having either been built or having undergone reconstruction in the last 20 years. All other buildings will be at least 50 years old by the fall of 2008.
39. Tentative Schedule of Elementary School Closings/Consolidation Process May 22 - June 8 Evening meetings conducted in each of the nine buildings slated for consideration. Closing process described and public input sought. Phase One
41. Phase Two June 11 July 6 Integrate the public input received during the nine public meetings and develop a plan for the Board of Education. Depending upon the complexity of the plan, either present the plan to the Board of Education or seek further public input on a tentative plan for the Board of Education.
42. Phase Three July 9 August 13 A recommendation is submitted to the Board of Education at either the first (July 9) or the second (July 23) Board meeting in July with the Board acting on the recommendation at its next scheduled meeting, the second meeting in July or the first meeting in August (August 13), respectively.