TEAM GROUP is among Thailands very first groups to study impacts on environment and implement public participation activities.
Mostly, we reached out to local people during the planning
process in order to listen to their opinions, identify their problems, and explore possible solutions with them until a mutual agreement is reached. We have successfully worked out excellent development approach for planned projects thanks to significant input from local people.
Sometimes, people to be adversely affected by the project
have agreed to make sacrifices after learning from our team that the planned projects will benefit the public considerably. Our team has also keenly listened to the needs of these stakeholders to ensure that they will get what they deserve in exchange for their sacrifices.
Through remedial actions, the affected peoples quality of life improves while development projects proceed. Such approaches have allowed TEAM GROUP to evolve its public participation and PR work up to the present day.
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1. 犖犖迦牽犖犖園犖犖迦犖犖犖÷元犖犢犖о犖犢犖о検
Public Participation-based
16 TEAM GROUP Newsletter
犖犖迦牽犖犖謹犖犖迦犖ム犖犖萎犖犖犖巌犖犢犖о犖ム犖犖÷犖犖巌犖÷犢犖犖犖犖園犖犢犖犖 犢犖÷厳犢犖犖犖犖萎検犖迦 犖.犖. 2514-2515
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犢犖犖劇犖犖犖犖犖迦犢犖犖犢犖犖園犖犖犖ム顕犖∇犖犖犖萎権犖萎犖園犖 犖犢犖о権犖犖迦牽犢犖犖萎潮犖橿犖犖犖犖犖迦犖迦牽犢犖ム 犢犖ム鍵犖犢犖犖÷顕犖犖謹犖÷元犖犖迦牽犖潮犖橿見犖犖
犢犖犖劇犖犖犖犖迦牽犖犖謹犖犖迦犖ム犖犖萎犖犖犢犖犖犖巌犖犢犖о犖ム犖犖÷犖犢犖犖犖犖犖÷顕犖∇犖朽犢犖犖犖犖犖迦牽犖犖犖萎犖犖犖犢犖迦犢 犖犖朽犖犢犖犖犖ム犖犖萎犖犖犢犖
犖犖犖萎犖迦犖 犖犢犖犖犖潮犖橿犖迦牽犖犖謹犖犖迦犖ム鍵犖犢犖犖犖犢犖迦犖犖犖萎犖犖犖÷犖迦牽犖犖巌犖犢犖о犖ム犖犖÷犖犢犖犖犖迦犖巌犢犖犖 犖犖謹犖犖萎潮犖橿犖犖巌犖犖迦牽犢犖犢
In Thailand, the first environmental impact assessment (EIA) was conducted around
1971 or 1972 for the Chao Nen Dam Development Project (the dam was later renamed the
Srinakharin Dam) in response to the World Banks advice. Later, several major dam projects
followed and all of them incorporated EIAs. Thailand has now enforced legislation that requires
projects with likely impacts on people to conduct EIAs and to seek approval from the National
Environment Board prior to project implementation.
2. TEAM GROUP is among Thailands very first groups to study
impacts on environment and implement public participation ac-tivities.
Mostly, we reached out to local people during the planning
process in order to listen to their opinions, identify their problems,
and explore possible solutions with them until a mutual agreement
is reached. We have successfully worked out excellent development
approach for planned projects thanks to significant input from local
people. Sometimes, people to be adversely affected by the project
have agreed to make sacrifices after learning from our team that
the planned projects will benefit the public considerably. Our team
has also keenly listened to the needs of these stakeholders to ensure
that they will get what they deserve in exchange for their sacrifices.
Through remedial actions, the affected peoples quality of life im-proves
while development projects proceed. Such approaches have
allowed TEAM GROUP to evolve its public participation and PR work
up to the present day.
When TEAM GROUP was commissioned to plan flood solutions
for the Fang River Basin, we assigned a team to probe local people
not only about what would solve problems but also what would win
their acceptance. With a people-centered approach, we received
constructive advice from the locals and entered the information into
our academically-tested hydraulic engineering to develop the solu-tion.
Our work process did not end there. We returned to the locals
to present the outcome and received a very favorable response.
Additionally, one of the factors that brought success to this project
was that we integrated both PR and public participation into
our methodology. We visited local people not just to share
our ideas but also to hear their voices. Throughout our
operations, we always adhere to this principle.
Under this principle, the work process takes
time to create shared understanding and engage
local people before we launch a project. It may
take years to conduct PR and public participation
activities even for a small project that will affect
just a four- or five-digit number of people.
However, development projects will achieve
their goals only when public participation is a
part of the development process and project
developers seriously pay attention to advice
given by consultants who have conducted
studies among local residents.
TEAM GROUP Newsletter 17
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