This document provides 9 tips for overcoming the fear of public speaking: dress appropriately for the occasion; thoroughly prepare your speech through practice and having note cards; be familiar with the room setup and technology; engage the audience through strong openings, questions, stories and visuals; understand your audience's needs and goals; be confident in your message and abilities; avoid filler words like "um" and "uh"; strictly adhere to time limits while planning for questions; and use appropriate humor to engage and relax the audience.
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9 Survival Tips For Public speaking
1. T I P S T O H E L P Y O U O V E R C O M E Y O U R F E A R
9 Survival Tips For Public
2. 9 Survival Tips for Public Speaking
? Dress for the Occasion
? Preparation
? Know the Room and the Technology
? Engage your Audience
? Purpose and Knowing Your Audience
? Be Confident…Own the Floor
? Avoid “Ums and Uhs”
? Timing
? Humor your Audience
3. Dress for the Occasion
? Always Dress Slightly Better than the Audience
? Dress Consistent with your Brand
? Dress in Something that Allows you to move
4. Prepare
? Practice, Practice, Practice
? Memorize the opening of your speech to reduce
anxiety and help with the flow
? Have a 3 x 5 card with bullet points
? Prepare for tough questions
? Imagine yourself succeeding
5. Know the Room and Technology
? Be familiar with the room settings
? Have a backup USB Drive with presentation loaded
on it
? Arrive early to set up and check equipment
? Make the room comfortable for your audience
? Have visual aids ready incase technology isn’t
6. Engage your Audience
? Open Strong
? Ask Questions
? Use Personal Experiences
? Add Humor
? Powerful Visuals
? Use Storytelling
? Have Handouts
? Solicit Feedback
7. Purpose and Knowing Your Audience
? Know what your audience likes.
? Why are they here? Mandatory? Are they here to
? What keeps them up at night?
? How can you solve their problems?
? What do you want them to do?
? How can you best reach them?
? How might they resist? What will keep them from
adopting your message
8. Be Confident…Own the Floor
? Don’t be afraid to make a mistake
? Believe in your capacity to improve
? Think Positively
"Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting
as if you already had the confidence you desire to
have." Brian Tracy
9. Avoid “Ums and Uhs”
? Ums and Uhs can be a cry for help
? They can kill your credibility
? The make your audience lose focus
? Use other filler words
? Instead of using Um and Uh, use pauses when
presenting. It allows you to collect your thoughts.
? Leave yourself a voicemail or record your previous
10. Timing
? Strictly adhere to your allotted time
? Leave time for Q&A
? Respect you audiences time (Especially Lunch
? Practice with a timer
? Have a plan to cut material
? Double Down (Create one short presentation and
one long presentation)
? Wear a watch (Phones can be distracting)
11. Humor your Audience
? If appropriate, open with a joke
? Add humor when necessary
? Identify things that make you laugh
? Humor will help you relax
? Humor helps unite an audience
? Humor often helps the audience retain information
? Humor helps you have fun too