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Class : IV-B (English)
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen
The honorable Mrs. Syahrela Niati, S.pd ,
And all of my audience who I love.
First of all, I want to say thanks for your coming and your time, now I would like to
give infomation to you especially for smoker. Do you know foods that can make you stop
smoking? Ok, now I will give you information about it. But, before I explain about it, I am
going to explain what is smoking first.
Ladies and gentlemen
Smoking is one of bad habit that can make people be addicted. Smoking is not good
for health. However, many people think that smoking can make them relax. Some of the
people are so difficult to handle themself consuming the cigarette. For the active smoker , it
will be a challenge.
According to a few experts of the Duke University, food and drink like a meat or
coffee can make smoking be addicted. But there are some foods for smoker that can make
them stop smoking such as product of milk, orang juice, celery, broccoli and red wine . it will
make taste of cigarette feel so bad.
1. Milk
Ladies and gentlemen
Milk is one of foods which contain a nutrition. But, many people dont know the milk
can help them stop smoking. The Dukes University said  if the smokers drink a glass of milk
before smoking. Therefore, they will not like taste of the cigarette. Because taste of the
cigarette will be bitter. This way can help you decrease addiction of the nicotine.
2. Orange Juice
Ladies and gentlemen
When the someone smoking, they will loss a lot of vitamin C. Some of foods like
orange, lemon, and black raisin are the best food for smoker that can less dependence of the
nicotine. Because as we know, orange has a lot of Vitamin and various nutrition that so good
for body and healthy if consume routinedly.
3. Celery
Ladies and gentlemen
Celery can also influence taste of cigarette. Celery can be become antioksidan source.
The celery is good for health although you consume the celery only a little. Celery is useful
for body. Because 100 gram of celery contain 10,2 mg lutein. Researcher of university of
chicago said that consume the celery for a week can reduce blood pressure until 12 %.
Raising potassium and natrium can increase blood electrolyte so that the blood pressure is
down. For the smoker, consume celery is so good to help them cleaning their body from free
radical that is brought by cigarette.
4. Broccoli
Ladies and gentlemen
Broccoli is kind of vegetable which useful for all people, because the broccoli have
various therapeutic. The broccoli contains sulforaphane, it can protect the lung from damage
due to toxin of nicotine. Unfortunately, the study find a proof that therapeutic is not active for
smoker, it is caused by nicotine which can kill activity of sulforaphane.
Benefit of broccoli for the smoker are much. Broccoli contains sulforaphan, and
antioksidan. The antioksidan in broccoli is able to help the body naturalizing carsinogenic. It
has been accurated in Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Bufalo, New York. The researcher
suggest, in addition to stop smoking, consume vegetable like broccoli will be useful for
health. Well for smoker or farmer of smoker. Consuming broccoli, it should be unripe.
Because the unripe vegetable is able to descrease 55 % risk of smoking.
5. Red wine
Ladies and gentlemen
Red wine is kind of drink that contain antioksidan. The antioksidan can protect your
body from free radical. Many researchers have shown that the red wine is useful for health.
By drinking the red wine a day. It can decrease risk of lung cancer on smoker or farmer of
smoker. The researcher of south California had found, if people drank a glass of red wine a
day, they have a possibilty 60% is lower to get lung cancer. The red wine has also flavonoid
and resveratrol, which useful for heart and blood. However, you have to be carefully because
consume the red wine too much is not good for body, you will addicted nicotine and alcohol.
Ladies gentlemen
In conclusion, foods have a lot of benefit for our body. Some foods can protect our
body from illness and can prevent us do bad habit such as smoking.
Thanks for your attention, may this information can be useful for you.

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Some Foods for Smoker

  • 1. Name : RETNO TRIZA Class : IV-B (English) NPM : SOME FOODS FOR SMOKER Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen The honorable Mrs. Syahrela Niati, S.pd , And all of my audience who I love. First of all, I want to say thanks for your coming and your time, now I would like to give infomation to you especially for smoker. Do you know foods that can make you stop smoking? Ok, now I will give you information about it. But, before I explain about it, I am going to explain what is smoking first. Ladies and gentlemen Smoking is one of bad habit that can make people be addicted. Smoking is not good for health. However, many people think that smoking can make them relax. Some of the people are so difficult to handle themself consuming the cigarette. For the active smoker , it will be a challenge. According to a few experts of the Duke University, food and drink like a meat or coffee can make smoking be addicted. But there are some foods for smoker that can make them stop smoking such as product of milk, orang juice, celery, broccoli and red wine . it will make taste of cigarette feel so bad. 1. Milk Ladies and gentlemen Milk is one of foods which contain a nutrition. But, many people dont know the milk can help them stop smoking. The Dukes University said if the smokers drink a glass of milk before smoking. Therefore, they will not like taste of the cigarette. Because taste of the cigarette will be bitter. This way can help you decrease addiction of the nicotine. 2. Orange Juice Ladies and gentlemen When the someone smoking, they will loss a lot of vitamin C. Some of foods like orange, lemon, and black raisin are the best food for smoker that can less dependence of the nicotine. Because as we know, orange has a lot of Vitamin and various nutrition that so good for body and healthy if consume routinedly.
  • 2. 3. Celery Ladies and gentlemen Celery can also influence taste of cigarette. Celery can be become antioksidan source. The celery is good for health although you consume the celery only a little. Celery is useful for body. Because 100 gram of celery contain 10,2 mg lutein. Researcher of university of chicago said that consume the celery for a week can reduce blood pressure until 12 %. Raising potassium and natrium can increase blood electrolyte so that the blood pressure is down. For the smoker, consume celery is so good to help them cleaning their body from free radical that is brought by cigarette. 4. Broccoli Ladies and gentlemen Broccoli is kind of vegetable which useful for all people, because the broccoli have various therapeutic. The broccoli contains sulforaphane, it can protect the lung from damage due to toxin of nicotine. Unfortunately, the study find a proof that therapeutic is not active for smoker, it is caused by nicotine which can kill activity of sulforaphane. Benefit of broccoli for the smoker are much. Broccoli contains sulforaphan, and antioksidan. The antioksidan in broccoli is able to help the body naturalizing carsinogenic. It has been accurated in Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Bufalo, New York. The researcher suggest, in addition to stop smoking, consume vegetable like broccoli will be useful for health. Well for smoker or farmer of smoker. Consuming broccoli, it should be unripe. Because the unripe vegetable is able to descrease 55 % risk of smoking. 5. Red wine Ladies and gentlemen Red wine is kind of drink that contain antioksidan. The antioksidan can protect your body from free radical. Many researchers have shown that the red wine is useful for health. By drinking the red wine a day. It can decrease risk of lung cancer on smoker or farmer of smoker. The researcher of south California had found, if people drank a glass of red wine a day, they have a possibilty 60% is lower to get lung cancer. The red wine has also flavonoid and resveratrol, which useful for heart and blood. However, you have to be carefully because consume the red wine too much is not good for body, you will addicted nicotine and alcohol. Ladies gentlemen In conclusion, foods have a lot of benefit for our body. Some foods can protect our body from illness and can prevent us do bad habit such as smoking. Thanks for your attention, may this information can be useful for you.