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[1] Sharma P.; Makharia G.; Yadav R.* ; Dwivedi S. D.and Deepak K. K. (2015),
Gastric myoelectrical activity in patients with in鍖ammatory bowel disease, Jour-
nal of Smooth Muscle Research, 51 (0), 50-57.
[2] Begum D.; Ravikumar K.M.; Mathew J.; Kubakaddi S. and Yadav R. (2015),
EEG-based patient monitoring system for mental alertness using adaptive neuro-
fuzzy approach, Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, 4(1), 59-66.
[3] Yadav R.; Shah A. K.; Loeb J. A.; Swamy M. N. S., & Agarwal R. (2012),
Morphology-based automatic seizure detector for intracerebral EEG recordings,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 59(7), 1871-1881.
[4] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy M. N. S. (2012), Model-based seizure detection
for intracranial EEG recordings, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
59(5), 14191428.
[5] Mukherjee, S.; Yadav, R.; Yung, I.; Zajdel, D. P. & Oken, B. S. (2011), Sensitivity
to mental e鍖ort and test-retest reliability of heart rate variability measures in
healthy seniors, Clinical Neurophysiology, 122(10), 20592066.
[6] Mukherjee, S.; Tripathi, M.; Chandra, P. S.; Yadav, R.; Choudhary, N.; Sagar,
R.; Bhore, R.; Pandey, R. M. & Deepak, K. K. (2009), Cardiovascular autonomic
functions in well-controlled and intractable partial epilepsies, Epilepsy Research
85(2-3), 261269.
[7] Agarwal, R.; Yadav, R.; Anand, S.; Suri, J. C. & Girija, J. (2007), Electrical
impedance plethysmography technique in estimating pulmonary function status,
Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 31(1), 1-9.
(Short Papers)
[8] Yadav, R., Lalibert辿 M.; Archambault A.; Villeneuve A.; L辿gar辿 F. and Doillon
C. J. (2014), Rapid Identi鍖cation of Cancerous Cells in the Murine Xenograft
Models, Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Con-
ference, xx-xx.
[9] Yadav, R; Shah, A. K.; Loeb, J. A.; Swamy, M. N. S. & Agarwal, R. (2011),
A novel unsupervised spike sorting algorithm for intracranial EEG recordings,
Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference,
[10] Yadav, R.; Swamy, M. N. S. & Agarwal, R. (2011), Rapid identi鍖cation of epilep-
togenic sites in the intracranial EEG recordings, Proceedings of IEEE Engineer-
ing in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 7553-7556.
[11] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2010), A novel morphology-based
classi鍖er for automatic detection of epileptic seizures, Proceedings of IEEE En-
gineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 55455548.
[12] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2009), A new improved model-
based seizure detection using statistically optimal null 鍖lter, Proceedings of IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 13181322.
[13] Petkar, H.; Dande, S.; Yadav, R.; Zeng, Y. & Nguyen, T. A. (2009), A pilot study
to assess designers mental stress using eye gaze system and electroencephalogram,
Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference,
[14] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2008), A novel dual-stage classi鍖er
for automatic detection of epileptic seizures, Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 911914.
1 of 4
* denotes senior author
[15] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2007), Detection of epileptic seizures
in stereo-EEG using frequency-weighted energy, Proceedings of IEEE Midwest
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 7780.
[16] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2007), STFT-Based segmentation
in model-based seizure detection, Proceedings of IEEE Canadian Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 729732.
[17] Burgoyne B.; Yadav R.; Archambault A.; Gigu竪re M.; Dupuis A., Kim Y. and
Villeneuve A. (2015), Synchronization of a programmable laser and Ti: Sapphire
laser using an optical feedback, SPIE Photonics West 2015 LASE, xx-xx.
[18] Gigu竪re M.; Yadav R.; Burgoyne B. and Villeneuve A. (2014), Widely-tunable
mid-infrared laser source as key component for molecular spectroscopy systems,
Proceedings of SPIE Photonics West 2014.
[19] Kim Y.; Yadav R.; Dupuis A.; Villeneuve A. and Salhany J. (2013), Applica-
tions of swept-鍖ber-laser-based nonlinear (CARS, SRS) or linear (mid-infrared)
molecular spectroscopy system, Proceedings of SPIE Optical Engineering + Ap-
plications 2013.
[20] Bradley, B.; Green, G.; Yadav, R.; Batkin, I. & Seely, A. J. E. (2011), The
feasibility of continuous heart and respiratory rate variability analysis in the
intensive care unit: A pilot investigation, Journal of Critical Care, 26(2), e5.
[21] Bradley, B.; Yadav, R.; Green, G.; Batkin, I. & Seely, A. J. E. (2010), Impact
of sedation on continuous heart and respiratory rate variability monitoring in
critically ill patients, Critical Care Medicine, 38(12), e5.
[22] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2010), Smart monitoring and thera-
peutic application of the self-adapting seizure detection system, IEEE Workshop
on Adverse Response Monitoring-WARM-2010.
[23] Yadav, R.; Deepak, K. K.; Tuli, S. & Anand, A. (2004), A study of heart rate
variability and respiratory frequencies in epilepsy, Indian Journal of Physiology
and Pharmacology, 48(5), 172.
[24] Sharma, P.; Makharia, G.; Yadav, R. & Deepak, K. K., (2004), Non-invasive
measurement of gastric myoelectrical activity in crohns disease, Indian Journal
of Physiology and Pharmacology, 48(5), 185.
[25] Dubey, S.; Yadav, R.; Maladen, R. & and Anand, S. (2004), Optical Imaging of
chakras using PPG, Proceedings of International conferences on laser application
and optical metrology, IIT Delhi, India.
[26] Deepak, K. K.; Vyas, A.; Singh, N.; Sharma, R. K.; Yadav, R. & Singh, D. (2003),
Indigenously developed software for HRV analysis using the concept of virtual
instrumentation, Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 47(5), 28.
[27] Yadav, R.; Deepak, K. K.; Tuli, S. & Anand, A. (2004), Galvanic skin resistance
(GSR): a study in epilepsy, Proceedings of National Convention of Electronics
and Telecommunication Engineers, IETE Delhi State Chapter, 4 pages.
[28] Yadav, R.; Deepak, K. K.; Tuli, S. & Anand, A. (2004), Trend in pulse wave anal-
ysis, Baldev Singh workshop on non-invasive measurement of peripheral blood
鍖ow and cardiac output, 6 pages.
2 of 4
[29] Kubbakadi, S.; Yadav, R.; Deepak, K. K.; Tuli, S. & Anand, S. (2004), EOG signal
analysis: For assistive devices, Proceedings of National Convention of Electronics
and Telecommunication Engineers, IETE Delhi State Chapter, 4 pages.
[30] Sharma, P.; Yadav, R.; Deepak, K. K.; Tuli, S. & Anand, S.. (2004), Non-invasive
measurement of gastric myoelectrical activity in Ulcerative colitis, Proceedings
of National Convention of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, IETE
Delhi State Chapter, 4 pages.
Press Releases
and Other
[31] Yadav R., Automatic detection and classi鍖cation of neural signals in epilepsy,
PhD thesis, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1-262, 2012.
[32] Desjardins, S-J., New way to detect epileptic seizures, Press Release, EurekAlert,
[33] Atack, C., Seizing: The moment, Concordia University, NOW Magazine, March,
[34] Yadav R., Evaluation of McSleepy: Automated Anesthesia System, Technical
report, McGill University, 1-8, 2009.
[35] Yadav R.; Tejuja, A; Ahmad, S.; Newman K. D. & Seely, A. J. E., Monitoring
respiratory variability: Methodology, pathophysiology and application, Technical
report, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-21, 2009.
[36] Yadav R., Continuous individualized multi-organ variability, Technical report, Ot-
tawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-75, 2009.
[37] Yadav, R.; Geris, H; Nizami, S.; Batkin, I. & Seely, A. J. E., Validation and
performance evaluation of CIMVA algorithms, Technical report, Ottawa Hospital
Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-10, 2009.
[38] Yadav, R., A novel data-adaptive QRS detection algorithm, Technical report,
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-10, 2008.
[39] Yadav, R., Dinural variation in heart rate variability in excercise testing, Ottawa
Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-8, 2008.
[40] Yadav, R., Heart rate variability during excercise testing: a preliminary evalua-
tion, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-6, 2008.
[41] Yadav, R., Evaulation of variability outcomes using the high-鍖delity ECG wave-
forms and inter-beat-interval data, Technical report, Ottawa Hospital Research
Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-6, 2008.
[42] Yadav, R., Self-learning seizure detection system, Technical report, Concordia
University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1-30, 2008.
[43] Yadav, R., Self-adapting seizure detection system, Technical report, Concordia
University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1-40, 2007.
[44] Yadav, R., Recurrent neural network and Lyapunov exponents in the classi鍖cation
of EEG signals, Technical report, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada,
1-20, 2006.
[45] Yadav, R., Classi鍖cation of epileptic spikes using wavelet transform, Technical
report, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1-20, 2005.
[46] Yadav, R., Quanti鍖cation of autonomic tones in epilepsy, Technical report, Indian
Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 1-30, 2004.
3 of 4
[47] Yadav, R., Surface acoustic wave (SAW)-based sensors in biomedical engineering,
Technical report, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 1-40, 2003.
[48] Yadav, R., Real-time operating systems (RTOS), Technical report, Department
of Electronics, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar
Pradesh, India, 1-20, 2000.
[49] Yadav, R., Simulation of Windows operating system, Technical report, Depart-
ment of Electronics, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur,
Uttar Pradesh, India, 1-100, 2001.
4 of 4

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  • 1. Peer-reviewed Journal Publications [1] Sharma P.; Makharia G.; Yadav R.* ; Dwivedi S. D.and Deepak K. K. (2015), Gastric myoelectrical activity in patients with in鍖ammatory bowel disease, Jour- nal of Smooth Muscle Research, 51 (0), 50-57. [2] Begum D.; Ravikumar K.M.; Mathew J.; Kubakaddi S. and Yadav R. (2015), EEG-based patient monitoring system for mental alertness using adaptive neuro- fuzzy approach, Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, 4(1), 59-66. [3] Yadav R.; Shah A. K.; Loeb J. A.; Swamy M. N. S., & Agarwal R. (2012), Morphology-based automatic seizure detector for intracerebral EEG recordings, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 59(7), 1871-1881. [4] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy M. N. S. (2012), Model-based seizure detection for intracranial EEG recordings, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 59(5), 14191428. [5] Mukherjee, S.; Yadav, R.; Yung, I.; Zajdel, D. P. & Oken, B. S. (2011), Sensitivity to mental e鍖ort and test-retest reliability of heart rate variability measures in healthy seniors, Clinical Neurophysiology, 122(10), 20592066. [6] Mukherjee, S.; Tripathi, M.; Chandra, P. S.; Yadav, R.; Choudhary, N.; Sagar, R.; Bhore, R.; Pandey, R. M. & Deepak, K. K. (2009), Cardiovascular autonomic functions in well-controlled and intractable partial epilepsies, Epilepsy Research 85(2-3), 261269. [7] Agarwal, R.; Yadav, R.; Anand, S.; Suri, J. C. & Girija, J. (2007), Electrical impedance plethysmography technique in estimating pulmonary function status, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 31(1), 1-9. Peer-reviewed Conference Publications (Short Papers) [8] Yadav, R., Lalibert辿 M.; Archambault A.; Villeneuve A.; L辿gar辿 F. and Doillon C. J. (2014), Rapid Identi鍖cation of Cancerous Cells in the Murine Xenograft Models, Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Con- ference, xx-xx. [9] Yadav, R; Shah, A. K.; Loeb, J. A.; Swamy, M. N. S. & Agarwal, R. (2011), A novel unsupervised spike sorting algorithm for intracranial EEG recordings, Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 7545-7548. [10] Yadav, R.; Swamy, M. N. S. & Agarwal, R. (2011), Rapid identi鍖cation of epilep- togenic sites in the intracranial EEG recordings, Proceedings of IEEE Engineer- ing in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 7553-7556. [11] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2010), A novel morphology-based classi鍖er for automatic detection of epileptic seizures, Proceedings of IEEE En- gineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 55455548. [12] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2009), A new improved model- based seizure detection using statistically optimal null 鍖lter, Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 13181322. [13] Petkar, H.; Dande, S.; Yadav, R.; Zeng, Y. & Nguyen, T. A. (2009), A pilot study to assess designers mental stress using eye gaze system and electroencephalogram, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, 899909. [14] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2008), A novel dual-stage classi鍖er for automatic detection of epileptic seizures, Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 911914. 1 of 4 * denotes senior author
  • 2. [15] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2007), Detection of epileptic seizures in stereo-EEG using frequency-weighted energy, Proceedings of IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 7780. [16] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2007), STFT-Based segmentation in model-based seizure detection, Proceedings of IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 729732. Peer-reviewed Abstracts [17] Burgoyne B.; Yadav R.; Archambault A.; Gigu竪re M.; Dupuis A., Kim Y. and Villeneuve A. (2015), Synchronization of a programmable laser and Ti: Sapphire laser using an optical feedback, SPIE Photonics West 2015 LASE, xx-xx. [18] Gigu竪re M.; Yadav R.; Burgoyne B. and Villeneuve A. (2014), Widely-tunable mid-infrared laser source as key component for molecular spectroscopy systems, Proceedings of SPIE Photonics West 2014. [19] Kim Y.; Yadav R.; Dupuis A.; Villeneuve A. and Salhany J. (2013), Applica- tions of swept-鍖ber-laser-based nonlinear (CARS, SRS) or linear (mid-infrared) molecular spectroscopy system, Proceedings of SPIE Optical Engineering + Ap- plications 2013. [20] Bradley, B.; Green, G.; Yadav, R.; Batkin, I. & Seely, A. J. E. (2011), The feasibility of continuous heart and respiratory rate variability analysis in the intensive care unit: A pilot investigation, Journal of Critical Care, 26(2), e5. [21] Bradley, B.; Yadav, R.; Green, G.; Batkin, I. & Seely, A. J. E. (2010), Impact of sedation on continuous heart and respiratory rate variability monitoring in critically ill patients, Critical Care Medicine, 38(12), e5. [22] Yadav, R.; Agarwal, R. & Swamy, M. N. S. (2010), Smart monitoring and thera- peutic application of the self-adapting seizure detection system, IEEE Workshop on Adverse Response Monitoring-WARM-2010. [23] Yadav, R.; Deepak, K. K.; Tuli, S. & Anand, A. (2004), A study of heart rate variability and respiratory frequencies in epilepsy, Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 48(5), 172. [24] Sharma, P.; Makharia, G.; Yadav, R. & Deepak, K. K., (2004), Non-invasive measurement of gastric myoelectrical activity in crohns disease, Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 48(5), 185. [25] Dubey, S.; Yadav, R.; Maladen, R. & and Anand, S. (2004), Optical Imaging of chakras using PPG, Proceedings of International conferences on laser application and optical metrology, IIT Delhi, India. [26] Deepak, K. K.; Vyas, A.; Singh, N.; Sharma, R. K.; Yadav, R. & Singh, D. (2003), Indigenously developed software for HRV analysis using the concept of virtual instrumentation, Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 47(5), 28. Non-referred Conference Publications [27] Yadav, R.; Deepak, K. K.; Tuli, S. & Anand, A. (2004), Galvanic skin resistance (GSR): a study in epilepsy, Proceedings of National Convention of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, IETE Delhi State Chapter, 4 pages. [28] Yadav, R.; Deepak, K. K.; Tuli, S. & Anand, A. (2004), Trend in pulse wave anal- ysis, Baldev Singh workshop on non-invasive measurement of peripheral blood 鍖ow and cardiac output, 6 pages. 2 of 4
  • 3. [29] Kubbakadi, S.; Yadav, R.; Deepak, K. K.; Tuli, S. & Anand, S. (2004), EOG signal analysis: For assistive devices, Proceedings of National Convention of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, IETE Delhi State Chapter, 4 pages. [30] Sharma, P.; Yadav, R.; Deepak, K. K.; Tuli, S. & Anand, S.. (2004), Non-invasive measurement of gastric myoelectrical activity in Ulcerative colitis, Proceedings of National Convention of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, IETE Delhi State Chapter, 4 pages. Press Releases and Other Publications [31] Yadav R., Automatic detection and classi鍖cation of neural signals in epilepsy, PhD thesis, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1-262, 2012. [32] Desjardins, S-J., New way to detect epileptic seizures, Press Release, EurekAlert, 2011. [33] Atack, C., Seizing: The moment, Concordia University, NOW Magazine, March, 2011. [34] Yadav R., Evaluation of McSleepy: Automated Anesthesia System, Technical report, McGill University, 1-8, 2009. [35] Yadav R.; Tejuja, A; Ahmad, S.; Newman K. D. & Seely, A. J. E., Monitoring respiratory variability: Methodology, pathophysiology and application, Technical report, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-21, 2009. [36] Yadav R., Continuous individualized multi-organ variability, Technical report, Ot- tawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-75, 2009. [37] Yadav, R.; Geris, H; Nizami, S.; Batkin, I. & Seely, A. J. E., Validation and performance evaluation of CIMVA algorithms, Technical report, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-10, 2009. [38] Yadav, R., A novel data-adaptive QRS detection algorithm, Technical report, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-10, 2008. [39] Yadav, R., Dinural variation in heart rate variability in excercise testing, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-8, 2008. [40] Yadav, R., Heart rate variability during excercise testing: a preliminary evalua- tion, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-6, 2008. [41] Yadav, R., Evaulation of variability outcomes using the high-鍖delity ECG wave- forms and inter-beat-interval data, Technical report, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 1-6, 2008. [42] Yadav, R., Self-learning seizure detection system, Technical report, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1-30, 2008. [43] Yadav, R., Self-adapting seizure detection system, Technical report, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1-40, 2007. [44] Yadav, R., Recurrent neural network and Lyapunov exponents in the classi鍖cation of EEG signals, Technical report, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1-20, 2006. [45] Yadav, R., Classi鍖cation of epileptic spikes using wavelet transform, Technical report, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 1-20, 2005. [46] Yadav, R., Quanti鍖cation of autonomic tones in epilepsy, Technical report, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 1-30, 2004. 3 of 4
  • 4. [47] Yadav, R., Surface acoustic wave (SAW)-based sensors in biomedical engineering, Technical report, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 1-40, 2003. [48] Yadav, R., Real-time operating systems (RTOS), Technical report, Department of Electronics, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1-20, 2000. [49] Yadav, R., Simulation of Windows operating system, Technical report, Depart- ment of Electronics, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1-100, 2001. 4 of 4