This document provides a list of publications by Danielle Bethea, including peer-reviewed journal articles, technical reports, and presentations. The publications cover topics such as population structure and gene flow of small coastal sharks, analysis of movement patterns of juvenile sawfish, reassessment of trophic levels of sharks, distribution and community structure of coastal sharks in the Gulf of Mexico, essential fish habitat of juvenile coastal sharks, and selectivity of gillnets for juvenile sharks. Many of the publications use data from tagging studies of small coastal and hammerhead sharks conducted in the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern United States.
This document summarizes a study on the rockfish resources of the south central California coast. Researchers from California Polytechnic State University placed observers on party boats from 2003-2005 to record catch data by species, including catch per unit effort and mean size. They supplemented this with historical catch data from 1980-1998 from the California Department of Fish and Game and Pacific Gas & Electric. The study aims to analyze population trends over the past 25 years for various rockfish species in the region and compare sizes over time. Preliminary results found fluctuating catch rates but no consistent declining trends, except for bocaccio rockfish. Mean sizes were generally above maturity levels.
This document reviews literature on recreational fishers' perspectives on establishing and managing marine protected areas (MPAs). It finds that while some recreational fishers support MPAs to increase fish populations, others oppose them as interfering with fishing. Views differ based on factors like how attached people are to the area. More research is needed on how displacement may affect fishers and how to best involve fishers in decision-making around MPA establishment and management.
This report summarizes a 7-year study of the nearshore fish fauna in Bonne Bay, Newfoundland from 2002-2008. 31 fish species from 17 families were documented. Both juvenile and adult Atlantic cod were present, suggesting a local "bay cod" population. Acadian redfish and striped wolfish, a species protected under Canadian law, also inhabit the bay. Fish assemblages varied between different benthic habitats. The study provides a baseline for conservation efforts in the nationally protected bay, which supports diverse fish communities and species.
The Epibionts on Caretta caretta Shells on Bald Head Island, NCBHIConservancy
The document summarizes a study on the epibionts (organisms living on the surface of another) found on loggerhead sea turtle shells on Bald Head Island, NC. The author observed large numbers of the skeleton shrimp species Caprella andreae and plans to identify other epibiont species to determine if warming ocean temperatures have caused the northern and southern epibiont populations described in a past study to migrate farther north.
Bacterial associations with the hydromedusa Nemopsis bachei and scyphomedusa ...Meaghan Daley
This document describes a study comparing the bacterial communities associated with two jellyfish species, Nemopsis bachei and Aurelia aurita, collected from coastal waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. Bacterial communities associated with each jellyfish species were distinct from surrounding seawater communities and from each other. N. bachei hosted Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Alphaproteobacteria, including potential symbionts like Tenacibaculum sp. A. aurita hosted potential symbionts from the order Mycoplasmatales and more unclassified bacteria and Cyanobacteria. The results suggest different jellyfish species in the North Atlantic promote growth of distinct microbial communities and could differentially impact bioge
The document discusses aquatic invasive species and their threats to fisheries conservation. It provides examples of specific invasive species problems, such as quagga and zebra mussels destroying ecosystems in the Great Lakes, and giant salvinia overtaking waterways in the South. The author advocates for a multi-pronged approach including prevention, control, and eradication to address invasive species, but notes funding and resources are limited. Readers are encouraged to do their part in stopping the spread of invasives to help conserve fisheries.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the qualifications and experience of Liam M. Carr, including his education, areas of expertise, research interests, teaching experience, publications, presentations, reports, and collaborations in the fields of marine resource management, fisheries, coastal tourism, aquaculture, and marine spatial planning. Carr holds a PhD in Geography from Texas A&M University and has over 15 years of experience researching social-ecological systems and advising on public policy. He currently lectures at NUI Galway in Ireland.
This document is a 384 reference bibliography of sources related to the Quaternary geology of Michigan compiled by Patrick M. Colgan and last updated on June 25, 2010. It contains references to peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and other sources that discuss topics including till stratigraphy, coastal wetlands classification, longshore currents, ice sheet dynamics, dune formation, soil development, lake levels, substrate mapping, and more. The references range from 1907 to 2009 and cover research conducted throughout Michigan.
Three major events occurred in the Indian River Lagoon in 2011:
1) Two large phytoplankton blooms stretched along the lagoon from north to south over seven months, resulting in significant seagrass loss.
2) In response, the St. Johns River Water Management District established an investigation into the northern bloom.
3) Researchers from the Smithsonian Marine Station are part of the team studying the effects of filter feeders on bloom formation. They are sampling invertebrates from over 40 sites that could potentially consume bloom-forming algae.
The 2020 annual report from the Treaty Indian Tribes in Western Washington summarizes tribal natural resource management activities over the past year, including:
1) Salmon harvest was reduced due to low returns, while shellfish and marine fish harvest was managed through cooperative agreements.
2) Habitat, hatchery, wildlife, and forest management programs were ongoing, while concerns remained regarding implementation of the culvert case ruling and potential rollbacks to water quality standards.
3) Regional collaboration on issues like orca recovery, salmon habitat protection, and pinniped management continued through groups like the Billy Frank Jr. Salmon Coalition.
Viktor Lewynsky has over 44 years of experience in fisheries management, aquatic ecology, statistics, and environmental management in Canada and the US. He has held positions with various government agencies and research organizations, focusing on areas such as fisheries surveys, population dynamics, habitat evaluations, and environmental training. He now works independently as a fisheries consultant through his own company, providing professional services to government, industry, First Nations, and other groups.
Sharks are top predators, but little was known about bonnethead sharks' feeding ecology in Tampa Bay. The author studied the diets of 13 bonnethead sharks captured in Tampa Bay. The study found the main dietary components were blue crab, common spider crab, and seagrass, with seagrass having the highest index of relative importance. While seagrass made up most of the diets numerically, it is unclear if bonnetheads actively forage seagrass. More research with larger sample sizes is needed to better understand bonnethead feeding ecology in Tampa Bay and determine if environmental changes have impacted their diets.
The document discusses several research projects related to biology and environmental science. It provides brief descriptions of each project's objectives, including examining genetic structure of dolphin populations impacted by fisheries, quantifying growth and survival of corals on high-latitude reefs, understanding symbiotic relationships between legume plants and rhizobia bacteria, using RNAi to silence genes in green peach aphids, assessing abundance and connectivity of dolphin populations in Western Australia, investigating bat and vegetation succession in restored mine sites, analyzing microbial communities associated with corals, and more.
This annual report from the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission summarizes their work in 2021 managing natural resources in Western Washington through co-management with the state. It discusses declining salmon returns leading to reduced fishing opportunities, as well as efforts to protect and restore riparian habitat. It also covers impacts of seal and sea lion predation on salmon, COVID-19 impacts on tribal fisheries and economies, and the 50th anniversary of the "Fish Wars" that led to upholding treaty fishing rights in the Boldt decision.
The annual report summarizes activities of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission and member tribes in 2022. Key points include: Lorraine Loomis, a longtime chairperson, passed away and Ed Johnstone was selected to fill her term. A statue of Billy Frank Jr. will represent Washington state in the U.S. Capitol. Salmon fisheries faced restrictions due to declining stocks. Tribes continued to manage shellfish harvests through agreements. The Quinault Indian Nation opened razor clam digs when toxins subsided. The Nisqually Tribe is testing use of cedar boughs to attract herring.
Research Proposal - Are the Ad辿lie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, populations w...ElizabethHowarth1
Rational - The focus on this study is to evaluate how the population size and health of Ad辿lie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, colonies at Cape Royds, Cape Bird and Cape Crozier have changed over time, especially in relation to the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area, MPA, established in 2017 and considering major environmental and biological factors that could have an effect on these populations. We will continue to collect new data annually to look at any affects the Ross Sea region MPA is having on these populations. Using data about population sizes of colonies and health of individuals from within the colonies, we will evaluate the overall health of the colonies and predict how we expect them to change in the near future. This is an important study as P. adeliae are an indicator species for their local ecosystem the health of the penguin colonies reflects the health of the local ecosystem.
The document discusses Croatia's efforts towards e-government and a digital administration. It outlines the integration of base registries in 2012 to allow citizens to access official documents from any registry office. It also details the Central Salary System which calculates salaries for 250,000 public sector employees using the integrated RegZap registry. Further, it explains laws established to coordinate IT projects through the ProDII office and improve data sharing between systems using the Metaregister. Statistics are provided on growing use of the e-Citizens portal and its top 5 most used e-services. Finally, it outlines strategies in the e-Croatia 2020 plan to improve interoperability, develop cloud infrastructure and sectoral e-services, as
How do philosophers think their own disciplines?Michele Pasin
This document summarizes an experiment using a card sorting knowledge elicitation technique with philosophy experts and non-experts. The experts provided 30% more categories than non-experts when sorting cards representing philosophy concepts. While no criteria or categories were exactly the same between participants, they were grouped into meta-criteria and showed similarities despite differences in wording. The experiment revealed differences in how experts and non-experts conceptualize philosophical problems, approaches, theories and entities. Future work could involve using alternative elicitation methods and focusing the card sorting on specific philosophical entity types.
Este documento describe un proyecto de intervenci坦n social y comunitaria que los estudiantes de cuarto medio realizar叩n. El proyecto involucra investigar una problem叩tica social, presentar los hallazgos en una presentaci坦n de PowerPoint y exponerla ante la comunidad escolar. El proceso consta de cuatro etapas: analizar el problema desde distintas perspectivas, identificar causas y factores, organizar la informaci坦n de forma sistem叩tica y concientizar a otros. Los estudiantes investigar叩n un tema social como la educaci坦n, salud o migraci坦n y evalu
El documento presenta un nuevo m叩ster en comunicaci坦n social para la provincia de Almer鱈a. La provincia necesita profesionales capacitados en esta 叩rea para cubrir las necesidades de las empresas e instituciones locales. El m叩ster ofrecer叩 formaci坦n avanzada en temas como periodismo, publicidad y relaciones p炭blicas.
Os presentamos el dossier de trabajaos de rotulaci坦n realizados en inmobiliarias por franquicias del grupo Xprinta.
Hemos trabajado para firmas tan destacadas como Remax o Look and Find.
Consulta nuestros proyectos:
O para m叩s informaci坦n:
This document outlines Paloma Mendoza's budget and itinerary for a 6-week backpack trip through Europe working as an au pair in Seville, Spain, Paris, France, Antwerpen, Belgium, London, England, and Glasgow, Scotland. It provides details on flight and train costs, estimated expenses, au pair job opportunities, and costs of food in each city. The total budget is $2,000 with $1,603 euros already available. No visas are required for the trip.
The document discusses taxonomy standards including ISO 25964, which provides guidance for building and managing thesauri and guidelines for interoperability between controlled vocabularies. It describes the history and development of taxonomy standards, key standards organizations like ISO and NISO, and standards like ISO 25964 that help different controlled vocabularies to work together.
3 Steps, we understand our customer needs and strive to excel in what we do, that is, Driving our Customers towards Success. A beautiful and dynamic website is a necessary tool to a successful business. We will conceptualize, conceive and create a website which will effectively mirror the true character of your business.
This document discusses the key concepts of an information society. It covers the origin and development of information societies, the prerequisites for an information society to emerge, and the economic and social factors involved. It also examines the role of technology, libraries, and information laws in an information society. The relationship between information societies and knowledge societies is explored, with the conclusion being that minimizing the gap between these leads to social progress.
This document summarizes a study that examined fish assemblages in reference and restored tidal freshwater marshes in the San Francisco Estuary. The study compared fish assemblages between one reference marsh and three restored marshes between 1998-1999. Fish were sampled using beach seines and purse seines in different habitats, including open water, submerged aquatic vegetation, offshore areas, tidal sloughs, and marsh edges. Overall, fish assemblages were dominated by introduced species and did not differ significantly between reference and restored marshes. However, fish assemblages did vary between habitats with and without submerged aquatic vegetation, and between offshore and nearshore habitats, with native fishes found more often in tidal sloughs
Three major events occurred in the Indian River Lagoon in 2011:
1) Two large phytoplankton blooms stretched along the lagoon from north to south over seven months, resulting in significant seagrass loss.
2) In response, the St. Johns River Water Management District established an investigation into the northern bloom.
3) Researchers from the Smithsonian Marine Station are part of the team studying the effects of filter feeders on bloom formation. They are sampling invertebrates from over 40 sites that could potentially consume bloom-forming algae.
The 2020 annual report from the Treaty Indian Tribes in Western Washington summarizes tribal natural resource management activities over the past year, including:
1) Salmon harvest was reduced due to low returns, while shellfish and marine fish harvest was managed through cooperative agreements.
2) Habitat, hatchery, wildlife, and forest management programs were ongoing, while concerns remained regarding implementation of the culvert case ruling and potential rollbacks to water quality standards.
3) Regional collaboration on issues like orca recovery, salmon habitat protection, and pinniped management continued through groups like the Billy Frank Jr. Salmon Coalition.
Viktor Lewynsky has over 44 years of experience in fisheries management, aquatic ecology, statistics, and environmental management in Canada and the US. He has held positions with various government agencies and research organizations, focusing on areas such as fisheries surveys, population dynamics, habitat evaluations, and environmental training. He now works independently as a fisheries consultant through his own company, providing professional services to government, industry, First Nations, and other groups.
Sharks are top predators, but little was known about bonnethead sharks' feeding ecology in Tampa Bay. The author studied the diets of 13 bonnethead sharks captured in Tampa Bay. The study found the main dietary components were blue crab, common spider crab, and seagrass, with seagrass having the highest index of relative importance. While seagrass made up most of the diets numerically, it is unclear if bonnetheads actively forage seagrass. More research with larger sample sizes is needed to better understand bonnethead feeding ecology in Tampa Bay and determine if environmental changes have impacted their diets.
The document discusses several research projects related to biology and environmental science. It provides brief descriptions of each project's objectives, including examining genetic structure of dolphin populations impacted by fisheries, quantifying growth and survival of corals on high-latitude reefs, understanding symbiotic relationships between legume plants and rhizobia bacteria, using RNAi to silence genes in green peach aphids, assessing abundance and connectivity of dolphin populations in Western Australia, investigating bat and vegetation succession in restored mine sites, analyzing microbial communities associated with corals, and more.
This annual report from the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission summarizes their work in 2021 managing natural resources in Western Washington through co-management with the state. It discusses declining salmon returns leading to reduced fishing opportunities, as well as efforts to protect and restore riparian habitat. It also covers impacts of seal and sea lion predation on salmon, COVID-19 impacts on tribal fisheries and economies, and the 50th anniversary of the "Fish Wars" that led to upholding treaty fishing rights in the Boldt decision.
The annual report summarizes activities of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission and member tribes in 2022. Key points include: Lorraine Loomis, a longtime chairperson, passed away and Ed Johnstone was selected to fill her term. A statue of Billy Frank Jr. will represent Washington state in the U.S. Capitol. Salmon fisheries faced restrictions due to declining stocks. Tribes continued to manage shellfish harvests through agreements. The Quinault Indian Nation opened razor clam digs when toxins subsided. The Nisqually Tribe is testing use of cedar boughs to attract herring.
Research Proposal - Are the Ad辿lie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, populations w...ElizabethHowarth1
Rational - The focus on this study is to evaluate how the population size and health of Ad辿lie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, colonies at Cape Royds, Cape Bird and Cape Crozier have changed over time, especially in relation to the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area, MPA, established in 2017 and considering major environmental and biological factors that could have an effect on these populations. We will continue to collect new data annually to look at any affects the Ross Sea region MPA is having on these populations. Using data about population sizes of colonies and health of individuals from within the colonies, we will evaluate the overall health of the colonies and predict how we expect them to change in the near future. This is an important study as P. adeliae are an indicator species for their local ecosystem the health of the penguin colonies reflects the health of the local ecosystem.
The document discusses Croatia's efforts towards e-government and a digital administration. It outlines the integration of base registries in 2012 to allow citizens to access official documents from any registry office. It also details the Central Salary System which calculates salaries for 250,000 public sector employees using the integrated RegZap registry. Further, it explains laws established to coordinate IT projects through the ProDII office and improve data sharing between systems using the Metaregister. Statistics are provided on growing use of the e-Citizens portal and its top 5 most used e-services. Finally, it outlines strategies in the e-Croatia 2020 plan to improve interoperability, develop cloud infrastructure and sectoral e-services, as
How do philosophers think their own disciplines?Michele Pasin
This document summarizes an experiment using a card sorting knowledge elicitation technique with philosophy experts and non-experts. The experts provided 30% more categories than non-experts when sorting cards representing philosophy concepts. While no criteria or categories were exactly the same between participants, they were grouped into meta-criteria and showed similarities despite differences in wording. The experiment revealed differences in how experts and non-experts conceptualize philosophical problems, approaches, theories and entities. Future work could involve using alternative elicitation methods and focusing the card sorting on specific philosophical entity types.
Este documento describe un proyecto de intervenci坦n social y comunitaria que los estudiantes de cuarto medio realizar叩n. El proyecto involucra investigar una problem叩tica social, presentar los hallazgos en una presentaci坦n de PowerPoint y exponerla ante la comunidad escolar. El proceso consta de cuatro etapas: analizar el problema desde distintas perspectivas, identificar causas y factores, organizar la informaci坦n de forma sistem叩tica y concientizar a otros. Los estudiantes investigar叩n un tema social como la educaci坦n, salud o migraci坦n y evalu
El documento presenta un nuevo m叩ster en comunicaci坦n social para la provincia de Almer鱈a. La provincia necesita profesionales capacitados en esta 叩rea para cubrir las necesidades de las empresas e instituciones locales. El m叩ster ofrecer叩 formaci坦n avanzada en temas como periodismo, publicidad y relaciones p炭blicas.
Os presentamos el dossier de trabajaos de rotulaci坦n realizados en inmobiliarias por franquicias del grupo Xprinta.
Hemos trabajado para firmas tan destacadas como Remax o Look and Find.
Consulta nuestros proyectos:
O para m叩s informaci坦n:
This document outlines Paloma Mendoza's budget and itinerary for a 6-week backpack trip through Europe working as an au pair in Seville, Spain, Paris, France, Antwerpen, Belgium, London, England, and Glasgow, Scotland. It provides details on flight and train costs, estimated expenses, au pair job opportunities, and costs of food in each city. The total budget is $2,000 with $1,603 euros already available. No visas are required for the trip.
The document discusses taxonomy standards including ISO 25964, which provides guidance for building and managing thesauri and guidelines for interoperability between controlled vocabularies. It describes the history and development of taxonomy standards, key standards organizations like ISO and NISO, and standards like ISO 25964 that help different controlled vocabularies to work together.
3 Steps, we understand our customer needs and strive to excel in what we do, that is, Driving our Customers towards Success. A beautiful and dynamic website is a necessary tool to a successful business. We will conceptualize, conceive and create a website which will effectively mirror the true character of your business.
This document discusses the key concepts of an information society. It covers the origin and development of information societies, the prerequisites for an information society to emerge, and the economic and social factors involved. It also examines the role of technology, libraries, and information laws in an information society. The relationship between information societies and knowledge societies is explored, with the conclusion being that minimizing the gap between these leads to social progress.
This document summarizes a study that examined fish assemblages in reference and restored tidal freshwater marshes in the San Francisco Estuary. The study compared fish assemblages between one reference marsh and three restored marshes between 1998-1999. Fish were sampled using beach seines and purse seines in different habitats, including open water, submerged aquatic vegetation, offshore areas, tidal sloughs, and marsh edges. Overall, fish assemblages were dominated by introduced species and did not differ significantly between reference and restored marshes. However, fish assemblages did vary between habitats with and without submerged aquatic vegetation, and between offshore and nearshore habitats, with native fishes found more often in tidal sloughs
This document analyzes the diets of 11 deep-sea fish species from mid-slope depths off the northeastern Chatham Rise in New Zealand to determine which species obtain food from scavenging. It finds that basketwork eel (Diastobranchus capensis), Baxter's dogfish (Etmopterus baxteri), and serrulate rattail (Coryphaenoides serrulatus) obtain a significant portion of their diet from scavenged material. Shovel-nosed dogfish (Deania calcea) and long-nosed velvet dogfish (Centroselachus crepidater) may also scavenge occasionally. Larger fish seem more likely to
Benjamin Galuardi has extensive experience in fisheries research using electronic tags and statistical analysis. He received his Ph.D in fisheries oceanography from UMass Dartmouth, with a dissertation on using electronic tags in stock assessment. He currently works as a statistician for NOAA Fisheries, analyzing data from the Atlantic sea scallop fishery. Previously he was a research scientist studying tunas, sharks, and sea turtles using tags, GIS, and oceanographic data analysis.
This document examines factors affecting fish entrainment at the massive water diversions of the State Water Project and Central Valley Project in the San Francisco Bay Delta estuary. It analyzes 13 years of data on fish salvage counts, pumping operations, and environmental characteristics to determine what factors influence entrainment of different fish species. Entrainment of migratory pelagic species like delta smelt, longfin smelt, and striped bass was found to correlate with their seasonal occurrence near the export facilities. Flow patterns through the estuary also predicted pelagic fish entrainment. Entrainment of resident demersal species and littoral species was not clearly linked to diversion flows. The study suggests manipulating hydrodynamics
This document discusses the inadequate protection of vernal pools in Connecticut. It finds that while Connecticut's Inlands Wetlands and Watercourses Act regulates vernal watercourses, it does not specifically define or recognize vernal pools as distinct habitats, and fails to protect the surrounding upland areas that are important for vernal pool ecosystems. Implementation of wetlands regulations is also inconsistent because it is left to individual towns, rather than having statewide standards. The document argues that Connecticut should strengthen its protections for vernal pools by adopting consistent statewide standards that specifically define and conserve vernal pool habitats and their surrounding areas.
1. This document describes a study that developed a protocol using underwater videography to quantify trout populations. Video recordings were taken and analyzed from multiple cameras suspended in pools in Pauma Creek, part of the San Luis Rey River system in Southern California. This provided more accurate population data than other survey methods and was less detrimental to the imperiled fish populations.
2. The goal was to establish a lightweight camera system that could be easily deployed in remote areas to survey trout populations in less than an hour, as an alternative to electrofishing, netting, or snorkel surveys which can stress or harm the fish. The study focused on quantifying the native trout population in Pauma Creek, which historically contained coastal steelhead
Saarela JM, LJ Gillespie, PC Sokoloff. The Arctic Flora of Canada and Alaska project. Arctic Change 2014, 812 December 2014, Ottawa, ON, Canada. [poster]
This document provides instructions for a journal club assignment to read and summarize a research article from the Brusca bibliography. It lists several articles that should not be selected, including the target article "Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change" by Aburto-Oropeza and 92 others published in 2018 in Environmental Science and Policy. Students are asked to summarize the research question, methods, findings, and implications for environmental management of the chosen article and include the full citation and link if possible.
This study analyzed the stomach contents and stable isotope ratios of over 960 juvenile fish and their potential food sources from pelagic and littoral habitats in the tidal freshwater region of the San Francisco Estuary. The results showed evidence of two predominant food web pathways. Pelagic fish and some littoral fish relied on a zooplankton-phytoplankton trophic pathway, while the majority of littoral fish had diets and carbon isotope ratios consistent with energy from submerged aquatic vegetation and epiphytic macroalgae. Analysis with a mixing model revealed that littoral fish obtained the overall majority of their nutrition from consuming grazer amphipods. Examining both stable isot
This letter to Mexico's President is from A. Alonso Aguirre, Executive Director of the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation.
Can Technology and Tourism Sustain Mexico's Sea Turtles?
This document discusses how climate change is affecting oceans and fisheries in the Northeast United States. It notes that the region is experiencing some of the highest rates of temperature rise and sea level rise on the planet. This is causing fish species distributions and abundances to shift, lowering the productivity of some fisheries. Specifically, American lobster has been depleted in Southern New England waters that are getting too warm, and Atlantic cod rebuilding may not be possible if warming oceans persist long term. The document outlines how resource managers are working to incorporate climate science into fisheries management and protect vulnerable species and habitats to increase ecosystem resilience to climate impacts.
This study investigated how the overgrowth of the hydrocoral Millepora complanata by the crustose alga Ramicrusta sp. impacted reef fish assemblages in Lac Bay, Bonaire. The author observed 170 M. complanata heads and found 88% were covered by Ramicrusta to varying degrees. Fish abundance was significantly higher on M. complanata with low (0-25%) Ramicrusta coverage compared to high (26-100%) coverage. However, fish diversity did not significantly differ along the Ramicrusta gradient. Additionally, larger M. complanata heads tended to have higher Ramicrusta coverage but similar structural complexity, suggesting fishes could
This status review was conducted in response to a petition to list the humphead wrasse under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
Authors: Krista S. Graham, Christofer H. Boggs, Edward E. DeMartini, Robert E. Schroeder, and Michael Trianni
The First Confirmed At-Sea Sighting of Longmans Beaked Whale (Indopacetus pa...Teresa Martin
The Longman's beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus) is a rare species that is thought to primarily inhabit deep waters in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. During a seismic survey in late 2014, a group of approximately twenty Longman's beaked whales were encountered in Kenyan waters. To our knowledge this was the first at-sea sighting for this species in the Kenyan Economic Exclusion Zone (EEZ) to date. Here we present information and identification photographs pertaining to this sighting.
This document discusses marine ecosystems and overfishing. It outlines the trophic levels in marine food webs, with top predators including sharks and tuna. Many fisheries are overexploited due to new technologies and fishing practices. This fishing down of food webs threatens biodiversity as it removes large predators and disrupt natural population controls. Bycatch from trawling and longlining is a major issue, with tens of millions of sharks caught annually. Ghost fishing from lost or abandoned gear also negatively impacts ecosystems.
Nearshore Study Presentation 2011 Project Meeting Overviewkknewkkloecker
This document outlines a study examining the factors influencing sea otter populations and coastal ecosystems along the Pacific coast. The study will use multiple approaches, including remote sensing, watershed modeling, health assessments, diet analysis and population monitoring to analyze how ocean productivity, watershed inputs, contaminants and disease affect sea otters and the nearshore environment from Alaska to California. Results will provide insights into managing threats and recovering sea otter populations.
Kelcie Lorena Chiquillo is a PhD student in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UCLA. She has received several prestigious awards and fellowships for her research including an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Her research focuses on the phylogeny of skates and the evolution of their reproductive strategies. She has published one paper on this topic and presented her research at several conferences. Chiquillo has extensive experience conducting molecular lab work and field research on marine organisms in California.
This study measured the organic carbon stock in sediments within four species of seagrass beds in Gazi Bay, Kenya. Sediment cores were taken from vegetated and unvegetated sites within each seagrass species and analyzed for organic matter content at different depths. The results showed significantly higher organic matter content in vegetated versus unvegetated sediments for all species. Sediment organic carbon also varied significantly between species. The study demonstrates the important role of seagrasses in climate change mitigation through carbon storage and sequestration.
This document discusses sharks and their importance to marine ecosystems. It covers sharks' ecology and role as apex predators that regulate trophic levels. It also addresses threats sharks face from overfishing and the importance of conservation for maintaining ecosystem balance and biodiversity. Finally, it aims to dispel myths about sharks and promote responsible ecotourism practices.
1. Publications
Peer Reviewed
Portnoy, D.S.,C.M. Hollenbeck, D.M. Bethea,B.S. Frazier, J. Gelsleichter, and J.R. Gold (2016) Population structure,
gene flow, and historical demography of a small coastal shark (Carcharhinus isodon) in U.S. waters of the Western
Atlantic Ocean. ICES J Mar Sci. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw098.
Hollensead, L.D., R.D. Grubbs, J.K. Carlson, D.M. Bethea (2015) Analysis of fine-scale daily movement patterns of
juvenile Pristis pectinata within a nursery habitat. Aquat Conserv. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2556.
DeLorenzo, D.M., D.M. Bethea and J.K. Carlson (2014) A Reassessment of the Trophic Level of Atlantic
Sharpnose Shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae. J Fish Biol. doi:10.1111/jfb.12558.
Bethea, D.M.,M.J. Ajemian, J.K. Carlson, E.R. Hoffmayer,J.L. Imhoff, R.D. Grubbs, C. Peterson,G.H. Burgess (2014)
Distribution and community structure of coastalsharks in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Environ Biol Fish. 98 (5):
Ward-Paige,C.A., G.L. Britton, D.M. Bethea,and J.K. Carlson (2014) Characterizing and predicting essential habitat
features for juvenile coastalsharks. Mar Ecol. doi: 10.1111/maec.12151.
Baremore,I.B, D.M. Bethea,and K.I. Andrews (2012) Gillnet selectivity for juvenile blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus
limbatus). Fish Bull. 110: 230-241.
Bethea D.M.,J.K. Carlson,L.D. Hollensead, Y.P. Papastamatiou,and B.S. Graham (2011) A comparison of the foraging
ecology and bioenergetics of two sympatric juvenile hammerhead sharks. Bull Mar Sci. 87 (4): 873-889.
Carlson, J.K.,M.R. Heupel, D.M. Bethea,and L.D. Hollensead (2008) Coastal habitat use and residency of juvenile
Atlantic sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae). Estuar. Coast. 31(5):931-940.
Barnes,C., D.M. Bethea,R.D. Brodeur,J. Spitz, V. Ridoux, C. Pusineri, B.C. Chase,M.E. Hunsicker, F. Juanes, A.
Kellermann, J. Lancaster,F. M辿nard,F.-X. Bard, P. Munk, J.K. Pinnegar, F.S. Scharf, R.A. Rountree,K.I. Stergiou, C.
Sassa,A. Sabates and S. Jennings (2008) Predator and prey body sizes in marine food webs. Ecol 89:881.
Bethea, D.M.,L. Hale,J.K. Carlson, E. Cort辿s,C.A. Manire, and J. Geilschleter (2007) Geographic and ontogenetic
variation in the diet and daily ration of the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo,from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Mar Bio.
152(5): 1009-1020.
Technical Reports
Horn, C., K.L. Smith, J.K. Carlson, and D. M. Bethea (2016) Biological Assessment of the Dwarf Seahorse
(Hippocampuszosterae). An internalreport to NOAA Southeast Regional Office Protected Resources Division.
Bethea, D.M.,G.A. Casselberry,J.K. Carlson, J. Hendon, R.D. Grubbs, C. Peterson,T.S. Daly-Engel, M.O. Pfleger,R.
Hueter,J. Morris, and J. Gardiner (2016) Shark nursery grounds and essential fish habitat studies. Gulfspan Gulf of
Mexico-FY15. An Internal Report to NOAA's Highly Migratory Species Division. Sustainable Fisheries Division
Contribution No. PC-16/02.
Bethea, D.M.,G.A. Casselberry,and J.K. Carlson (2015) NOAA FISHERIES SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH
MONITORINGREPORT-FY15:Relative Abundance and Essential Fish Habitat Studies for Smalltooth Sawfish, Prisits
pectinata,in Southwest Florida, USA. Protected Resources Division Contribution No. PC-15/20.
Bethea, D.M.,K. Smith, G.A. Casselberry, J.K. Carlson, J. Hendon, R.D. Grubbs, C. Peterson,T.S. Daly-Engel, M.O.
Pfleger, R. Hueter,and J. Morris (2015) Shark nursery grounds and essential fish habitat studies. Gulfspan Gulf of
Mexico-FY14. An Internal Report to NOAA's Highly Migratory Species Division. Sustainable Fisheries Division
Contribution No. PC-15/01.
2. Bethea, D.M.,K. Smith, G.A. Casselberry, and J.K. Carlson (2014) NOAA FISHERIES SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH
MONITORINGREPORT-FY14:Relative Abundance and Essential Fish Habitat Studies for Smalltooth Sawfish, Prisits
pectinata,in Southwest Florida, USA. Protected Resources Division Contribution No. PC-14/08.
Bethea, D.M., W.B. Driggers III, M.A. Grace,K.M. Hannan,and L.M. Jones (2014) Tag and recapture data for Mustelus
spp. in the Gulf of Mexico and US South Atlantic: 1998-2012. SEDAR 39-DW-01
REPORT-FY13:Relative Abundance and Essential Fish Habitat Studies for Smalltooth Sawfish, Prisits pectinata,in
Southwest Florida, USA. Protected Resources Division Contribution No. PC-13/11.
Bethea, D.M.,K. Smith, J.K. Carlson, J. Hendon, R.D. Grubbs, C. Peterson and T.S Daly-Engel (2013) Shark nursery
grounds and essential fish habitat studies. Gulfspan Gulf of Mexico-FY13. An Internal Report to NOAA's Highly
Migratory Species Division. Sustainable Fisheries Division Contribution No. PC-13/10.
Bethea, D.M. and M.A. Grace (2013) Tag and recapture data for Atlantic sharpnose, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae,and
bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo,in the Gulf of Mexico and US South Atlantic: 1998-2011. SEDAR 34-WP-04.
Carlson, J.K., D.M. Bethea,E. Hoffmayer,J. Tyminski, R. Heuter,R.D. Grubbs, M.J. Ajemian, G.H. Burgess (2013)
Relative abundance of Atlantic sharpnose and bonnethead shark from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. SEDAR 34-WP-
REPORT-FY12:Relative Abundance and Essential Fish Habitat Studies for Smalltooth Sawfish, Prisits pectinata,in
Southwest Florida, USA. Protected Resources Division Contribution No. PC-12/08.
Carslon, J.K., D.M. Bethea,J. Tyminski, and R. Hueter (2012) Relative abundance of blacktip shark, Carcharhinus
limbatus,from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. SEDAR 29-WP-01.
Bethea, D.M., J.K.Carlson,and M.A. Grace (2012) Tag and recapture data for blacktip shark,
Carcharhinus limbatus,in the Gulf of Mexico: 1999-2010. SEDAR 29-WP-07.
Bethea, D.M.,K. Smith, J.K. Carlson, and L.D. Hollensead (2011) NOAA FISHERIES SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH
MONITORINGREPORT-FY11:Relative Abundance and Essential Fish Habitat Studies for Smalltooth Sawfish, Prisits
pectinata,in Southwest Florida, USA. Protected Resources Division Contribution No. PC-11/11.
Bethea, D.M.,K. Smith, L.D. Hollensead, and J.K. Carlson (2011) NOAA FISHERIES SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH
MONITORINGREPORT-FY10:Relative Abundance and Essential Fish Habitat Studies for Smalltooth Sawfish, Prisits
pectinata,in Southwest Florida, USA. Protected Resources Division Contribution No. PC-11/02.
Bethea, D.M.,K. Smith , J.K. Carlson, M.J. Ajemian, R.D. Grubbs, and J. Imhoff (2011) Shark nursery grounds and
essential fish habitat studies. Gulfspan Gulf of Mexico-FY10. An Internal Report to NOAA's Highly Migratory Species
Division. Sustainable Fisheries Division Contribution No. PC-11/01.
Bethea, D.M. and J.K. Carlson (2010) Tag and recapture data for blacknose, Carcharhinus acronotus,sandbar, C.
plumbeus,and dusky shark, C. obscurus,as kept in the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Elasmobranch Tagging Management System, 1999-2009. SEDAR 21-DW-20.
Baremore,I.E. and D.M. Bethea (2010) A guide to otoliths from fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Technical
Memorandum FISHERIES-SEFSC-599, 102 p.
Bethea, D.M.,A. LaPorte,J.K. Carlson,M.J. Ajemian, R.D. Grubbs, E.R Hoffmayer, J. Imhoff, C.A. Campbell, and J.
Romine (2010) Shark nursery grounds and essential fish habitat studies. Gulfspan Gulf of Mexico-FY09. An Internal
Report to NOAA's Highly Migratory Species Division. Sustainable Fisheries Division Contribution No. PC-10/01.
3. Bethea, D.M.,L.D. Hollensead, J.K. Carlson, M.J. Ajemian, R.D. Grubbs, E.R, Hoffmayer, R. Del Rio, G.W. Peterson,
D.M. Baltz, and J. Romine (2009) Shark nursery grounds and essential fish habitat studies. Gulfspan Gulf of Mexico-
FY08. An Internal Report to NOAAs Highly Migratory Species Division. Sustainable Fisheries Division Contribution
No. PC-09/02.
Bethea, D.M.,L. Hollensead, J.K. Carlson, C.L. Conrath, M.J. Ajemian, E.R. Hoffmayer,G.W. Peterson (2008) Shark
nursery grounds and essential fish habitat studies. Gulfspan Gulf of Mexico-FY07. An Internal Report to NOAAs Highly
Migratory Species Division. Sustainable Fisheries Division Contribution No. PC-08/02.
Carlson, J.K. and D.M. Bethea (2007) Catch and Bycatch in the Shark Gillnet Fishery: 2005-2006. NOAA Technical
Memorandum FISHERIES-SEFSC-552.
Carlson, J.K., D.M. Bethea,and I.E. Baremore (2007) The Directed Shark Drift Gillnet Fishery: Characterization of the
Small Coastal Shark Catch, Average Size and Standardization of Catch Rates from Observer Data. SEDAR 13-DW-09.
Carlson, J.K.,and D.M. Bethea (2007) Standardized catch rates of small coastalsharks from a fishery-independent gillnet
survey in northwest Florida. SEDAR 13-DW-06.
Bethea, D.M.,L. Hollensead, J.K. Carlson (2007) Preliminary tag and recapture data of small coastalsharks (Atlantic
sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae,blacknose shark, Carcharhinus acronotus,bonnethead shark, Sphyrna
tiburo,and finetooth shark, C. isodon) in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. SEDAR 13-DW-03.
Bethea, D.M.,L. Hollensead, and J.K. Carlson (2007) Shark nursery grounds and essential fish habitat studies. Gulfspan
Gulf of Mexico-FY06. An Internal Report to NOAAs Highly Migratory Species Office. Sustainable Fisheries Division
Contribution No. PC-07/04.
Presentations (first author only)
Invited Symposia
Growth Rates of Smalltooth Sawfish, Pristis pectinata,Using Length-frequency and Tag-recapture Data Oral
presentation at 2016 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (Sawfish Biology & Ecology Symposium), New
Orleans, LA, July 6-10, 2016.
Relative abundance of juvenile sharks in the eastern Gulf of Mexico: combining multiple fishery-independent gillnet
surveys to get a better big picture. Oral presentation in at American Fisheries Society 143rd
Annual Meeting (Use of
Fishery-Independent Surveys in Stock Assessment Symposium), Little Rock, AR, September 8-12, 2013.
Diet of the roundel skate, Raja texana,from the northern Gulf of Mexico Oral presentation at 2010 Joint Meeting of
Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (Feeding Ecology Symposium), Providence, RI, July 7-12, 2010.
Distribution and community structure of coastalsharksin the northeastern Gulf of Mexico Oral presentation at Spring 2015
Meeting of Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Savannah, GA, January 30-February 1, 2015.
Distribution and community structure of coastalsharksin the northeastern Gulf of Mexico Oral presentation at 2014 Joint
Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Chattanooga, TN, July 30-August 4, 2014.
Environmental Effects on the Recruitment of Smalltooth Sawfish, Prisits pectinata, in Southwest Florida, USA Oral
presentation at the 32nd AnnualMeeting of the Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Ocala, FL, February 21-23,
Environmental Effects on the Recruitment of Smalltooth Sawfish, Prisits pectinata, in Southwest Florida, USA Oral
presentation at 2011 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Minneapolis, MN, July 6-11, 2011.
Facultative herbivory in bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo Oralpresentation at 2009 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists
and Herpetologists, Portland, OR, July 21-27, 2009.
4. NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center Elasmobranch Tagging Management System Poster presentation at 2009
Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Portland, OR, July 21-27, 2009.
Distribution and abundance of early life stages of shark species in the panhandle of Florida: 2003-2007 Oral
presentation at 28th
Annual Meeting of the Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Ocala, FL, February 19-21,
Distribution and abundance of early life stages of shark species in the panhandle of Florida: 2003-2006 Oral
presentation at 2007 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, St. Louis, MO, July 11-16, 2007.
100% Observer Coverage in the Directed Shark Drift Gillnet Fishery:Spending the Winter in Sunny Southeast Florida Poster
presentation at 5th
International Fisheries Observer Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 15-18, 2007.
Distribution and abundance of early life stages of shark species in the panhandle of Florida: 2003-2006 Poster
presentation at 27th
Annual Meeting of the Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Ocala, FL, February 20-22,
Invited Lectures & Outreach
Juvenile scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini,dissection at A. Crawford Mosley High School in Lynn Haven,FL, on
January 8, 2016, for the following classes:Honors Marine Science (Mr. Brad Breedon), Honors Anatomy and Physiology
(Mr. Jason Brookings), Environmental Science (Mrs. Lorene Lindsey), and AP Anatomy and Physiology (Dr. John Wade)
Distribution and community structure of coastalsharksin the northeastern Gulf of Mexico Citizen Science Lecture Series at
Gulf Coast State College, Panama City, FL, November 17, 2015.
NOAA Fisheries Shark Booth, North Florida Shark Festival, Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, Jacksonville, FL August 8,
Getting a Job: Preparing in Graduate School, Applying and Making the Transition Panelist for 2014 American
Elasmobranch Society Student Workshop at 2014 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Chattanooga, TN,
July 30-August 3, 2014.
Fishery Independent Sampling: GULFSPAN Survey and Juvenile Smalltooth Sawfish Abundance Survey Guest
lecture for Advanced Shark Ecology (Dr. James Gelsleichter) at University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, June 13,
Shark Research at the NOAA Fisheries Panama City Laboratory Outreach presentation and shark dissection for 5th
Grade at Ernest Gallet Elementary, Lafayette,LA, November 29, 2010.
Shark Research at the NOAA Fisheries Panama City Laboratory Outreach presentation and shark dissection for 5th
Grade at Earnest Gallet Elementary, Lafayette,LA, November 30, 2009.