The document lists Ingrid Hellström's publications including 11 original articles published in peer-reviewed journals on topics related to dementia care, couplehood, ethics of interviewing those with dementia, and more. It also lists 11 book chapters on similar topics focused on dignity, relationships, caregiving, and end-of-life experiences for those with dementia. The publications examine qualitative research with persons with dementia and their family caregivers to understand their experiences and perspectives.
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Publikationer maj 2012.pdf
1. Publikationslista - Ingrid Hellström
a. Originalartiklar
i. Publicerade
*ingår i avhandlingen
Ericson I, Hellström I, Lundh U, Nolan M (2001) What constitutes good care for people with
dementia? Comparing the views of family and professional caregivers. British Journal of Nursing, 10
(11): 710-714.
*Hellström I, Nolan M, Lundh U (2005) We do things together: A case study of couplehood.
Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 4 (1) 7-22.
*Hellström I, Nolan M, Lundh U (2005) Awareness context theory and the dynamics of dementia:
Improving understanding using emergent fit. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research
and Practice, 4 (2) 269-295.
*Hellström I, Nolan M, Lundh U (2007) Sustaining ‘couplehood’. Spouses’ strategies for living
positively with dementia. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 6 (3)
*Hellström I, Nolan M, Nordenfelt L, Lundh U (2007) Ethical and methodological issues in
interviewing persons with dementia. Nursing Ethics, 14 (5) 608-619.
Österlind, J, Hansebo, G, Andersson, J, Ternestedt, B-M, Hellström, I (2011) A discourse of silence:
carers’ reasoning about death and dying in nursing homes. Ageing and Society, 31, 529-544.
Carlander, I, Hellström, I, Sahlberg – Blom, E, Ternestedt, B-M (2011) The modified self: family
caregivers’ experiences of caring for a dying family member at home. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20
(7-8): 1097-1105.
Carlander, I. Ternestedt, BM, Sahlberg-Blom, E. Hellström, I. & Sandberg, J. (2011) Being Me and
Being Us in a Family Living Close to Death at Home. Qualitative Health Research. 21(5), 683-695.
Carlander, I. Ternestedt, BM, Sahlberg-Blom, E. Hellström, I. & Sandberg, J. (2011)Four aspects of
self-image close to death at home. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-
being. 6 (2) 1748-2623.
Ericsson, I, Hellström, I, Kjellström, S. (2011) Sliding interactions – An ethnography about how the
person with dementia interacts in special housing for elderly. Dementia: The International Journal of
Social Research and Practice.10 (4) 523-538.
Ericsson, I., Kjellström, S., Hellström, I. (2011) Creating relationships with persons with moderate to
severe dementia. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. Epub ahead
of print. DOI:10.1177/1471301211418161
Hedman, R, Hanseo, G, Ternestedt, B-M, Hellström,I, Norberg, A. How people with Alzheimer's
disease express their sense of self: Analysis using Rom Harré's theory of selfhood. Accepterad för
publikation i Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice.
2. Ekdahl W, A., Hellström,I., Andersson,L., Friedrichsen, M. Too complex and time-consuming to fit
in!- Physicians’ experiences of elderly patients and their participation in medical decision making: A
Grounded Theory study. . (Accepterad för publikation i British Medical Journal)
b. Kapitel
Lundh, U., Nolan, M., Hellström, I. and Ericson, I. (2003) Quality care for people with dementia:
views of family and professional carers. I: Nolan, M., Lundh, U., Grant, G. & Keady, J.eds.
Partnership in Family Care. Open University Press. Maidenhead & Philadelphia.
Lundh, U., Paulsson, Å. and Hellström, I. (2003) Forging Parterships in Care Homes: Impact of an
Educational Intervention. I: Nolan, M., Lundh, U., Grant, G. & Keady, J.eds. Partnership in Family
Care. Open University Press. Maidenhead & Philadelphia.
Lundh, U., Hellström, I. & Nolan, M. (2004) God vård vid demenssjukdom: samarbete mellan
personal och anhöriga. I: Nordin, I. (red.) Rapporter från hälsans provinser. En jubileumsantologi.
SHS 32 Linköpings Universitet. Tema Hälsa och samhälle.
Hellström, I. & Lundh, U. (2007) Livet med demenssjukdom på äldre dar. I: Silfverberg, G. (red.)
Hemmets vårdetik. Om vård av äldre i livets slutskede. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Lundh, U. & Hellström, I. (2007) Berättelsen om Elna och Harald. I: Silfverberg, G. (red.) Hemmets
vårdetik. Om vård av äldre i livets slutskede. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Hellström, I. (2009) Dignity and elderly spouses with dementia. I: Nordenfelt, L (eds) Dignity in Care
for Older People. Blackwell – Wiley. Oxford.
Hellström, I & Nolan, M (2009) Time together. I: Marshall, M & Gilliard, J, (red) Time for dementia.
Hawker Publications Ltd: London.
Hellström, I & Dwyer, L (2010) Ett värdigt möte i vardagen. I: Ekvall A, (red) Geriatrisk omvårdnad.
Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Hellström, I (2010) Värdighet och äldre makar med demens. I: Nordenfelt, L (red) Värdighet i vården
av äldre personer. Studentlitteratur. Lund.[tidigare publikation översatt till svenska]
Hellström, I & Carlander, I (2010) Närstående i hemsjukvården. I Drevenhorn E, (red) Hemsjukvård.
Studentlitteratur. Lund.