The document contains proposals for various projects involving electronics, programming, and physical computing including:
1) A dancing light installation that responds to movement, sound, and touch using LED strips and an Arduino.
2) A wake-up alarm robot that brings itself to a user using sensors and motors.
3) Designing and cutting custom fitting clothes using CNC machines.
4) A modular backpack system with standardized components and automatic assembly.
2. Feel Free Dance
Sense movement, sound and transform into
light, color
Prototype: LDR Light ( LED Strips ), Arduino Uno
What now ?
Smaller, pretty, more sensors (
accelerometer, piezo, sound level, sound frequency
analyses FFT), More outputs ( EL wire, RGB LEDs )
Interact !n net make them talk to another
3. Please! WakeMeUp Bot
Bouncing of walls WooWee robot
Set the alarm
Bring it on, wake up
Make a noise!
TODO: FIX timer library, arduino mini pro, put in one
4. CNC clothes
Perfect fit, good design, download templates, share
Mp3 player included; all the pockets u need, fabric
mix, protective pads, etc
CNC Sawing machine ?? CNC cutter
3D You can I take the measurements ?
5. Modular backpack
Trips library set of sets to rule them
Pockets, items,
Standard modules different sizes fits
all almost
Auto assembly
7. Can u make me a
sandwich maker with
library, downloads, uploads
toaster; batter spreader; CNC
placement; slicer; fridge
scale to control amount of ingredients
freshness control ( date, visual analyze )
self cleaning !! portable ?
9. To build a home download your house !!
An open source construction set print your own house
OR : Mobile
Transform / adapt
Harvest energy
Boat ? Bike ? Caravan ?
10. Illuminate Longboard
Input: 3 axis
accelerometer, piezo, sound, GPS ?
Output: light, sound, synth,
Collect information's: the way I shred / drive
/ fall ;), tag places, share them.
11. Hole digger
Underground city
Challenge: underground communication? (
swarm chain ?, sound?, light ? Short distance
Different types of workers
12. Robot swarms
Collaborative Brain, Sensors
Information sharing
Parallel processing, Cluster
Bots Characters, different
functions, abilities
Working collectively
13. Minecraft Pi real life
Input: GPS, accelerometer, ping sensor (smthg
better?), image recognition ?, street view ?
Output Minecraft world
Play with your world map