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Puppet at Bazaarvoice
Hi, my name is Dave.
 DevOps Engineer at Bazaarvoice.
 Started working with puppet in 2008 while working at
  Bioware. First version was 0.24.
 At Bioware, puppet configured over 14k nodes that
  comprised of web servers, databases and game
 All 5 datacenters (in California, Virginia, Ireland,
  Australia and Texas) housed puppet managed nodes
  that all reported back to a centralized puppet
 My contact info:
Bazaarvoice Plug
 We do embedded DevOps!
 Application teams are responsible for their
  applications operation success.
 2.0 stack is 100% in Amazon!
 Work on awesome projects with spiffy tech like
  Cassandra or ElasticSearch.
 Send me your resume!
Preview presentation
 Puppet in the legacy stack.
 Puppet in the Data Infrastructure Team.
   Focus on client/server.
 Puppet in the Data Services Team.
   Focus on masterless puppet.
Puppet in the Legacy Infrastructure
 Traditional puppet use with client/server.
 Multiple levels of inheritance.
 Puppet managed instances were configured
  according to DNS naming convention.

  node /my-hostname/ {
 Some issues encountered:
   Very hard to work with. Very complex.
   Large codebase. Adds to complexity.
   No confidence in making changes. Side effects
    feared after code change. A jinga tower of puppet
   Too many pivot points. Many places to configure.
    Adds to complexity.
   Lots of code rot. Had not been refactored.
Puppet master/client in Data
   Infrastructure teams
 Each server type we care about will be referenced by
  its role. We only care about roles, not hostnames.
 Centered around an uber IT tools server that runs
  everything ops (including puppet) to do work in an
  environment. The Mothership.
 Hiera and parameterized classes will be used to create
  generic puppet modules that can be reused for
  different roles.
 Development will be centered on using puppet
  environments on the Mothership to protect devs from
  stepping on each other.
 Contains a cocktail of different application tools
  for doing work in the environment. Tools
    Puppet server
    Puppet managed operation scripts.
 Motherships configured to be highly available in
  regular AWS fashion(Autoscaling, cluster multiple
  activeMQ, etc).
 Advertises multiple puppet environments that
  clients can switch between via environments.
What is a Universe?
Anatomy of a Mothership
Methods of passing in data
Getting environment data into puppet
 Hiera datastore.
 Puppet stdlib/tags.txt
 Cloud formation parameters  Universe, VPC
Puppet Stdlib/facts.d
 Bootstrap process (EC2 user data) populates
  /etc/facter/facts.d/tags.txt with mappings. These
  mappings become facters.
 Example of data in tags.txt:
   Universe value.
   Ec2 metadata.

Hiera datastore
 Hiera is used extensively where different data
  needs to be passed into puppet according to
  context. Different contexts would include:
   Amazon region.
   Instance role.
 Example usage:
  $app_version = hiera(app_version, nil)
:logger: console


      - %{fqdn}
      - 10-team/%{team}/10-region/%{tag_region}/10-universe/%{universe}/10-roles/%{role}
      - 10-team/%{team}/10-region/%{tag_region}/10-universe/%{universe}/20-common
      - 10-team/%{team}/10-region/%{tag_region}/20-roles/%{role}
      - 10-team/%{team}/10-region/%{tag_region}/30-common
      - 10-team/%{team}/20-universe/%{universe}/10-roles/%{role}
      - 10-team/%{team}/20-universe/%{universe}/20-common
      - 10-team/%{team}/30-roles/%{role}
      - 10-team/%{team}/40-common

      - 40-common

      - environments

:backends: - yaml
      - json

 :datadir: /etc/puppet_env/%{environment}/manifests/hieradata

  :datadir: /etc/puppet/env/global_hieradata
Puppet Environments/Universe
Mothership Execution Flow
Puppet code on the Mothership
 The files that do the things:
# File managed by Puppet.                ssldir = $vardir/ssl

[main]                                   [agent]
 vardir = /var/lib/puppet                 runinterval = 1800
 logdir = /var/log/puppet                 ca_server = <%= ca_srv %>
 rundir = /var/run/puppet                 server = <%= logical_srv %>
 ssldir = $vardir/ssl                     certificate_revocation = False
                                          environment = <%= environment %>
 usecacheonfailure = true                 report = true
 pluginsync = true
 factpath = $vardir/lib/facter
 preferred_serialization_format = yaml

 vardir = /var/lib/puppet
 logdir = /var/log/puppet
 rundir = /var/run/puppet
    "environments": [
       "cert": [
         {     "modulepath": "/etc/puppet_env/cert/modules"       },
           "manifestdir": "/etc/puppet_env/cert/manifests"
         {     "manifest": "/etc/puppet_env/cert/manifests/site.pp"
[main]                                           # Puppetdb.
 vardir = /var/lib/puppet                        storeconfigs = true
 logdir = /var/log/puppet                        storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
 rundir = /var/run/puppet                        <% end %>
 ssldir = $vardir/ssl
 usecacheonfailure = true                        vardir = /var/lib/puppet
 pluginsync = true                               logdir = /var/log/puppet
 factpath = $vardir/lib/facter                   rundir = /var/run/puppet
 preferred_serialization_format = yaml           ssldir = $vardir/ssl
 syslogfacility = local1
                                                # Environments
[master]                                        <% environments.each do |env_val| -%>
 certname=<%= certname %>                       <% env_val.keys.each do |env_key| -%>
 ca = True                                      [<%= env_key -%>]
 certificate_revocation=False                   <% env_val[env_key].each do |env_data| -%>
 dns_alt_names=<%= logical_srv %>               <% env_data.each_pair do |k, v| -%>
 ssl_client_header = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN            <%= k %> = <%= v -%>
 ssl_client_verify_header = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY   <% end %>
 autosign = true                                <% end %>
                                                <% end %>
 # For puppet dashboard reporting.              <% end %>
 reports = store, datadog_reports

 <% if store_configs == true %>
import 'roles/*.pp'

node default {
  class { 'basenode_role': }

    class { "$tag_role": }
class basenode_role {
  class { security: }
  class { monitoring: }
class mothership_role {

    class { 'puppet':
      master => true,
      ca_srv => $tag_caserver,
      logical_srv => $tag_puppet_server,

Mothership Dev Workflow
Masterless Puppet in Data Services
Still keeping bits of the Mothership project:
 Applications/Services scoped in zookeeper by
 Emphasis is put on making things simpler.
  Puppet code will not be monolithic. Individual
  application teams will only need to maintain
  there own modules/manifests.
 Changes to modules/manifests will not impact
  other teams.
Methods of passing in data
 The usual suspects:
   Puppet stdlib/tags.txt.
   Cloud formation parameters  Universe, VPC
 Some new ones:
   EC2 data/metadata -> facter.
   Cloud formation parameters - DeployTag
 Script runs out of /etc/facts.d that converts
  EC2 data/metadata into facts.
 Custom functions to pull data from zookeeper
  the same way applications do discovery.
Masterless Execution Flow
Puppet code in Masterless
 No more Mothership. All work is done via
  puppet apply.
:logger: console

:hierarchy: - %{fqdn}

      - 10-universe/%{universe}/10-roles/%{role}
      - 10-universe/%{universe}/20-common
      - 20-roles/%{role}
      - 30-common

:backends: - yaml

 :datadir: /etc/puppet/manifests/hieradata
import '00_common'

node default {

    # This class contains common modules that should be used by all roles.
    class { 'common': }

    class { 'activemq: }
    class { 'mcollective':
      server       => true,
      client      => true,

import '01_users'
# Common

class common {

    class { 'stdlib': }

    file { '/opt/bazaarvoice': ensure => directory, }

    # Authorized keys for project developers.
    class { 'user_setup': stage => setup, }

host { 'internal_ip':
    ensure => 'present',
    name => $fqdn,
    ip => $ipaddress,

    class { 'prompt': }
class user_setup {

  include users

  users::user { 'dbarcelo':
    groups => 'wheel',
    sshKey => 'ssh-dss
mp1coXoscEp5nE0llfm+4DX3YvWnR80S/OeMUe71Ucm1ORwFpST/K4WKQoZ30TAVVsc8nYy2hyD7hyozjzsS09o= dave.barcelo@dbarcelo-mbpro'
  users::user { 'lwadhwani':
    groups => 'wheel',
    sshKey => 'ssh-rsa
== luveen@Pantalaimon'
 Do stuff!
 Code is still generic but it does not have to be.
Masterless Dev Workflow

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Puppet atbazaarvoice

  • 2. Hi, my name is Dave. DevOps Engineer at Bazaarvoice. Started working with puppet in 2008 while working at Bioware. First version was 0.24. At Bioware, puppet configured over 14k nodes that comprised of web servers, databases and game servers. All 5 datacenters (in California, Virginia, Ireland, Australia and Texas) housed puppet managed nodes that all reported back to a centralized puppet dashboard. My contact info: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesbarcelo
  • 3. Bazaarvoice Plug We do embedded DevOps! Application teams are responsible for their applications operation success. 2.0 stack is 100% in Amazon! Conferences! Work on awesome projects with spiffy tech like Cassandra or ElasticSearch. Send me your resume! Dave.barcelo@bazzarvoice.com
  • 4. Preview presentation Puppet in the legacy stack. Puppet in the Data Infrastructure Team. Focus on client/server. Puppet in the Data Services Team. Focus on masterless puppet.
  • 5. Puppet in the Legacy Infrastructure Traditional puppet use with client/server. Multiple levels of inheritance. Puppet managed instances were configured according to DNS naming convention. node /my-hostname/ { }
  • 6. Some issues encountered: Very hard to work with. Very complex. Large codebase. Adds to complexity. No confidence in making changes. Side effects feared after code change. A jinga tower of puppet code. Too many pivot points. Many places to configure. Adds to complexity. Lots of code rot. Had not been refactored.
  • 7. Puppet master/client in Data Infrastructure teams
  • 8. Architecture Each server type we care about will be referenced by its role. We only care about roles, not hostnames. Centered around an uber IT tools server that runs everything ops (including puppet) to do work in an environment. The Mothership. Hiera and parameterized classes will be used to create generic puppet modules that can be reused for different roles. Development will be centered on using puppet environments on the Mothership to protect devs from stepping on each other.
  • 9. Mothership Contains a cocktail of different application tools for doing work in the environment. Tools included: Mcollective/ActiveMQ Puppet server Puppet managed operation scripts. Motherships configured to be highly available in regular AWS fashion(Autoscaling, cluster multiple activeMQ, etc). Advertises multiple puppet environments that clients can switch between via environments.
  • 10. What is a Universe?
  • 11. Anatomy of a Mothership
  • 12. Methods of passing in data Getting environment data into puppet configuration. Hiera datastore. Puppet stdlib/tags.txt Cloud formation parameters Universe, VPC
  • 13. Puppet Stdlib/facts.d Bootstrap process (EC2 user data) populates /etc/facter/facts.d/tags.txt with mappings. These mappings become facters. Example of data in tags.txt: Universe value. Ec2 metadata. /etc/facter/facts.d/tags.txt: universe=dev Tag_region=us-east-1
  • 14. Hiera datastore Hiera is used extensively where different data needs to be passed into puppet according to context. Different contexts would include: Amazon region. Instance role. Universe. Example usage: $app_version = hiera(app_version, nil)
  • 15. /etc/hiera.yaml -- :logger: console :hierarchy: - %{fqdn} - 10-team/%{team}/10-region/%{tag_region}/10-universe/%{universe}/10-roles/%{role} - 10-team/%{team}/10-region/%{tag_region}/10-universe/%{universe}/20-common - 10-team/%{team}/10-region/%{tag_region}/20-roles/%{role} - 10-team/%{team}/10-region/%{tag_region}/30-common - 10-team/%{team}/20-universe/%{universe}/10-roles/%{role} - 10-team/%{team}/20-universe/%{universe}/20-common - 10-team/%{team}/30-roles/%{role} - 10-team/%{team}/40-common - 40-common - environments :backends: - yaml - json :yaml: :datadir: /etc/puppet_env/%{environment}/manifests/hieradata :json: :datadir: /etc/puppet/env/global_hieradata
  • 18. Puppet code on the Mothership The files that do the things: /etc/puppet/puppet.conf /etc/puppet/env/global_hieradata/environments.j son /etc/puppet/puppetmaster.conf /etc/puppet_env/{puppet_env}/ manifests/ modules/
  • 19. /etc/puppet/puppet.conf # File managed by Puppet. ssldir = $vardir/ssl [main] [agent] vardir = /var/lib/puppet runinterval = 1800 logdir = /var/log/puppet ca_server = <%= ca_srv %> rundir = /var/run/puppet server = <%= logical_srv %> ssldir = $vardir/ssl certificate_revocation = False environment = <%= environment %> usecacheonfailure = true report = true pluginsync = true factpath = $vardir/lib/facter preferred_serialization_format = yaml [user] vardir = /var/lib/puppet logdir = /var/log/puppet rundir = /var/run/puppet
  • 20. /etc/puppet/env/global_hieradata/env ironments.json { "environments": [ { "cert": [ { "modulepath": "/etc/puppet_env/cert/modules" }, { "manifestdir": "/etc/puppet_env/cert/manifests" }, { "manifest": "/etc/puppet_env/cert/manifests/site.pp" } ] } }
  • 21. /etc/puppet/puppetmaster.conf [main] # Puppetdb. vardir = /var/lib/puppet storeconfigs = true logdir = /var/log/puppet storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb rundir = /var/run/puppet <% end %> ssldir = $vardir/ssl [user] usecacheonfailure = true vardir = /var/lib/puppet pluginsync = true logdir = /var/log/puppet factpath = $vardir/lib/facter rundir = /var/run/puppet preferred_serialization_format = yaml ssldir = $vardir/ssl syslogfacility = local1 # Environments [master] <% environments.each do |env_val| -%> certname=<%= certname %> <% env_val.keys.each do |env_key| -%> ca = True [<%= env_key -%>] certificate_revocation=False <% env_val[env_key].each do |env_data| -%> dns_alt_names=<%= logical_srv %> <% env_data.each_pair do |k, v| -%> ssl_client_header = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN <%= k %> = <%= v -%> ssl_client_verify_header = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY <% end %> autosign = true <% end %> <% end %> # For puppet dashboard reporting. <% end %> reports = store, datadog_reports <% if store_configs == true %>
  • 22. /etc/puppet_env/{env}/manifests/site. pp import 'roles/*.pp' node default { class { 'basenode_role': } class { "$tag_role": } }
  • 23. /etc/puppet_env/{env}/manifests/role /00_basenode.pp class basenode_role { class { security: } class { monitoring: } .. }
  • 24. /etc/puppet_env/{env}/manifests/role /mothership_role.pp class mothership_role { class { 'puppet': master => true, ca_srv => $tag_caserver, logical_srv => $tag_puppet_server, } }
  • 26. Masterless Puppet in Data Services Teams
  • 27. Architecture Still keeping bits of the Mothership project: Applications/Services scoped in zookeeper by Universe. Emphasis is put on making things simpler. Puppet code will not be monolithic. Individual application teams will only need to maintain there own modules/manifests. Changes to modules/manifests will not impact other teams.
  • 28. Methods of passing in data The usual suspects: Puppet stdlib/tags.txt. Hiera. Cloud formation parameters Universe, VPC Some new ones: EC2 data/metadata -> facter. Zookeeper. Cloud formation parameters - DeployTag
  • 29. getEC2data_cache.rb Script runs out of /etc/facts.d that converts EC2 data/metadata into facts.
  • 30. Zookeeper/Ostrich Custom functions to pull data from zookeeper the same way applications do discovery.
  • 32. Puppet code in Masterless No more Mothership. All work is done via puppet apply. /etc/hiera.yaml /etc/puppet/manifests/{role}.pp /etc/puppet/manifests/00_common.pp /etc/puppet/manifests/01_users.pp /etc/puppet/modules/
  • 33. /etc/hiera.yaml -- :logger: console :hierarchy: - %{fqdn} - 10-universe/%{universe}/10-roles/%{role} - 10-universe/%{universe}/20-common - 20-roles/%{role} - 30-common :backends: - yaml :yaml: :datadir: /etc/puppet/manifests/hieradata
  • 34. /etc/puppet/manifests/{role}.pp import '00_common' node default { # This class contains common modules that should be used by all roles. class { 'common': } class { 'activemq: } -> class { 'mcollective': server => true, client => true, } }
  • 35. /etc/puppet/manifests/00_common.p p import '01_users' ##################################### # Common ##################################### class common { class { 'stdlib': } file { '/opt/bazaarvoice': ensure => directory, } # Authorized keys for project developers. class { 'user_setup': stage => setup, } host { 'internal_ip': ensure => 'present', name => $fqdn, ip => $ipaddress, } class { 'prompt': } }
  • 36. /etc/puppet/manifests/01_users.pp class user_setup { include users users::user { 'dbarcelo': groups => 'wheel', sshKey => 'ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBANL1zoZdYJp/6vQ4G5iNQXjdJ7NGmK0J2eqHbztvuD0CBPyqMuEtuYKRg14tFd4iwp5EpnT4UWpv8kXF/dkEN3b5xgN/R+1hYq7/3m nRLchMFTl0tyryLuARC9zTI003mQrXd/W9jzXaNlCTpxh8Ihj2Ov3lvAAX65tN9nijxhCTAAAAFQCgMU0obmTLo5CRYtRwDCkj1mb2hQAAAIAiZF9axkCvMa9vwigD iAf3rNMbut1gtqtwdzux8c9T1inApKV5sccjg5POKm+4WmWTBOtQfYR8cNot2Mn/mO+MRiKH8sYapYnU2es+KRBmhdARE+N7EqdD0WqoP7NrsNVbObHwDQB NkODuc3ZPyTQuqv/w4poTXaS5u5M1XZbgZwAAAIEAjt4r7SN1I/m0V/TvedTVxJvKln4wZkFxyI5CAgpsAr435kwSLM08R9Hd0/5Vy9LfhYpH1aZTBaoTqmTCtnv3 mp1coXoscEp5nE0llfm+4DX3YvWnR80S/OeMUe71Ucm1ORwFpST/K4WKQoZ30TAVVsc8nYy2hyD7hyozjzsS09o= dave.barcelo@dbarcelo-mbpro' } users::user { 'lwadhwani': groups => 'wheel', sshKey => 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAysFCPpffw9LIOqAEFZxOOb52m2FbHhumBFc07o8sm3c4cmdLq/bBtr5TyuQp89zVNEaTGRbw1nMpQCDno4i5ipTvCLoKk OE1PRdtyJw6PGu6VV/0U1ghK+1xmveM2jDX/otj5hjnQiRm1+Fx/orYwNBkywDlDHZQCGxalWaFgXVyReCRUqq0jBwj3EKJfsQgoxuSrh7F6GjsQ6DUOsA3wBfew S25hPmhulEqvga4/P58BMHemL9d4Ugu98Vg7fgaur/b1adX+LzbmE6C2T4Gn1kzAOEct6bFgLPRj3n5/EaspdOsZ/Nnik0LUvIwZNHgDCLgkS0D8aMIsiUrB4OqSw == luveen@Pantalaimon' } }
  • 37. /etc/puppet/modules/ Do stuff! Code is still generic but it does not have to be.

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Talk will be based in AWS.Explain facter/mcollectiveGoing to make these talks from perspective of:Architecture (High light)Puppet Execution flowDev workflowDisclamer about the word we
  • #6: We do devops
  • #8: ----- Meeting Notes (4/8/13 14:33) -----Learn from legacy stack
  • #9: First point is significant
  • #13: ----- Meeting Notes (4/8/13 15:00) -----ExplainChange runtime data into environemnt
  • #16: ----- Meeting Notes (4/8/13 15:00) ---ExplainFacter
  • #19: Puppet master is a puppet client like anyother
  • #22: ----- Meeting Notes (4/8/13 15:00) -----Explain DTP
  • #33: Give props to Jona and Shawn