Purdue's Intramural Gold Fields host various intramural sports like flag football, ultimate frisbee, and three on three soccer that are popular among Purdue students and prove that Purdue has a strong passion for athletics beyond just engineering. The fields provide a major league atmosphere and are used for practices by club teams, with flag football being the most widely played fall sport. The staff works to support Purdue's intramural sport system at the Gold Fields and enhance the competitive yet fun environment for all students.
8. Ultimate FrisbeeThe Gold Fields also serve as practice fields for Purdues mens and womens Ultimate Frisbee club teams
9. Three on Three SoccerThe Worlds Game on a miniature scale
10. The Staff of Purdues Intramural Gold FieldsThe men and women behind the intramural sport system at Purdue
11. Purdues Intramural Gold FieldsProof that Purdue is more than just an engineering school; it is a school full of students with a passion for athletics