The learner will understand various methods like streak plate technique, pour plate technique, spread plate technique and micromanupulator technique
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Pure culture techniques
1. Pure culture technique
Mrs. V. A. Warad
Assistant Professor
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
PES, Modern College of Pharmacy, (for Ladies), Moshi, Pune
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
2. Introduction
ï‚´Natural microbial populations are mixed cultures.
Contain large number of organisms – single sneeze
– 104 – 105 bacteria, 1gm feces – 1011 bacteria, 1gm
fertile soil – billions of organisms.
ï‚´To study properties and to prepare products from
microorganisms, they should be in pure culture.
ï‚´Definition: Mass of growth of cells containing only
one type of cells is called pure culture.
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
3. Selective methods
ï‚´Desired microorganism may be less in number in
mixed population or it may be slow growing.
ï‚´By using selective methods number of desired
microorganism is increased relatively.
ï‚´This increases chance of isolation of Desired
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
4. Selective methods
1. Chemical methods of selection.
2. Physical methods of selection.
3. Biological methods of selection.
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
5. Chemical methods of selection
1) Use of special carbon or nitrogen source -
enrichment selection -
ï‚´Use of enrichment medium containing single
source of carbon – α conidendrin – isolation of
bacteria which can degrade α conidendrin
ï‚´Use of enrichment medium containing single
source of nitrogen- N2 gas - Isolation of nitrogen
fixing bacteria.
2)Use of dilute media – Caulobacter spp. (0.01%
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
6. 3)Use of inhibitory or toxic chemicals
ï‚´Isolation of Gram negative bacteria - addition of
bile salts or crystal violate – MacConkys agar
Campylobacter jejuni – vancomycin, polymyxin,
trimethoprim added to medium to inhibit other
interfering intestinal bacteria
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
7. Physical methods of selection
1) Heat treatment – endospore producing bacteria –
80oC – 10 min
2)Incubation temperature –
ï‚´Thermophiles: 55oC
ï‚´Psychrophiles isolation: 0-5oC
3)pH of medium –
Isolation of lactobacilli – pH - 5.35 with acetate
buffer to maintain pH
 Isolation of V. cholera – pH – 8.5
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
8. 4) Cell size and motility –
ï‚´Isolation of Treponema spp. from oral cavity
Membrane filter with pore size – 0.15 µm sample from
oral cavity is placed on surface of agar.
ï‚´Treponema as small in size pass through filter on
underlying agar medium.
ï‚´They have ability to move swim through solid surface
of agar and grow within the agar.
Other bacteria from oral cavity – neither pass through
filter nor swim trough agar
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
9. Biological methods of selection
ï‚´Use of susceptible laboratory animals.
ï‚´Isolation of S. pneumoniae from sputum sample -
by injecting sputum sample of patient in mice. After
mice suffers from pneumonia, S. pneumoniae can
be isolated from blood of mice.
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
10. Methods of isolating pure culture
1) The streak plate technique
2)Pour plate technique
3) Spread plate technique
4) Micromanipulator technique
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
11. 1) The streak plate technique
ï‚´Dilution of bacteria on solid nutrient media.
ï‚´It is done by streaking the culture over agar surface
ï‚´Pattern of streaking - Four quadrant method.
ï‚´Bacteria get separated from each other by sufficient distance.
ï‚´One organism produces one colony and is considered as pure
ï‚´Colonies developed after streak plate method may require repeated
streaking for isolation of bacteria from mixed culture
Roll tube technique – for isolation of anaerobic bacteria - diagram,
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
12. ï‚´Advantages of streak plate technique:
1. Less material required
2. Less laborious
3. Surface colonies
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
13. Streak plate technique - Four quadrant
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
14. Roll tube technique
ï‚´Modification of streak plate technique for isolation of
anaerobic bacteria.
ï‚´Stoppered anaerobic culture tubes whose inner walls are
coated with pre-reduced media are used. Tubes are filled
with oxygen free nitrogen.
ï‚´Stopper is removed to keep them, anaerobic are flushed
oxygen free CO2 from gas cannula.
ï‚´Inoculation done with transfer loop, held against agar
surface as tube being rotated by a motor.
ï‚´Inoculation is started at bottom and drawing the loop
gradually upward, the inoculum becomes thinned and well
isolated colonies are can be obtained
ï‚´Tube is re-stoppered and incubated
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
15. 2)Pour plate technique
ï‚´Serial dilutions of mixed culture of sample are made.
ï‚´Diluted sample is added to tube of sterile sufficiently
cooled agar medium and mixed. --- diagram
ï‚´Mixture is poured in Petri plate.
ï‚´After incubation plates are observed for isolated
ï‚´Advantage - Method can be used to determine
number of bacteria in sample - Quantitative method.
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
17. Disadvantage –
1. Laborious
2. Time consuming
3. More material required
4. Some of the colonies are submerged, difficult
to pickup and study.
5. Exposure of organism to 450C - can not be
used to isolate psychrophiles
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
18. 3) Spread plate technique
ï‚´Serial dilutions of mixed culture of sample are made.
ï‚´Sample of dilution is added onto surface of agar plate.
ï‚´Sample is evenly spread on surface by sterile glass
Advantage –
1. Surface colonies
2. No exposure to higher temperature of agar
3. Quantitative method.
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW
20. 4) Micromanipulator technique
Uses instrument – micromanipulator.
ï‚´Uses microscope in conjunction with micromanipulator.
ï‚´Micromanipulator allows controlled movement of
ï‚´Single cell is picked up with micropipette while observing
cells through microscope.
ï‚´Single cell is added to nutrient medium. After incubation
pure culture is developed from single cell.
ï‚´This culture is a clone.
Microbiology/ Pure culture technique/VAW