This virtual healthy happy hour presentation summarizes Hiram and Liz Rios' story as transformation coaches who were introduced to Purium by Victoria Duke. It discusses problems with the current food system like high rates of disease and pollution from artificial ingredients and depleted soils. Statistics are provided on Americans' eating habits and beliefs about health. The presentation promotes Purium as the solution, describing it as providing whole, raw, living, alkalizing, concentrated, organic and vegan superfoods. It contrasts modern processed foods with a idealized vision of foods 100 years ago and says Purium's mission is to provide pure premium green food with the science of today and purity of the past.
- More time with family
- More time to do what we are
passionate about transforming lives
through our church, our publications,
our seminars
- Free from the man who said a
regular job was stable
12. The Facts
In a 2012 study, 52% of Americans (that were polled) believed doing their
taxes was easier than figuring out how to eat healthy.
At least 1 in 4 people eat some type of fast food every day.
Data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that in 2011 the average
American consumed nearly one ton of food. Thats 1,996 pounds of food a
According to a 2012 Food and Health Survey, only 3 in 10 Americans believe
that all sources of calories play an equal role in weight gain. Many Americans
believe that carbohydrates, sugars, and fats are the key sources for weight
Americans consume 31% more packaged food than fresh food.
Over 10 billion donuts are consumed in the US every year.
20% of all American meals are eaten in the car.
Americans spend 10% of their disposable income on fast food every year.
13. The Pollution
Health crisis: People are getting SICKER SOONER and
Food supply filled with sugar, salt, fat and artificial
Soil is depleted of minerals and crops sprayed with
Rising rates of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity
(in adults and children), Alzheimers and autism
In a nutshell, frustration with a health care system that
is brokeand food industry that sells junks in bags, boxes
and cans.
15. The Real Food Revolution
100 years ago
All food was organic
No artificial colors
No artificial flavors
No artificial sweeteners
Our mission is to give your body
PURE and PREMIUM green food.
Science of today. Purity of 100
years ago!
19. Ready to start your transformation? Ready to launch your new business?
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