Death is a part of life. The physical lifespan is finite. But, DNA has been designed for permanent existence. The purpose of death is to reset the mind (software) for a newly cloned body (hardware). Purpose of Death is the sequel to Goal of Life.
2. ? The maximization of the value of life should have
the highest priority in life.
? Life extension should have the most important
part in the maximization of the value of life.
? Death is a part of life.
? What is the purpose of death?
? Up to now, death has meant the permanent
elimination of a DNA.
? With the possibility of human cloning, scientific
and post-scientific life extension, the purpose of
death should fit into the maximum universal
planning of the living system and the wisdom of
the universe.
3. ? Death of an animal or a plant is to conserve natural
resource or to serve humans.
? Human death has been designed to permanently
eliminate the DNA or to update the human mind in the
human clone.
? Human death is designed to terminate the outdated
human mind.
? The goal of life is to determine whether the DNA,
which the life has expressed is worthy for cloning.
? The human clone will be brainwashed by a new
culture, and the mind will be updated to a new
? For example, the death of Stalin or Mao was needed to
allow his country to be updated to a new culture.
? Permanent life and DNA is possible through human
cloning and DNA rejuvenation in the future.
4. The goal of life is not death. Death serves a useful
purpose and is a part of life. There are mainly
four approaches to extend life:
1. Biologically: This method uses mainly genetic
engineering. It is the process of creating and
manipulating life with knowledge in life science.
2. Medication: This method tries to combat aging
with advances in western medicine.
3. Post-Science Medicine: This method is based on
the belief that humans have been created with
maximum universal planning. It advocate the
natural way in extending life through exercise,
natural food, and natural medicine.
4. Cloning: Cloning is a necessary insurance against
accidental or old-age death.
5. ? Today, most people are brainwashed by hard science.
? The next 2000 years, the world will be brainwashed by
soft science.
? Human progress has gone from self-centered, human-
centered, earth-centered, and science-centered to a
possible universe-centered view.
? In the universe-centered view, human intelligent might
not be as important as human happiness.
? The universe already has the intelligence to create the
living system, which is far more advanced than any
man-made technology.
? Death is needed to allow these new programming, all
the way to infinity in time.
? What is valuable in a human life is the DNA, not the
human body.
6. ? DNA can live permanently through cloning, while
the human body is designed for finite existence.
? Logically, lifespan only last the several hours
between sleeps. If a person is killed during sleep
and replaced by an exact clone, the world will not
be any different.
? The human mind can be continued by reading the
memories of the lives, which have been expressed.
? Post-science solution of value uses recalculation to
update the price based on changed expectation.
? Post-science solution of completely automated
software uses complete automation to auto-update
? Nature uses death to reset the human mind.
7. ? The goal of life is to express the DNA, which
the life contains, and to see determine the value
of the DNA, the software of the life.
? The purpose of death is to reset the out-dated
mind through human cloning or to eliminate
the DNA permanently.
? As the human culture is still in the developing
stage, old culture must be replaced by the new,
and old mind should be replaced by new
? Only futuristic DNA should be cloned back to
explain their knowledge, whose time has come.
8. ? As human advances to a developed stage, there
exists possibility of no more death.
? Permanent death of DNA can be replaced by
human cloning, which serves to reset the mind
or to replace a life lost to accidental death.
? Permanent life is possible when DNA can be
? The technology of human cloning and DNA
rejuvenation are contained in the knowledge of
mankind¡¯s self-creation of the living system.
9. ? Today, DNA is studied with temporary and
partially automated software.
? DNA is the prime example of a completely
automated permanent software.
? The study of DNA must be based on the Universal
Permanent Software, disclosed in the patent by
Hugh Ching: ¡°Completely Automated and Self-
generating Software¡± (Pat. No. 5,485,601).
? Rational human behavior must precede the
existence of permanent DNA or life and must be
guided by non-violable laws of nature in social
? An example of the non-violable laws in social
science in described in the patent by Hugh Ching:
¡°Quantitative Supply and Demand Model Based
on Infinite Spreadsheet¡± (Pat. No. 6,078,901).
10. ? There is a universal purpose for the intelligence
of the universe to maximize value.
? Evil and death are the necessary parts of the
plan for the ultimate good.
? Mankind must strive to participate in this
universal purpose by becoming a contributing
member of this purpose.
? The understanding of the human life from birth
to death is the first step in entering the
universal intelligence, which has been
accumulated from the infinite past.