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BACHANNAPET Mail ID: Purush.jd@gmail.com
WARANGAL- 506221. Mobile:+91-9985952123
To pursue challenging and high-calibre career with a reputed organization where there is enough trust for
teamwork and innovation.
Educational Qualifications:
 Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy from Kakatiya University in 2010with an aggregate of 65.2%.
 Intermediate from SRI CHAITANAYA College Hyderabad in 2005, with an aggregate of 70.6%.
 Secondary education from CHALAPATHI Residential High School at Guntur in 2003 with an
aggregate of 80%.
Presently working as a CLINICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (CRA) in Kentron Biotechnology
India Private Ltd Bangalore since 31st July 2013.
Roles and responsibilities:
 Perform screening, enrolment, and close out visits.
 Assisting in the preparation, handling and tracking of the Ethics committee submissions.
 Safe and proper conduct of medical device Studies.
 Entering data into EDC.
 Tracking protocol deviations, adverse events and study materials on site.
 Monitoring activities.
 Training to newly joined Clinical Research Coordinators.
 Coordinating investigational device accountability periodically with all clinical research
coordinators from all the sites.
 Ensure and maintain inventory of Study consumables at each site.
 Act as the main line of communication between Investigator, sponsor and CRO in study conduct
 Assisting project manager with the management of study drug/ Supply/ equipment delivery &
shipment, inventory and accountability.
 Writing the SOPS (Checklist)  For the conduct of Study
NIHON KOHDEN INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED over a period of 11 months i.e June 4th 2012 to
April 24th
Roles and responsibilities:
IVD sales and marketing about Hematology Analyzer in Andhra Pradesh.
Extracurricular Activities
 Knowledge on Clinical Data Management (CDMA) discrepancy management validation CDM
guide lines CDM codes.
 ICH GCP training certificate from Kentron biotechnology Pvt Ltd 2013.
 Paper-CRF training from Kentron biotechnology Pvt Ltd 2013.
Name : Purushottham Pinna
Date of birth : January 11, 1987
Sex : Male
Passport : H5018236
Languages known : Telugu, English, Hindi
Nationality : Indian
Father Name : Upendar Pinna
Mother Name : Venkat Laxmi Pinna.
Campus Activities :
 Submitted a seminar report on DRUGS ACTING ON RESPIRATORY SYSTEM.
 Presentation on Preservatives at a UNIVERSITY LEVEL Seminar.
I hereby declare that the above-furnished information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge. If I got an opportunity or a platform I will prove myself.
Date : (Purushottham Pinna)

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  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE PURUSHOTTHAM PINNA S/O UPENDAR H.NO:5-67 BACHANNAPET Mail ID: Purush.jd@gmail.com WARANGAL- 506221. Mobile:+91-9985952123 OBJECTIVE: To pursue challenging and high-calibre career with a reputed organization where there is enough trust for teamwork and innovation. Educational Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy from Kakatiya University in 2010with an aggregate of 65.2%. Intermediate from SRI CHAITANAYA College Hyderabad in 2005, with an aggregate of 70.6%. Secondary education from CHALAPATHI Residential High School at Guntur in 2003 with an aggregate of 80%. Experience: Presently working as a CLINICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (CRA) in Kentron Biotechnology India Private Ltd Bangalore since 31st July 2013. Roles and responsibilities: Perform screening, enrolment, and close out visits. Assisting in the preparation, handling and tracking of the Ethics committee submissions. Safe and proper conduct of medical device Studies. Entering data into EDC. Tracking protocol deviations, adverse events and study materials on site. Monitoring activities. Training to newly joined Clinical Research Coordinators. Coordinating investigational device accountability periodically with all clinical research coordinators from all the sites. Ensure and maintain inventory of Study consumables at each site. Act as the main line of communication between Investigator, sponsor and CRO in study conduct activities. Assisting project manager with the management of study drug/ Supply/ equipment delivery & shipment, inventory and accountability.
  • 2. Writing the SOPS (Checklist) For the conduct of Study NIHON KOHDEN INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED over a period of 11 months i.e June 4th 2012 to April 24th Roles and responsibilities: IVD sales and marketing about Hematology Analyzer in Andhra Pradesh. Extracurricular Activities Knowledge on Clinical Data Management (CDMA) discrepancy management validation CDM guide lines CDM codes. ICH GCP training certificate from Kentron biotechnology Pvt Ltd 2013. Paper-CRF training from Kentron biotechnology Pvt Ltd 2013. PROFILE Name : Purushottham Pinna Date of birth : January 11, 1987 Sex : Male Passport : H5018236 Languages known : Telugu, English, Hindi Nationality : Indian Father Name : Upendar Pinna Mother Name : Venkat Laxmi Pinna. Campus Activities : Submitted a seminar report on DRUGS ACTING ON RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Presentation on Preservatives at a UNIVERSITY LEVEL Seminar. DECLARATION I hereby declare that the above-furnished information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. If I got an opportunity or a platform I will prove myself. Date : (Purushottham Pinna)