This document provides an overview of key topics related to open source software for executives. It discusses common misconceptions about open source, adoption trends showing increased mainstream usage, and why community is important. The presenter will address opportunities and challenges for open source users, how open source is evolving, and what this means for executives. The document outlines the history and services of the presenter's consulting firm, which helps clients leverage strategic benefits of open source. It also notes trends like open source driving mobile innovation and changing developer mindshare across various platforms and communities.
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2. State of the IndustryPresentation FocusAddress high level topics related to open source for executives in product, technology, legal, finance and strategyTakeawaysAn understanding of the issues related to open source, enabling rapid and informed decision making by enterprise IT executives
3. What is most important for executives to know about open source
8. How Open Source is Evolving and What it means to YouPresenter - Andrew AitkenIn 2001 Mr. Aitken founded Olliance Group and brought together a team of industry veterans to provide management and strategy consulting to companies leveraging open source. In January 2005, Mr. Aitken spearheaded and continues to host the software industrys only think tank on the future of commercial open source, now a bi-annual event held in Napa, CA and Paris, France, and regularly attended by the industrys leading CEOs and visionaries. ( In December, 2010, Black Duck acquired Olliance Group and today Mr. Aitken is GM of Olliance, a Black Duck Company.Mr. Aitken has participated as an expert witness on the issues of open source and e-voting to the California Senate. Andrew has chaired and spoken internationally at multiple industry and government conferences, is on the Board of Advisors of SugarCRM, Actuate, DotNetNuke, and Funambol and has personally worked with companies such as: IBM, Sun, Intel, Nokia, HP, and others, assisting them with developing their open source strategies. Further, in October 2009, Andrew was voted one of the most influential people in open source by a survey of peers conducted by Mindtouch, Inc.
9. HistoryFounded in 2001 - acquired by Black Duck 12/31/2011Mission: To help clients capitalize on the strategic, technological, and financial benefits of open source.The leading open source business and strategy consulting firm.500 projects to date for more than 150 clientsFounder and host of the Open Source Think TankBlack Duck Software the multi-source enablement company, serving more than 850 customers in 22 countries. Black Duck enables enterprises to fully realize the compelling benefits of using FOSS components in development, while mitigating the risks and challenges.4
12. what good is open source software; its a bunch of social communist crap!SVP of R&D, Top 5 Consumer Products Company2005
13. The Black Duck Open Source KnowledgeBaseComprehensivedatabase of OSS project informationTens of billions of lines of code475,000 + OSS projects, all versionsOver 5,060 sitesRepresenting 2,000 + unique licenses550+ cryptographic algorithms7.8 billion code fingerprintsAddresses the long tail of OSS projects
21. Quality, faster development time, reliabilityForrester Research (Jeff Hammond, LinuxCon, Aug. 10, 2010)When it comes to Enterprise IT adoption, Open Source Has Crossed the Chasm79% of IT developers use open source in their development projectsOpen source is a silver bullet that allows simultaneous improvement along all three dimensions of the software iron triangle of cost, schedule, features
22. Changing Nature of Software DevelopmentSoftware development has changed Collaborative development Componentization & Search for re-use Agile methods that can adapt to changesMarket Need Managing Abundance Over 475,000 FOSS projects> 100 billion lines of codeOpen source is a silver bullet that allows simultaneous improvement along all three dimensions of the softwareiron triangle of cost, schedule, features.Jeffrey Hammond, Forrester Research Aug. 10451 Group Survey on OSS Use (Dec. 2009)87% of companies say OSS meets or exceeds cost savings expectations39% of OSS users ranked flexibility as the primary benefit
23. Open Source Drives Mobile InnovationOver 3,800 new OSS projects in 2010, doubling each of the last 3 years94% of new projects that specify a platform are targeting Android and Apple/iOSOpen source has redefined the mobile industry and is spreading far beyond
#11: SW development has changed profoundly Advent of the Internet, combined with FOSS licenses that facilitate sharing and cloud-available tools such as Subversion have fueled a whole generation of distributed, community based collaborative developmentAt same time, componentization and service based architectures, and code-specific search have made rapid prototyping and application assembly feasibleThis has enabled both Agile development methods, and multi-source: mixing own code, FOSS, 3rd party, Outsourced Economic of FOSS use/re-use are compellingAccelerate innovation, even in tough budget climate, by focusing scarce development resources on key value-add; assemble rest via multi-sourceLarge pool of proven, re-useable softwareOver 360,000 projects; 2M person-years; $400B value (COCOMO) Distributed, Multi-Source, Agile = new pragmatismCustomers have reduced new devel up to 80%, @ $10-$20 per LoC Market Need: Managing AbundanceMinority have defined policies; far fewer use tooling to automate/manage: Ad-HocOnce ready to accept Multi-source devel, dev shops overwhelmed w/ complexitySearch & select need to make good choicesCompliance/Mgmt make it easy, designed in, support Agile methodsAutomate policy, processes easily within existing ALM infrastructure