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Building Trust
intothe global
PV Value Chain
Your single-source solution provider for PV plants
Protect Your Investment.
From design to operations 
ULs services for PV plants
ULs suite of services help owner-operators, developers, financiers,
EPCs, insurers and manufacturers manage risks associated with
building and operating PV plants. The services expand on ULs
long-standing technical knowledge, as well as our solid track
record and relationships with regulators around the globe. Safety,
performance, availability and achieving expected energy yields
are critical factors right from the planning and design stage to the
commercial operation date (COD) and throughout the in-service
lifetime of a PV plant. UL provides assistance that financiers,
developers and operators can use to make well-informed
decisions as they assess risks and uncertainties. ULs services align
with the project development process and build on one another.
UL Service Engagement
Developer / EPC / Financier / Insurer
UL Service Alignment
Knowledge Access through UL
& Commission
Operations &
UL is a trusted independent testing and certification body with 120 years of experience.
Our offer to the PV industry covers the entire value chain  right up to and including
PV plants. We perform testing and certification of materials, components, products and
systems, as well as on-site field evaluations. A one-stop solution for all stakeholders of
a PV power plant, anywhere in the world.
Our value proposition
For Manufacturers and EPCs
 Global footprint with local presence
 Local testing and inspection in Asia,
Europe and North America
 Technical expertise
 Build stakeholder confidence with
trusted test and inspection results
For Banking  Finance
 Independent testing and evaluation
services for performance, reliability,
durability and quality
 Technical due diligence including
energy yield assessment
 Factory inspection, quality audits and
For Owners/Operators
 Periodic performance assessments
 Preserve system performance with
periodic inspections
 Failure analysis and advisory services
reduce system downtime
Testing, certification
and Inspection
across the PV value chain.
Plant Certification
Technical Due Diligence
Design Review Onsite Verification
Failure Analysis
Periodic Inspection/MeasurementBankability
Yield Assessment/Analysis
 Due Diligence  This set of services involves assessing technical
aspects of the project. It comprises a Project Documentation
Review, a Design Review and an Energy Yield Assessment (EYA).
 Design Review  Based on the completed system design and
technical documentation package, the equipment interaction is
reviewed for conformance to local code requirements.
 Yield Assessment  An energy yield assessment is performed
prior to construction, with consideration for location,
meteorological data, and hardware specifications, for the
purpose of verifying financial models to expected production.
 Bankability/Performance  Targeted services provide full
or partial testing to international performance standards such
as IEC/UL 61215 or IEC/UL 61646. UL also recommends additional
key tests to expose defects that are known to impact long-term
reliability. The production processes are examined specifically
for consistency in PV quality, including stringent quality control
across the supply chain. The company size, history, reputation,
financial foundation, and product portfolio are also reviewed.
 Hardware Certification  PV products and components
are evaluated and tested to recognized safety and performance
 Reliability and Durability  We perform reliability and
durability testing based on the guidelines of the International
PV Module QA Task Force or, on request, following a customer
specified test plan.
 Pre-Inspection  This service includes inspecting a sampling
of the plant to identify issues like electrical code compliance,
accuracy in measurements, structural requirements and system
document control.
 Plant Commissioning  Preliminary examinations, tests and
measurements verify safe system operation. UL then verifies that
installation matches the plans, is code compliant, and performs
as expected.
 Plant Performance Verification  UL determines energy
production based on actual weather conditions and system
characteristics, and uses results to assess financial models and
impact on revenue.
Through an independent third-party evaluation, you can
increase stakeholders confidence in hardware selection, system
design and code compliance during the planning, design and
engineering phases.
Improper implementation and installation practices may
propagate across the entire system, giving rise to potential defects
during commissioning. Careful inspection and measurement
reduces the likelihood of costly rework and delays. Our broad
knowledge of PV hardware, systems and regulatory code
requirements can reduce construction risks.
Planning, Design
Why UL?
 Rigorous evaluations processes help clients better
understand risk
 Experience in renewable energy yield assessment
and projection
 Major banks, financial institutions and insurance
companies engage with the UL family of companies
 World leader in safety science, performance testing
and certification of PV products and components
 Technical expertise that can be there fast  in some
cases within 24 hours
 Resource to regulators due to ULs broad knowledge
of NEC, local and national standards and codes
 Broad knowledge of local and national standards
and codes
 Globally accredited laboratories for PV components
and systems testing
 The UL Certification Mark is trusted by more
consumers in North America than any other safety
mark and signals a commitment to safety for both
manufacturers and regulators
 Post-Inspection  Once a plant is in operation, we follow up to
identify any construction issues that may have been introduced during
operation or caused by environmental stressors.
 Failure Analysis  UL collects and analyses data/samples from a
PV plant to determine if the cause of failure was due to over-stress or
 Field Evaluations  Via documentation review and inspection
of equipment, UL assists in determining probable acceptance of an
installed product, which may lead to approval by the appropriate
System availability is a key factor towards achieving expected
energy production. Periodic inspections and maintenance can
mitigate outages or unexpected drops in yield. In addition,
through periodic examination of the system, UL provides you with
insights into equipment status and overall system health. Finally,
independent third-party inspections help protect asset value if and
when plant ownership changes.
For more information
on UL services for PV plants,
please contact ULHELPS@ul.com
or call 1.877.ULHELPS (1.877.854.3577)
This brochure is for information purposes only.
All rights reserved.油 May not be copied or distributed without permission.
UL and the UL Logo are trademarks of UL LLC 息 2014 	  09/14.9.us
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T: +49.69.489810.0
E: info.de@ul.com
	 T: +49.2151.883324
	E: ttc@ul.com
T: +39.039.6410.101
E: info.it@ul.com
T: +48.22.336.33.39
E: info.pl@ul.com
T: +34.93.368.13.00
E: info.es@ul.com
T: +46.8.795.4370
E: info.se@ul.com
The Netherlands
T: +31.26.376.4800
E: info.nl@ul.com
United Kingdom
T: +44.1483.302.130
E: info.uk@ul.com
T: +54.11.4316.8200
E: info.ar@ul.com
T: +55.11.3049.8300
E: info.br@ul.com
T: +1.866.937.3ULC, 1.866.937.3852
E : customerservice.ca@ul.com
T: +52.55.3000.5400
E: info.mx@ul.com
United States
T: 877.UL.HELPS, 1.877.854.3577
E : cec@ul.com
T: +61.1.8824.7775
E: customerservice.au@ul.com
E: customerservice.cn@ul.com
	T: +86.20.3213.1000
	T: +86.21.6137.6300
	T: +86.512.6808.6400
Hong Kong
T: +852.2276.9898
E: customerservice.hk@ul.com
T: +91.80.4138.4400
E: customerservice.in@ul.com
E: customerservice.jp@ul.com
	 T: +81.596.24.6717
	 T: +81.3.5293.6000
T: +82.2.2009.9100
E: customerservice.kr@ul.com
T: +603.5632.5922
E: customerservice.my@ul.com
New Zealand
T: +64.3.940.4400
E: customerservice.nz@ul.com
T: +65.6274.0702
E: customerservice.sg@ul.com
T: +886.2.5559.8168
E: customerservice.tw@ul.com
T: +
E: customerservice.th@ul.com

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  • 1. Building Trust intothe global PV Value Chain Your single-source solution provider for PV plants
  • 2. Protect Your Investment. From design to operations ULs services for PV plants ULs suite of services help owner-operators, developers, financiers, EPCs, insurers and manufacturers manage risks associated with building and operating PV plants. The services expand on ULs long-standing technical knowledge, as well as our solid track record and relationships with regulators around the globe. Safety, performance, availability and achieving expected energy yields are critical factors right from the planning and design stage to the commercial operation date (COD) and throughout the in-service lifetime of a PV plant. UL provides assistance that financiers, developers and operators can use to make well-informed decisions as they assess risks and uncertainties. ULs services align with the project development process and build on one another. UL Service Engagement Developer / EPC / Financier / Insurer UL Service Alignment Knowledge Access through UL PLANNING, DESIGN & ENGINEERING Construction & Commission Operations & Maintenance UL is a trusted independent testing and certification body with 120 years of experience. Our offer to the PV industry covers the entire value chain right up to and including PV plants. We perform testing and certification of materials, components, products and systems, as well as on-site field evaluations. A one-stop solution for all stakeholders of a PV power plant, anywhere in the world. Our value proposition For Manufacturers and EPCs Global footprint with local presence Local testing and inspection in Asia, Europe and North America Technical expertise Build stakeholder confidence with trusted test and inspection results For Banking Finance Independent testing and evaluation services for performance, reliability, durability and quality Technical due diligence including energy yield assessment Factory inspection, quality audits and monitoring For Owners/Operators Periodic performance assessments Preserve system performance with periodic inspections Failure analysis and advisory services reduce system downtime Review,VERIFICATION, Testing, certification and Inspection across the PV value chain. Plant Certification Technical Due Diligence Design Review Onsite Verification Failure Analysis Periodic Inspection/MeasurementBankability Yield Assessment/Analysis
  • 3. Due Diligence This set of services involves assessing technical aspects of the project. It comprises a Project Documentation Review, a Design Review and an Energy Yield Assessment (EYA). Design Review Based on the completed system design and technical documentation package, the equipment interaction is reviewed for conformance to local code requirements. Yield Assessment An energy yield assessment is performed prior to construction, with consideration for location, meteorological data, and hardware specifications, for the purpose of verifying financial models to expected production. Bankability/Performance Targeted services provide full or partial testing to international performance standards such as IEC/UL 61215 or IEC/UL 61646. UL also recommends additional key tests to expose defects that are known to impact long-term reliability. The production processes are examined specifically for consistency in PV quality, including stringent quality control across the supply chain. The company size, history, reputation, financial foundation, and product portfolio are also reviewed. Hardware Certification PV products and components are evaluated and tested to recognized safety and performance standards. Reliability and Durability We perform reliability and durability testing based on the guidelines of the International PV Module QA Task Force or, on request, following a customer specified test plan. Pre-Inspection This service includes inspecting a sampling of the plant to identify issues like electrical code compliance, accuracy in measurements, structural requirements and system document control. Plant Commissioning Preliminary examinations, tests and measurements verify safe system operation. UL then verifies that installation matches the plans, is code compliant, and performs as expected. Plant Performance Verification UL determines energy production based on actual weather conditions and system characteristics, and uses results to assess financial models and impact on revenue. Through an independent third-party evaluation, you can increase stakeholders confidence in hardware selection, system design and code compliance during the planning, design and engineering phases. Improper implementation and installation practices may propagate across the entire system, giving rise to potential defects during commissioning. Careful inspection and measurement reduces the likelihood of costly rework and delays. Our broad knowledge of PV hardware, systems and regulatory code requirements can reduce construction risks. CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION Planning, Design Engineering Why UL? Rigorous evaluations processes help clients better understand risk Experience in renewable energy yield assessment and projection Major banks, financial institutions and insurance companies engage with the UL family of companies World leader in safety science, performance testing and certification of PV products and components Technical expertise that can be there fast in some cases within 24 hours Resource to regulators due to ULs broad knowledge of NEC, local and national standards and codes Broad knowledge of local and national standards and codes Globally accredited laboratories for PV components and systems testing The UL Certification Mark is trusted by more consumers in North America than any other safety mark and signals a commitment to safety for both manufacturers and regulators Post-Inspection Once a plant is in operation, we follow up to identify any construction issues that may have been introduced during operation or caused by environmental stressors. Failure Analysis UL collects and analyses data/samples from a PV plant to determine if the cause of failure was due to over-stress or wear-out. Field Evaluations Via documentation review and inspection of equipment, UL assists in determining probable acceptance of an installed product, which may lead to approval by the appropriate authority. System availability is a key factor towards achieving expected energy production. Periodic inspections and maintenance can mitigate outages or unexpected drops in yield. In addition, through periodic examination of the system, UL provides you with insights into equipment status and overall system health. Finally, independent third-party inspections help protect asset value if and when plant ownership changes. IN-SERVICE, OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE
  • 4. For more information on UL services for PV plants, please contact ULHELPS@ul.com or call 1.877.ULHELPS (1.877.854.3577) ul.com/solar This brochure is for information purposes only. All rights reserved.油 May not be copied or distributed without permission. UL and the UL Logo are trademarks of UL LLC 息 2014 09/14.9.us EUROPE Denmark T: + E: info.dk@ul.com France T: + E: info.fr@ul.com Germany T: +49.69.489810.0 E: info.de@ul.com UL TTC T: +49.2151.883324 E: ttc@ul.com Italy T: +39.039.6410.101 E: info.it@ul.com Poland T: +48.22.336.33.39 E: info.pl@ul.com Spain T: +34.93.368.13.00 E: info.es@ul.com Sweden T: +46.8.795.4370 E: info.se@ul.com The Netherlands T: +31.26.376.4800 E: info.nl@ul.com United Kingdom T: +44.1483.302.130 E: info.uk@ul.com AMERICAS Argentina T: +54.11.4316.8200 E: info.ar@ul.com Brazil T: +55.11.3049.8300 E: info.br@ul.com Canada T: +1.866.937.3ULC, 1.866.937.3852 E : customerservice.ca@ul.com Mexico T: +52.55.3000.5400 E: info.mx@ul.com United States T: 877.UL.HELPS, 1.877.854.3577 E : cec@ul.com ASIA PACIFIC Australia T: +61.1.8824.7775 E: customerservice.au@ul.com China E: customerservice.cn@ul.com Guangzhou T: +86.20.3213.1000 Shanghai T: +86.21.6137.6300 Suzhou T: +86.512.6808.6400 Hong Kong T: +852.2276.9898 E: customerservice.hk@ul.com India T: +91.80.4138.4400 E: customerservice.in@ul.com Japan E: customerservice.jp@ul.com Ise T: +81.596.24.6717 Tokyo T: +81.3.5293.6000 Korea T: +82.2.2009.9100 E: customerservice.kr@ul.com Malaysia T: +603.5632.5922 E: customerservice.my@ul.com New Zealand T: +64.3.940.4400 E: customerservice.nz@ul.com Singapore T: +65.6274.0702 E: customerservice.sg@ul.com Taiwan T: +886.2.5559.8168 E: customerservice.tw@ul.com Thailand T: + E: customerservice.th@ul.com