This document summarizes a titration of 100 mL of 2M HCl with 1M NaOH. It calculates the volume of NaOH needed at the equivalence point as 50 mL. It then sets up the x-axis values from 0 to 100 mL NaOH added in increments of 2 mL. The y-axis values are calculated as the pH at each point using the titration equations before and after the equivalence point.
2. Equivalence point
Strong Acid-Strong Base Titrations
Considering the titration of 100 mL of 2M HCl with 1M NaOH
import pylab
Firts to calculate the volumn of titrant needed at quivalence point
a1 , b1 = 2 , 0.1 # a1 :orignal concentration of HCl b1:original volumn of HCl solution
a2 = 1 # a2:orignal concentration of NaOH
c = a1*b1 # c: the mole of HCl
eps = 1.e-10 # eps:a tiny number to avoid zero numerator while calculating the pH
b2 = a1*b1/a2 # b2: volumn of NaOH solution needed to reach equivalence point
3. The x-axis values
The x-axis values
the amount of titrant(NaOH) added
#n:the times of titrant(NaOH) has been added
n = 50
#db:the amount of titrant added each time just before equivalence point
db = b2/n
#bs1:x-axis values(the of titrant ) before equivalence point
bs1 = pylab.linspace(db,b2,n)
#bs2:x-axis values(the volumn of titrant ) after equivalence point
bs2 = pylab.linspace(b2,2*b2,n)
4. The y-axis values
The y-axis values
#bs1:y-axis values(the pH ) before equivalence point
as1 = -pylab.log10( (c - a2*bs1 + eps )/(b1 + bs2) )
#bs1:y-axis values(the pH ) after equivalence point
as2 = 14 + pylab.log10( ( a2*bs2 - c + eps )/(b1+bs2))