The document compares the programming languages Ruby and Python. Ruby was created in 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto who wanted a scripting language more powerful than Perl but more object-oriented than Python. Python was created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum for simple and elegant computation. Both languages have grown large communities and popular frameworks - Ruby has Rails, RSpec, and Rake while Python has Django and numerous packages. The document discusses the philosophies and trade-offs between the two languages.
The document compares the programming languages Ruby and Python. Ruby was created in 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto who wanted a scripting language more powerful than Perl but more object-oriented than Python. Python was created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum for simple and elegant computation. Both languages have grown large communities and popular frameworks - Ruby has Rails, RSpec, and Rake while Python has Django and numerous packages. The document discusses the philosophies and trade-offs between the two languages.
This document compares the Flask and Django web frameworks. It discusses that Flask is smaller and more flexible than Django as it only imports what you need and allows developers more freedom in code organization and customization. It also notes that Flask works better than Django for situations where the data is non-standard or the ORM does not fit, and that Flask has fewer constraints which can allow developers to write more from scratch if desired. The conclusion is that both frameworks are great and developers should use the right tool for their specific needs and projects.
This document compares the Flask and Django web frameworks. It discusses that Flask is smaller and more flexible than Django as it only imports what is needed and allows developers to organize code freely. Flask also has fewer constraints. The document suggests Flask may be better than Django for situations where the data is unusual and the ORM does not fit, or if more flexibility is needed than what Django provides out of the box. In conclusion, both Flask and Django are great frameworks to use, depending on the specific needs and preferences of the developer.
Python RESTful webservices with Python: Flask and Django solutionsSolution4Future
狠狠撸s contain RESTful solutions based on Python frameworks like Flask and Django. The presentation introduce in REST concept, presents benchmarks and research for best solutions, analyzes performance problems and shows how to simple get better results. Finally presents soruce code in Flask and Django how to make your own RESTful API in 15 minutes.
This document summarizes and compares several popular Python web frameworks - Django, Flask, Tornado, and aiohttp.
Django is the most popular full-stack framework that provides an ORM, template engine, tests, and other features out of the box. Flask is a microframework that requires extensions for features like SQLAlchemy for ORM and Jinja2 for templating. Tornado is both an asynchronous network library and web framework that has been supporting asynchronous features since Python 2. Aiohttp is an HTTP client/server library for asyncio that can be used to build asynchronous web applications and servers in Python 3. The document discusses when each framework would be suitable depending on requirements like asynchronous features or database usage.