16. This is all part of our greater plan to focus on our
core offers business, and to give us an even larger
war chest to support our product and marketing
efforts in the places where we can win, said Bax.
More and more, were going to be focused less
on selling the type of consumables which the
Southeast Asian division had evolved to, and
more, on our core business, which is delivering
consumers to merchants.
25. 犖犢犖迦硯犖犖迦犖園
- digital tv 犢犖犖犖犖萎犖犖犢犖犖, 犖犖園犖犖園犖犖о鍵犖犖迦牽犢犖犢犖迦犖迦牽犖迦権犖犖迦牽 digital tv 犖犖犖犖犖犖犖犖犢犖ム犢
- Spark Conference http://thumbsup.in.th/2014/01/spark-conference-1/
- 犖犖犖迦犖犖迦牽犖犢犖犖迦牽犢犖÷厳犖犖犢犖犖
- Google sold Motolora to Lenovo (to focus better software), Nike layoff
hardware division (to focus better software)
- DAAT 犢犖犢犖犖迦犖犖迦牽犖犢犖о犖迦犖犖犖 2557 犖犖朽犖犖ム幻犢犖÷犖伍牽犖犖巌犖犢犖迦犢 犖犖萎見犖園犖÷顕犢犖犢犖犖迦犖犖劇犖犖犖巌犖巌犖園献犢犖犖劇犖犖犖迦牽犢犖犖犖犖迦犖園犖÷顕犖犖犖謹犖 犢犖犖∇犖迦犖о犖
犢犖犖犖 2557 犢犖犖犖犖犢犖犢犖迦犢犖犖萎犖園犖犖犖犖犖犖犖犖萎検犖迦犖犖迦牽犢犖犖犖犖迦犖犖犖劇犖犖犖巌犖巌犖園献犖犖о検犖犖朽 5,863 犖ム犖迦犖犖迦 犢犖犖巌犖÷犖迦犖犖 2556 犖犖謹犖犖犖謹
38.3% 犢犖ム鍵犖犖萎犖犢犖犖犖劇犖犖犖朽犢犖犖犖犖犢犖犢犖迦犢 犖犖園犖犖犖犖犖犖犖犖萎検犖迦犢犖犖劇犖犖犖迦犖迦牽犖犖ム顕犖犢犖÷厳犢犖犢犖犖朽権犖犖犖園犖犖犖犖犖萎検犖迦犖犖迦牽犢犖犖犖犖迦犢犖犖犖犖迦
犖犖劇犖犢 犢犖犖∇牽犖о検犖÷顕犖犖犖謹 4.82% 犢犖犖犖朽犖朽犖犖朽犖犢犖о権
- LINE 犖犖園犖犖園硯犢犖ム 25 犖ム犖迦犖犖迦権犢犖犖犖犖萎犖犖犢犖犖 / 犖犖迦権犖犖園硯犢犖犖迦鍵 犖犖犖犖ム厳犖犖犖迦肩犢犖 犖犖 LINE / LINE Call
- 犢犖犖∇ Pinterest, Hootsuit
- Web Publishing 犢犖犖 http://thumbsup.in.th/2014/02/web-publishing-thailand-
- Facebook 10 犖犖朽犖園 Organic Reach 犖犖朽犢犖犖ム厳犖犢犖犖朽権犖 2%
- LivingSocial sold to iBuy Group / JobStreet 犖犖巌犖犖園硯 / Twitter Music
26. Whats next?
1. 犖犢犖о犢犖犢 Social Network 犖犖犖萎牽犖犖犢犖犢犖犖伍犖÷犢犖
2. Fan 犖犖劇賢犖犖巌犖犖犖園犖∇ 犖犖犖犖園犖犖迦犖о犢犖犢犖犖朽犢犖о権犖犖犖萎犖о犖犖迦牽 Brand Advocate
3. 犖÷幻犢犖 Optimize 犖犖犖萎肩犖巌犖犖巌犖ム犖犖 Facebook
4. 犖犖÷険犢犖 training 犢犖ム鍵犖犖園犢犖犖犖о犖犖迦牽犖犖巌犖巌犖園献
5. Be focus on what you really, really great
6. Be relevant, be consumer centric