The document discusses the four main spheres that make up the Earth's system - the geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. It describes each sphere in detail, including what they contain and their interactions. The spheres - land, water, living things, and air - work together as a complex, interconnected system powered by both internal and external energy sources.
4. 1. 1. The interior of the Earth is part of which
sphere ?
a. Hydrosphere b. Geosphere
c. Atmosphere d. Biosphere
2. Which is NOT one of the Earths four sphere?
a. Troposphere b. Geosphere
c. Hydrosphere d. Biosphere
5. 3. Which of the following is NOT part of the
hydrologic cycle?
a. Evaporation b. Precipitation
c. Condensation d. Accumulation
6. 4. Which of the statements is NOT true?
a. Water can be created
b. Water is cycled
c. The majority of water found on Earth is
d. Saltwater makes up approximately 97% of all
water found on
7. 5. The sphere that consists of soil, sand, rocks and
all structures comprising the land is the ___.
a. geosphere b. atmosphere
c. biosphere d. hydrosphere
6. The sphere that consists of all things living is the
a. geosphere b. hydrosphere
c. biosphere d. atmosphere
8. 7. The sphere that contains all the water on Earth in
all phases is the__.
a. biosphere b. geosphere
c. hydrosphere d. atmosphere
8. The sphere that contains all the gases (air) that
envelope the earth is the___.
a. hydrosphere b. geosphere
c. atmosphere d. biosphere
9. 9. The Earth is composed of a complex set of cycles,
parts and processes that all work together as a ___.
a. planet b. system
c. unit d. factory
10. All living things on Earth are part of the_____
a. biosphere b. geosphere
c. Hydrosphere d. atmosphere
12. Earth is the only planet in the solar
system known to harbor life. Our planet
has molten nickel-iron core that give rise
to an extensive magnetic field, which
along the atmosphere , shields us from
harmful radiation coming from the sun.
Directions : Select the word from the box that corresponds to the description
written below:
Mars crust Mercury Venus Earth mantle
Jupiter Saturn Uranus core
______1. Earths twin planet in size.
______2. The closest planet to the sun .
______3. The most massive planet in our solar system.
______4. It is the only world known to harbor life.
______5. The outermost and thinner layer of our planet
______6. The second layer of the Earth .
______7. The fourth planet from the sun.
______8. The very hot, dense center of our planet.
______9. It is known most for its rings.
______10. The seventh planet from the sun.
14. Earth is a very complex place.
Everything in Earths system can be placed into one of
four major subsystems :
land , water , living things and air
These four subsystems are called spheres Specifically,
they are the geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and
The names of these spheres come from the Greek words
that describe what they are made of
Geo means ground
Hydro means water
Bio means life
Atmo means air.
15. 1. Geosphere describes all of the rocks , minerals and ground
that are found on Earth .
This includes all the mountains on the surface as well as all of the
liquid rock in the mantle below us and the minerals and metals of
the outer and inner cores. The continents , the ocean floor , all of
the rocks on the surface and all of the sand in the deserts are all
considered part of the geosphere.
Lithosphere is the rigid outer part of the earth ,
consisting of the crust and the upper mantle
16. 2.Hydrosphere is made up of all the water on Earth. This includes
all of the rivers , lakes , streams , oceans , groundwater , polar ice
caps, glaciers and moisture in the air ( rain and snow). It is found on
the surface of the Earth but also extends down several miles below
, as well as several miles up in the atmosphere.
Most of Earths water is salty and in the ocean about 97% . Two
thirds of the remaining 3% is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.
Only 1% of the hydrosphere is freshwater , and even most of this
exist as groundwater down in the soil.
17. Cryosphere is an all encompassing term for those portions of
Earths surface where water is in solid form , including snow cover,
glaciers , ice caps , ice sheets and frozen ground.
18. 3.Biosphere is composed of all of the living organisms on the
planet . This includes all of the plants, animals , bacteria, fungi and
single celled organisms found on Earth. Most of this life exists no
deeper than about 10 ft into the ground or about 600ft.
19. 4.Atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth and
retained by Earths gravity. It is an area of air and gas enveloping
objects in space like stars , planets or the air around any location.
It contains roughly 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.97% argon and
carbon dioxide, 0.04% trace amounts of other gases and water
vapor. The mixture of gases is commonly known as air. Examples:
ozone and other layer which make up the Earths sky, air and gases
contained inside a greenhouse.
21. Interactions in the Earth System
Processes/ operations in the Earth system that take place on spatial scales-
measuring rule
Examples of instantaneous breathing, rotation of the earth, earthquake
Example of long term: making coal
22. Interactions in the Earth System
The Earth is a vast complex system powered by energy from two major
the internal source (the decay of radioactive elements in the geosphere
which generates geothermal heat and
the external source ( the solar radiation received from the Sun)
23. Interactions in the Earth System
Energy is transferred within and between environmental systems in three
main ways:
1. Radiation this is the process by which energy is transmitted through
space, typically in the form of electromagnetic waves.
Example : warming of the Earth by the Sun.
24. Interactions in the Earth System
Energy is transferred within and between environmental systems in three
main ways:
2. Convection this is the physical movement of fluids (such as water or air)
that contain energy in the form of heat. ( convection does not occur in
solid)Example ; boiling water
25. Interactions in the Earth System
3. Conduction this is the transfer of energy in the form of heat through
the substance of a medium. ( molecule to molecule)
Example : In cooking the burners on stoves
26. Interactions in the Earth System
The Earth system is characterized by numerous overlapping cycles in
which matter is recycled over and over again. Cycles involve multiple spheres
and system interactions.
Examples: day and night, rock cycle, seasons
27. Interactions in the Earth System
People are part of the Earth system and they impact and are impacted
by its materials and processes.
28. Interactions in the Earth System
Sustainability :
is the capacity of Earths natural systems that support life
maintain stability or to adapt to changing environmental conditions
Earth has the capacity to sustain life with the following reasons below:
Things / Reasons that make life on Earth possible.
1. Our location is far from many hazards.
2. The sun is a stable and long lasting star
3. We are just at the right distance from the sun.
4. We have our ozone layer to block harmful rays.
5. We have right ingredients for life like water, carbon and etc.
29. Interactions in the Earth System
Man :
is the species that most modifies environments and is responsible for the
alteration and destruction of ecosystems.
So the role of man in the protection of the environment is to carry his
responsibility of ensuring that whatever you do, eat, work, play, live is of such
a nature that it is not causing irreversible damage to the environment, and to
limit the damage you may be causing by doing the things you do.
31. Interactions in the Earth System
Here are some sample events on sphere sphere
1. Increase erosion of loose soil, may have led to increase
sediments (soil particles) in stream water , making the
water muddier.
Geosphere Hydrosphere
2. Ash particles in the water may have clogged the gills of
fish and other aquatic organisms and choked them.
Hydrosphere Biosphere
33. A. Geosphere Biosphere
B. Geosphere Atmosphere
C. Hydrosphere Atmosphere
D. Hydrosphere Biosphere
E. Geosphere Hydrosphere
F. Biosphere Atmosphere