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1. SALT O Meter - Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking Quarterly report.
2. SALT O Meter Accelerators - Top performers in the 2nd Quarter.
3. Quarterly Training Report - Consolidated training man hours and departmental training hours report.
4. All Play No Work - Glimpse of team member activities at DoubleTree By Hilton Agra.
5. Community Relations - Brief report on Travel with propose activities initiated at DoubleTree By Hilton Agra.
6. Technology For Safety & Security Of Women Travelers - An article by Arjun Singh Tomar (Security Manager)
7. Upcoming Quick update on achievements, future events and activities.
Dear Team Members..
Welcome to the second issue of CARE newsletter !
You are a part of team that believes in CARE culture, high standards, teamwork and commitment to providing consistent, hassle-free service with quality
products to our guests.
In India, or wherever you are in the world, the Hilton name is synonymous with quality, prestige and comfort. However, the reputation of Hilton is in the
hands of its' Team Members, and that means YOU.
You are the single most important factor in the success of Hilton and you can expect excellent training and career development, promotion opportunities
and the chance to realize dreams.
Whatever your ambitions and aspirations, if you are prepared to go for it, we're with you all the way.
The second edition of our newsletter is a panorama of your dedication and handwork showcased in the second quarter.
Our goal in producing the newsletter is to keep our team members informed and involved.
I wish you every success in future and look forward to working with you to ensure the continued success of DoubleTree by Hilton Agra.
T.P. Sreejith
General Manager
SALT meter
1. Ranking improved by 7, in comparison to the Q1
2. Service and Room cleanliness percentile improved by 4.6% & 18.6% respectively.
3.Property Loyalty increased by 6.7% & Over all experience increased by 2.5 % in
comparison to Q1
SALT meter Accelerators...
Hero of The Month MayHero of The Mont -April Hero of The Month June Hero of the Month -JuneHero of The MonthMay
Quarterly Training Report
Training Man Hours (Level Wise)  Q2, 2015
Level/ grade No of TMs Training Hours Training hours per TM
4Ds (A) 0 0 0
HODs (B) 7 82.1 11.7285714
Managers/ Assist HODs (C) 7 124.66 15.5825
Assistant Managers (D) 11 244.25 24.425
Supervisors/Executives (E) 30 2115 70.5
Team Members (F) 62 4116.28 65.3377778
Classroom session/Cross Training - Q2
Level/ grade No of TMs Training Hours Training hours per TM
4Ds (A) 0 0 0
HODs (B) 7 187.5 26.7857143
Managers/ Assist HODs (C) 7 247.5 35.3571429
Assistant Managers (D) 11 388.98 35.3618182
Supervisors/Executives (E) 30 862.13 28.7376667
Team Members (F) 62 1519.85 24.5137097
Online Trainings - Q2
Inter House Football Competition
DoubleTree by Hilton Agra organized Inter House Football competi-
tion in the month of May. After showcasing their soccer skills, Respon-
sive & Caring made to the finals, They played high pressure final
match in the presence of stadium full audience ,who were cheering
their sides. Responsive won the tournament .
Inter House Nukkad Natak Competition
DoubleTree by Hilton Agra organized inter house Nukkad Natak
competition on June 2015. It was very fierce competition where all
the departments presented their Make it Right Situations.
RESPONSIVE House(HK,Eng,Security) out performed in the entire
competition and achieved 1st Position.
House Points Tally
2nd Quarter
Activity Caring Attentive Responsive Empowered
Quiz 40 80 60 100
Chess 100 40 80 60
Folk Dace 60 40 100 80
Football 80 40 100 60
Nukkad Natak 60 40 100 80
Total 340 240 440 380
LaughterTherapy atThe Hub Morning Meeting Activity for HODs
Nukkad Natak @The Hub Cricket World Cup LIVE Screening @The Hub
Careers@Hilton Live: Youth in Hospitality Month is Hilton World-
wides largest global career event and will showcase to young people
and other job seekers the many opportunities available in the
hospitality industry.
This month on 23May 2015, DoubleTree by Hilton Agra hosted an
event promoting the exciting hospitality careers available to todays
young people.
This program was, an expression of Hilton Worldwides Open Doors
commitment, which was
announced last year and aims to impact at
least one million young people by 2019. It is
also a celebration of Bright Blue Futures, a
global program that
encourages Team Members to donate their
time and expertise to help young people
prepare for a brighter future.
As part of the Careers@Hilton Live: Youth in Hospitality Month
Initiative, DoubleTree by Hilton, Agra, initiated a career preparation
camp with Royal College - Meerut.
The event will took place on 23 May 2015 at the Royal college campus,
in which more than 110 multi faculty students were educated about
careers at HILTON and hospitality industry.
Careers@Hilton Live : Career Preparation Camp DoubleTree by Hilton Agra  Beat The Heat- initiative
This summer soaring temperatures (Up to 47 Degrees)
have gripped parts of India in an extreme heat wave.
Inspired by our tag line Where little things mean
everything CARE Committee took Beat The Heat
initiative of putting a Cool Drink Counter at the Hotels
Staff Entrance in order to beat the heat this summer and
keeping in mind especially those associates , vendors ,
stake holders who have to bear the heat due to their job
As a process this Cool Drink Counter will be placed right
at the entrance of the hotels employee entrance, right
after the air curtain from 1000 hrs till 1800 hrs on a daily
basis during summer months.
It is a joint responsibility of the CARE Committee
members in order to making sure that the area is clean
and no one is misusing the facility.
Beat The Heat
 Make reservation in a hotel well in advance, preferably in a hotel where designated floor are there for female travelers.
 Keep your guardians informed well in advance of all your movements and schedule and keep them updated about it from time to time while travelling.
 Whenever women take a taxi, especially at odd hours, they should take the photo of taxis license plate and of driver and send it to guardian(s) on WhatsApp which
should be followed by a call speaking in a language the driver understands saying they have sent the taxi number and drivers photo. Even if there is no network or
response from the number act as if you are talking to someone.
 Put the google map on so that you know if and when the taxi is deviating from the route.
 If travelling in a lift press all the buttons of all the floors so that at each floor the lift opens. This way person travelling in lift with you will not attempt doing any-
thing malicious since the lift doors are opening at each floor.
 Latch the door properly as soon as you enter the room. If there is any inter connecting room make sure that the inter connecting door is properly latched from your
side of the door. Do not open hotel rooms door for anyone if no one is anticipated. If in doubt call the hotel security to verify.
 Do not tell about your plans of going out/coming back to anyone. Tell people about your movements on need to know basis. Pretend you know the place and know
many people there.
 Keep a pepper spray handy in your purse all the time.
You can use your phone for your safety using various android applications. Here is list of top five women safety android applications.
VithU: V Gumrah Initiative
This new emergency safety application was recently launched by a TV channel company Star India Pvt Ltd. Once installed, victims just have to press the smartphone
power twice to activate the applications, then the handset automatically shoots distress messages to a set of pre-defined contacts and will continue to push geography data
every two minutes to the guardian to track the real-time location of the victim.
iFollow-Ladies safety, SOS:
This is one of the 'Nasscom sponsored FameApp contest awarding winning safety app developed by Aucupa Innovative Solutions. Once configured, victims just have to
shake the phone three times in five seconds to activate the emergency safety system, then it will call your first contact person and wait for the person to respond the call.
If he/she doesn't respond to the call iFollow will shoot a sms along with your geo location to select personal contacts (max 3). After the first message, on every ten meters
change in location, app will send SOS distress message with new location details.
I'm Shakti:
This app is developed by a Bengaluru based start-up company Notion Ink. Once installed, victim just has to press the smartphone power button five times(within two sec-
onds) to initiate the imShakti app. The application will then shoot emergency SMSs containing the user's geography location data to a set of pre-designated contacts.
One notable feature of the app is that, if the location data is not available in the phone, the safety application will send emergency text message and phone will continue to
find the location data and once found, it will once again send SMS with geography information.
spotNsave Feel Secure
This is a new app released just a few days ago and is developed by a company with the same name 'spot N save'. If a user faces dire situations, the victim will only need to
double tap smartphone power button. Once initiated, the application spotNsave will send SoS distress to guardians (or select contacts) every 2 minutes with you current
and updated location through sms. Other mentionable feature is that the app is also compatible with wristband (company's very own accessory) via Bluetooth. If users are
not able to reach out to phone, they can click buttons twice on the band to activate applications inside the phone.
This application is co-developed by Kalpana Viswanath and Ashish Basu with support from UK government's Department of International Development, Ford Founda-
tion and others.
SafetiPin is slightly different compared to other applications for, it helps user to create a group of friends who share same interests. They create a community that gives
ratings to particular place based on the security concerns and social activities as well. It gives you a map-based view of your neighborhood, community and city - support-
ed by pictures, comments and safety scores.
In case of terrorist attack on hotel, the designated floor for females will help in speedy evacuation of females.
Technology For Safety & Security Of Women Travelers
By: Arjun Singh TomarSecurity Manager
From June 1-August 31, enter catches online for a chance to
win prizes. View and print real-time totals for your hotel, set
and measure goals, and share favorite catches. This year,
were making some exciting changes, including the option
for guests to submit catches online, improved reporting, and
the addition of over 100 best practices to help make this
years program your best yet. Find out more.
Catch Me at My Best
Thank you...
Congratulations Front Office Team for winning the First Leg of the HEG
Challenge for the month of April 2015.
DoubleTree by Hilton Agra was announced amongst all the global winners.
BEST Hotel Team in the
DoubleTree Brand!

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  • 1. Q 2 2015 IN THIS ISSUE 1. SALT O Meter - Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking Quarterly report. 2. SALT O Meter Accelerators - Top performers in the 2nd Quarter. 3. Quarterly Training Report - Consolidated training man hours and departmental training hours report. 4. All Play No Work - Glimpse of team member activities at DoubleTree By Hilton Agra. 5. Community Relations - Brief report on Travel with propose activities initiated at DoubleTree By Hilton Agra. 6. Technology For Safety & Security Of Women Travelers - An article by Arjun Singh Tomar (Security Manager) 7. Upcoming Quick update on achievements, future events and activities. Dear Team Members.. Welcome to the second issue of CARE newsletter ! You are a part of team that believes in CARE culture, high standards, teamwork and commitment to providing consistent, hassle-free service with quality products to our guests. In India, or wherever you are in the world, the Hilton name is synonymous with quality, prestige and comfort. However, the reputation of Hilton is in the hands of its' Team Members, and that means YOU. You are the single most important factor in the success of Hilton and you can expect excellent training and career development, promotion opportunities and the chance to realize dreams. Whatever your ambitions and aspirations, if you are prepared to go for it, we're with you all the way. The second edition of our newsletter is a panorama of your dedication and handwork showcased in the second quarter. Our goal in producing the newsletter is to keep our team members informed and involved. I wish you every success in future and look forward to working with you to ensure the continued success of DoubleTree by Hilton Agra. T.P. Sreejith General Manager
  • 2. SALT meter Quarterly Performance Summary 1. Ranking improved by 7, in comparison to the Q1 2. Service and Room cleanliness percentile improved by 4.6% & 18.6% respectively. 3.Property Loyalty increased by 6.7% & Over all experience increased by 2.5 % in comparison to Q1
  • 3. SALT meter Accelerators... Hero of The Month MayHero of The Mont -April Hero of The Month June Hero of the Month -JuneHero of The MonthMay
  • 4. Quarterly Training Report Training Man Hours (Level Wise) Q2, 2015 Level/ grade No of TMs Training Hours Training hours per TM 4Ds (A) 0 0 0 HODs (B) 7 82.1 11.7285714 Managers/ Assist HODs (C) 7 124.66 15.5825 Assistant Managers (D) 11 244.25 24.425 Supervisors/Executives (E) 30 2115 70.5 Team Members (F) 62 4116.28 65.3377778 Classroom session/Cross Training - Q2 Level/ grade No of TMs Training Hours Training hours per TM 4Ds (A) 0 0 0 HODs (B) 7 187.5 26.7857143 Managers/ Assist HODs (C) 7 247.5 35.3571429 Assistant Managers (D) 11 388.98 35.3618182 Supervisors/Executives (E) 30 862.13 28.7376667 Team Members (F) 62 1519.85 24.5137097 Online Trainings - Q2
  • 5. LL PLAY NO WORKA Inter House Football Competition DoubleTree by Hilton Agra organized Inter House Football competi- tion in the month of May. After showcasing their soccer skills, Respon- sive & Caring made to the finals, They played high pressure final match in the presence of stadium full audience ,who were cheering their sides. Responsive won the tournament . Inter House Nukkad Natak Competition DoubleTree by Hilton Agra organized inter house Nukkad Natak competition on June 2015. It was very fierce competition where all the departments presented their Make it Right Situations. RESPONSIVE House(HK,Eng,Security) out performed in the entire competition and achieved 1st Position. House Points Tally 2nd Quarter Activity Caring Attentive Responsive Empowered Quiz 40 80 60 100 Chess 100 40 80 60 Folk Dace 60 40 100 80 Football 80 40 100 60 Nukkad Natak 60 40 100 80 Total 340 240 440 380
  • 6. LL PLAY NO WORKA LaughterTherapy atThe Hub Morning Meeting Activity for HODs Nukkad Natak @The Hub Cricket World Cup LIVE Screening @The Hub AppreciationWeek
  • 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS Careers@Hilton Live: Youth in Hospitality Month is Hilton World- wides largest global career event and will showcase to young people and other job seekers the many opportunities available in the hospitality industry. This month on 23May 2015, DoubleTree by Hilton Agra hosted an event promoting the exciting hospitality careers available to todays young people. This program was, an expression of Hilton Worldwides Open Doors commitment, which was announced last year and aims to impact at least one million young people by 2019. It is also a celebration of Bright Blue Futures, a global program that encourages Team Members to donate their time and expertise to help young people prepare for a brighter future. As part of the Careers@Hilton Live: Youth in Hospitality Month Initiative, DoubleTree by Hilton, Agra, initiated a career preparation camp with Royal College - Meerut. The event will took place on 23 May 2015 at the Royal college campus, in which more than 110 multi faculty students were educated about careers at HILTON and hospitality industry. Careers@Hilton Live : Career Preparation Camp DoubleTree by Hilton Agra Beat The Heat- initiative This summer soaring temperatures (Up to 47 Degrees) have gripped parts of India in an extreme heat wave. Inspired by our tag line Where little things mean everything CARE Committee took Beat The Heat initiative of putting a Cool Drink Counter at the Hotels Staff Entrance in order to beat the heat this summer and keeping in mind especially those associates , vendors , stake holders who have to bear the heat due to their job role. As a process this Cool Drink Counter will be placed right at the entrance of the hotels employee entrance, right after the air curtain from 1000 hrs till 1800 hrs on a daily basis during summer months. It is a joint responsibility of the CARE Committee members in order to making sure that the area is clean and no one is misusing the facility. Beat The Heat
  • 8. Make reservation in a hotel well in advance, preferably in a hotel where designated floor are there for female travelers. Keep your guardians informed well in advance of all your movements and schedule and keep them updated about it from time to time while travelling. Whenever women take a taxi, especially at odd hours, they should take the photo of taxis license plate and of driver and send it to guardian(s) on WhatsApp which should be followed by a call speaking in a language the driver understands saying they have sent the taxi number and drivers photo. Even if there is no network or response from the number act as if you are talking to someone. Put the google map on so that you know if and when the taxi is deviating from the route. If travelling in a lift press all the buttons of all the floors so that at each floor the lift opens. This way person travelling in lift with you will not attempt doing any- thing malicious since the lift doors are opening at each floor. Latch the door properly as soon as you enter the room. If there is any inter connecting room make sure that the inter connecting door is properly latched from your side of the door. Do not open hotel rooms door for anyone if no one is anticipated. If in doubt call the hotel security to verify. Do not tell about your plans of going out/coming back to anyone. Tell people about your movements on need to know basis. Pretend you know the place and know many people there. Keep a pepper spray handy in your purse all the time. You can use your phone for your safety using various android applications. Here is list of top five women safety android applications. VithU: V Gumrah Initiative This new emergency safety application was recently launched by a TV channel company Star India Pvt Ltd. Once installed, victims just have to press the smartphone power twice to activate the applications, then the handset automatically shoots distress messages to a set of pre-defined contacts and will continue to push geography data every two minutes to the guardian to track the real-time location of the victim. iFollow-Ladies safety, SOS: This is one of the 'Nasscom sponsored FameApp contest awarding winning safety app developed by Aucupa Innovative Solutions. Once configured, victims just have to shake the phone three times in five seconds to activate the emergency safety system, then it will call your first contact person and wait for the person to respond the call. If he/she doesn't respond to the call iFollow will shoot a sms along with your geo location to select personal contacts (max 3). After the first message, on every ten meters change in location, app will send SOS distress message with new location details. I'm Shakti: This app is developed by a Bengaluru based start-up company Notion Ink. Once installed, victim just has to press the smartphone power button five times(within two sec- onds) to initiate the imShakti app. The application will then shoot emergency SMSs containing the user's geography location data to a set of pre-designated contacts. One notable feature of the app is that, if the location data is not available in the phone, the safety application will send emergency text message and phone will continue to find the location data and once found, it will once again send SMS with geography information. spotNsave Feel Secure This is a new app released just a few days ago and is developed by a company with the same name 'spot N save'. If a user faces dire situations, the victim will only need to double tap smartphone power button. Once initiated, the application spotNsave will send SoS distress to guardians (or select contacts) every 2 minutes with you current and updated location through sms. Other mentionable feature is that the app is also compatible with wristband (company's very own accessory) via Bluetooth. If users are not able to reach out to phone, they can click buttons twice on the band to activate applications inside the phone. SafetiPin: This application is co-developed by Kalpana Viswanath and Ashish Basu with support from UK government's Department of International Development, Ford Founda- tion and others. SafetiPin is slightly different compared to other applications for, it helps user to create a group of friends who share same interests. They create a community that gives ratings to particular place based on the security concerns and social activities as well. It gives you a map-based view of your neighborhood, community and city - support- ed by pictures, comments and safety scores. In case of terrorist attack on hotel, the designated floor for females will help in speedy evacuation of females. Technology For Safety & Security Of Women Travelers By: Arjun Singh TomarSecurity Manager
  • 9. New... From June 1-August 31, enter catches online for a chance to win prizes. View and print real-time totals for your hotel, set and measure goals, and share favorite catches. This year, were making some exciting changes, including the option for guests to submit catches online, improved reporting, and the addition of over 100 best practices to help make this years program your best yet. Find out more. Catch Me at My Best Thank you... Congratulations Front Office Team for winning the First Leg of the HEG Challenge for the month of April 2015. DoubleTree by Hilton Agra was announced amongst all the global winners. BEST Hotel Team in the DoubleTree Brand!