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Qcl 14-v3-[5 s]-[nitie]_[chappa kishore]
5 S is workplace organisation method .This came form Japanese words like seiri, seiton , seiso, seiketsu and
Its translation in English is Sort, straighten, shine , standardize and sustain.
separate necessary items and the unnecessary items and dispose unnecessary items properly
Set in order:
Arranging all the items in a particular order for easy use and reduce searching time for a particular tool
Shine :
Clean the work place neatly which can be used for inspection also. It makes work flow smooth and easy
write the name of item on paper and stick it to the corresponding place of the item. Maintain High standard of
house keeping and work place all the time
5S is a habit and its continuously improve the process
other Ss are safety and security. Work areas should be free from hazardous materials and it should be secure
Bad 5S practises:
SET-Not Removed fruit
salad from the dishes and
plates, sweeping items, jar
from the wash basin, box
and bowl from rice bag SORT-Not keeping the plates in
order and hot box cups on the
hot box plates. Irregular
manner in arranging
vegetables, eggs and white
onions, wooden buckets. No
separation of cooked and non
cooked items
SHINE-Not Cleaning the cutting
area ,buckets,. Not Using plastic
gloves while preparation of mida
and not using protective cloth
while cooking. Not using head
caps , chances of hair may fall in
STANDARDIZE-No where stickled the
item name on the respective bottles.
No route sheet and flow chart for
items processing of routine
activities. No safety instructions
inside the kitchen
SUSTAIN-improve the process
from time to time.
Qcl 14-v3-[5 s]-[nitie]_[chappa kishore]
Quantification of the problems: Time
set Not keeping the
plates in order
Not arranginging
bags,buckets in
systematic order
arrangement of
vegetables, eggs,
Not keeping the
breads in proper
Repated use
ingredients in
random manner
time for
Drying of
Using Steel
mug instead
of plastic
Shine Not using head
caps, cheff coat
and pants
No daily cleaning
cleaning of the
Not placing
cover plate on
the vessel
Not cleaning the
cutting place
15 hours Increase in time
for food preparation
(monthly) because of not
following SORT. Above
reasons causing the % of
time occupied in SORT.
21 hours Increase in time time
for food preparation (monthly)
because of not following SET.
Above reasons causing the % of
time occupied in SET.
26 hours Increase in time for food
preparation(monthly) because of
not following SHINE. Above
reasons causing the % of time
occupied in SHINE.
Not sticking ingredient name on respective ingrdient bottle
No listing of menu , ingredients, cooking temp, temparatur and
No preparation instructions,and no review on equipment and
No record keeping of the quantity of material used daily
45 hours Increase in time time for food
preparation (monthly) because of not following
STANDARDIZE. Above reasons causing the % of
time occupied in STANDARDIZE.
? Because of above problems, approximately 107
hours are wasted for the preparation of food. It
does not add any value.
? Using of 5S technique and continuously
improving above, reduces wastage time
? Effective utilization human recourses be increase
by using this technique
Other benefits:
? Customer responsiveness will increase
? Customer perceived value be more
sort set Shine Standardize Sustain
% contribution of wastage amount
% contribution of wastage amount
? Because of not using 5S technique
quality of the food is not good.so many
students are wasting the food material
? overall wastage in the food per month
is 525 kg.
? Total cost of the waste Food material
is 12000 rs approximately
? Because not following SORT ,out of
12000 rs ,its contribution of wastage
amount is 15 percent
? Similarly , not following SET ,we are
loosing 10% in total wastage amount .
? Kitchen interior should be made with cupboards
? Remove wooden support for increasing the height of the worker and its replaced
by small chair
? Using plastic mugs instead steel jars.
? Workers should wear cheff coat, head cap, gloves at the time of cooking.
? Non cooking items and cooking items should be on different tables
? Vacuum cleaner should be used for cleaning of floor and cutting place
? Kitchen utensils stand should be placed inside the kitchen
? Labelling on the ingredient boxes should be done for reducing searching time
? Preparation of safety instructions, listing menu, reviewing on the equipment ad
utensils should be done from time to time
? Workers should dry their clothes outside of the Mess
? Sensors system should be provided at the water taps for reducing the wastage of
? Small Dust bin should be keep near to cooking area
? Book keeping of food ingredients maintained daily.
Lessons learnt:
? How to quantify the general problem in the terms of time and cost
? Advantages of 5S in industry perceptive
? How to identify and separate the problems.
? Implementation of 5S technique in daily life .Better organized by ourselves like
separating the 2nd module text books from 1st module, all books are keeping at the
racks and cupboards in a systematic manner, cleaning of room , writing name of
the name of books in a prescribed format and pasted on each rack. Improving
these methods from time to time.
? Utilization of resources in a effective manner
? Implementation of this technique on swatchh Bharat campaign on oct 2
? How to use templates in Mini draw software
? Photography techniques- taken photos related to relevant cause
? How to use bar and pie chart for quantifying the problem
Qcl 14-v3-[5 s]-[nitie]_[chappa kishore]

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EDL 290F Week 3 - Mountaintop Views (2025).pdf
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EDL 290F Week 3 - Mountaintop Views (2025).pdf
Liz Walsh-Trevino

Qcl 14-v3-[5 s]-[nitie]_[chappa kishore]

  • 2. Introduction: 5 S is workplace organisation method .This came form Japanese words like seiri, seiton , seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke Its translation in English is Sort, straighten, shine , standardize and sustain. Sort: separate necessary items and the unnecessary items and dispose unnecessary items properly Set in order: Arranging all the items in a particular order for easy use and reduce searching time for a particular tool Shine : Clean the work place neatly which can be used for inspection also. It makes work flow smooth and easy Standardize: write the name of item on paper and stick it to the corresponding place of the item. Maintain High standard of house keeping and work place all the time Sustain: 5S is a habit and its continuously improve the process other Ss are safety and security. Work areas should be free from hazardous materials and it should be secure
  • 3. Bad 5S practises: SET-Not Removed fruit salad from the dishes and plates, sweeping items, jar from the wash basin, box and bowl from rice bag SORT-Not keeping the plates in order and hot box cups on the hot box plates. Irregular manner in arranging vegetables, eggs and white onions, wooden buckets. No separation of cooked and non cooked items SHINE-Not Cleaning the cutting area ,buckets,. Not Using plastic gloves while preparation of mida and not using protective cloth while cooking. Not using head caps , chances of hair may fall in curries. STANDARDIZE-No where stickled the item name on the respective bottles. No route sheet and flow chart for items processing of routine activities. No safety instructions inside the kitchen SUSTAIN-improve the process from time to time. 5S
  • 5. Quantification of the problems: Time 15% 10% 18% 35% 22% set Not keeping the plates in order Not arranginging bags,buckets in systematic order Irregular arrangement of vegetables, eggs, utensils Not keeping the breads in proper place Repated use ingredients in random manner 18% 53% 3% 26% sort Searching time for vegetables Drying of clothes Removing Bucket Using Steel mug instead of plastic mug 27% 15%43% 15% Shine Not using head caps, cheff coat and pants No daily cleaning cleaning of the floor Not placing cover plate on the vessel Not cleaning the cutting place 15 hours Increase in time for food preparation (monthly) because of not following SORT. Above reasons causing the % of time occupied in SORT. 21 hours Increase in time time for food preparation (monthly) because of not following SET. Above reasons causing the % of time occupied in SET. 26 hours Increase in time for food preparation(monthly) because of not following SHINE. Above reasons causing the % of time occupied in SHINE.
  • 6. 27% 20%33% 20% Standardize Not sticking ingredient name on respective ingrdient bottle No listing of menu , ingredients, cooking temp, temparatur and time No preparation instructions,and no review on equipment and utensils No record keeping of the quantity of material used daily 45 hours Increase in time time for food preparation (monthly) because of not following STANDARDIZE. Above reasons causing the % of time occupied in STANDARDIZE. Sustain: ? Because of above problems, approximately 107 hours are wasted for the preparation of food. It does not add any value. ? Using of 5S technique and continuously improving above, reduces wastage time ? Effective utilization human recourses be increase by using this technique Other benefits: ? Customer responsiveness will increase ? Customer perceived value be more
  • 7. Cost: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 sort set Shine Standardize Sustain % contribution of wastage amount % contribution of wastage amount ? Because of not using 5S technique quality of the food is not good.so many students are wasting the food material ? overall wastage in the food per month is 525 kg. ? Total cost of the waste Food material is 12000 rs approximately ? Because not following SORT ,out of 12000 rs ,its contribution of wastage amount is 15 percent ? Similarly , not following SET ,we are loosing 10% in total wastage amount .
  • 8. Recommendations ? Kitchen interior should be made with cupboards ? Remove wooden support for increasing the height of the worker and its replaced by small chair ? Using plastic mugs instead steel jars. ? Workers should wear cheff coat, head cap, gloves at the time of cooking. ? Non cooking items and cooking items should be on different tables ? Vacuum cleaner should be used for cleaning of floor and cutting place ? Kitchen utensils stand should be placed inside the kitchen ? Labelling on the ingredient boxes should be done for reducing searching time ? Preparation of safety instructions, listing menu, reviewing on the equipment ad utensils should be done from time to time ? Workers should dry their clothes outside of the Mess ? Sensors system should be provided at the water taps for reducing the wastage of water ? Small Dust bin should be keep near to cooking area ? Book keeping of food ingredients maintained daily.
  • 9. Lessons learnt: ? How to quantify the general problem in the terms of time and cost ? Advantages of 5S in industry perceptive ? How to identify and separate the problems. ? Implementation of 5S technique in daily life .Better organized by ourselves like separating the 2nd module text books from 1st module, all books are keeping at the racks and cupboards in a systematic manner, cleaning of room , writing name of the name of books in a prescribed format and pasted on each rack. Improving these methods from time to time. ? Utilization of resources in a effective manner ? Implementation of this technique on swatchh Bharat campaign on oct 2 ? How to use templates in Mini draw software ? Photography techniques- taken photos related to relevant cause ? How to use bar and pie chart for quantifying the problem