Visakh Refinery in India has increased its capacity over 8-fold since 1957 to process various imported and domestic crude oils. It produces products like LPG, gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. The refinery uses computer-controlled in-line blending to optimize blending of products like gasoline to meet specifications like vapor pressure and octane at lowest cost. While gasoline blending showed no quality giveaway, diesel blending experienced some quality giveaway. In-line blending, real-time analyzers, and additional storage are recommended to reduce losses from diesel quality giveaway.
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2. Acknowledgement
The successful completion of the project report could not have been possible
without the help and guidance of many people. I would like to take this opportunity
to express my sincere and humble acknowledgements toward these individuals.
I would like to thank my mentor Mr. Sandip Banerjee and other staff members
including Mr. N. Raghu, Mr. Jaya Prakash Ratti, Mr. R V A Shashank and Mr.
P. Shyam Kumar who have helped me in gathering the information which led to
the successful completion of this report.
4. • Visakh Refinery(Caltex oil refinery ltd.) had an initial capacity of 0.675
MMTPA in 1957.
• Presently, the capacity has been increased manifold to 8.3 MMTPA
• Visakh refinery is capable of processing both imported and indigenous crude.
• It process a vast variety of crudes from middle east countries to Malaysia,
Libya, Nigeria, etc., therefore jokingly referred as Research refinery.
• Arab Mix and Bombay High are the majority processed crude.
• Products produced are LPG, MS/Petrol, SKO, HDO and LDO, Naphtha,
Bitumen, Turpentine oil, ATF, etc.
• Crude Distillation Unit - I/II/III
• Bitumen Blowing Unit
• VisBreaker Unit
• Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit
• MS Block facilities consisting of the following plants were installed and commissioned for
processing various Naphtha streams of the refinery with the overall objective of meeting EURO III
and EURO IV specification for Motor Spirit.
• -NHT (Naphtha Hydrotreating)
• -CCR (Continuous Catalytic Regenerator)
• -Cycle Max
• -NIU (Naphtha Isomerization Unit)
• -FCC-NHT (Fluidized Catalytic Cracking – Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit)
10. • The objective of product blending is to allocate the available blending components in such a way
as to meet product demands and specifications at the least cost and to produce incremental
products which maximize overall profit.
• Aside from lubricating oils, the major refinery products produced by blending are gasolines, jet
fuels, heating oils, and diesel fuels.
• Today most refineries use computer-controlled in-line blending for blending gasolines and
other high-volume products. Inventories of blending stocks, together with cost and physical
property data are maintained in the computer. When a certain volume of a given quality
product is specified, the computer uses linear programming models to optimize the blending
operations to select the blending components to produce the required volume of the specified
product at the lowest cost.
11. • To ensure that the blended streams meet the desired specifications, stream analyzers, measuring, for
example, boiling point, specific gravity, RVP, and research and motor octane, are installed to provide
feedback control of additives and blending streams.
• Blending components to meet all critical specifications most economically is a trial-and-error procedure
which is easy to handle with the use of a computer.
• Optimization programs permit the computer to provide the optimum blend to minimize cost and maximize
profit. Both linear and geometric programming techniques are used.
13. • Gasoline blending(C4-C11):- Gasoline is the largest volume refinery product.
• The allowable blending stocks are those with boiling ranges within the product specifications [e.g.,
C4-380°F (C4-193°C)] and the control criteria are to meet Reid vapor pressure (RVP) and octane
number requirements.
• The Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) is set depending on the average temperature of the location the
gasoline will be used (cold temperatures require higher RVP than warmer climates). These two
specifications are the most significant and they are documented with each blend, to minimize the
potential for octane giveaway.
• If the octane specification is 87.0, each 0.1 octane over this target value costs the refiner money. In
the United States, this cost calculates to approximately $1,000,000 per 0.1 octane giveaway per
100,000 bpd crude capacity.
14. • Distillate fuel blending:- has other specifications that must be met.
• Distillate blending includes jet fuels, diesel fuels, kerosene and No.1 and No.2 fuel oils.
• Diesel fuel properties that are measured include Cetane number (analogous to octane number for
the gasoline engine); Flash point (relates to fire hazard in storage); Low temperature properties,
including cloud point; and pour point, Sulfur content.
• In blending some products, such as residual fuel oils or asphalt, viscosity is one of the
specifications that must be met.
38. Conclusion
• As per our study and report it is found out that there is no QGA in
gasoline. But it has been observed that there is QGA in Diesel in the
refinery. So, it is suggested that In-line blending, Real time online
analyzers and increase in availability of storage tanks for products are
optimal choice to greatly reduce losses incurred for diesel product due
to QGA. It will also help in reducing manual intervention which has
been specified above and helps in achieving desired blend of fuel