Five powerful models to innovate in managing people, in selling your services, in fostering your relationships, in managing complexity, in making change happen!
7. modelling to accelerate practice
using a model allows you to practice quickly to acquire knoledge and skills
real flight modelled flight
8. modelling to strenghten skills
using a model allows you to stenghten some specific skills
real fight modelled fight
9. the change plot
got last chance to
keep his job,
fighting side by side
with a fellow against
his own stereotypes
and old thoughts:
going to loose
a brilliant manager in
his quite room,
10. the challenges
the protagonist can keep his job if
succeeding in five challenges
Find the secret of a
solid relationship
Drive a crazy car
Seed a plant
Manage a crowded
Find a key in a
crowded market
12. the complete model
Exercizing on modelled
scenarios, you can foster your
modelled skills
Model Scenario Mod Scenario 1 Mod Scenario 2
Model Symbol
Mod Symbol1 Mod Symbol1
Model Skill
Mod Skill1 Mod Skill1
Real skill
Real Skill1 Real Skill1
13. thecompletemodel
Model Scenario Mod Scenario 1 Mod Scenario 2 Mod Scenario 3 Mod Scenario 4 Mod Scenario 5
Model Symbol
Mod Symbol1 Mod Symbol1 Mod Symbol1
Mod Symbol2 Mod Symbol2 Mod Symbol2
Mod Symbol3 Mod Symbol3
Mod Symbol4 Mod Symbol4
Mod Symbol5 Mod Symbol5 Mod Symbol5
Mod Symbol6 Mod Symbol6
Model Skill
Mod Skill1 Mod Skill1
Mod Skill2 Mod Skill2
Mod Skill3 Mod Skill3
Mod Skill4 Mod Skill4
Mod Skill5 Mod Skill5
Mod Skill6 Mod Skill6
Real skill
Real Skill1 Real Skill1
Real Skill2 Real Skill2
Real Skill3 Real Skill3
Real Skill4 Real Skill4
Real Skill5 Real Skill5
Real Skill6 Real Skill6
Real Scenario Real Scenario 1 Real Scenario 2 Real Scenario 3 Real Scenario 4 Real Scenario 5
15. the challenge
• a key is hidden among hundreds in a market
• nobody knows where the key is hidden
• the time is limited
• you need to find the key
16. the modelled scenarios
Scenario Real
getting lost in the market ignoring the customer
getting the first contact approaching who is close
to your customer
approaching the first
selling to the first
accelerate the number of
intense sales plan
empathic communication the sales alignment
how to capture the needs that
customers often ignore?
17. the modelled symbols
Symbol Real
the market place the customers
the barter the exchange
the child the catalyst
the smith the first customer
the key the customer need
the hidden attribute the unaware need
how to capture the needs that
customers often ignore?
18. the modelled skills
Skill Real
Orienteer in the market Set in a new environment
Find the catalyst Find the catalyst
Segment the market Give priorities
Ask the right questions to
the first merchant
Conquer the first early
Intercept the market key
Intercept the market key
Find the right barter Know what to give back
how to capture the needs that
customers often ignore?
19. thecompletemodel
Scenario getting lost in the market getting the first contact
approaching the
first merchant
accelerate the
number of contacts
the market place the market place the market place
the child the child the child
the smith the smith
the key the key
the hidden
the hidden
the hidden
the barter the barter
Orienteer in the
Orienteer in the market
Segment the
Segment the market
Find the catalyst Find the catalyst
Ask the right
questions to the
first merchant
Ask the right
questions to the
first merchant
Intercept the
market key
Intercept the market
key dynamics
Find the right
Find the right
Real skill
Set in a new
Set in a new environment
Give priorities Give priorities
Find the catalyst Find the catalyst
Conquer the first
early adopter
Conquer the first
early adopter
Intercept the
market key
Intercept the market
key dynamics
Know what to
give back
Know what to
give back
Real Scenario jump in new market environment
approach who is close to
your customer
sell to the first
intense sales plan
the sales
21. the challenge
• a crossroad is crossed by hundreds people
• you are dressed like a guard
• you may use traffic lights
• you need to manage it
22. the model
Symbol Real
the crossroad the situation to manage
the guardian the authority
the traffic lights the norms
the multi-directions flows the complexity
The barriers the control
how to manage a complex situation
with no authority
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