
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
                          Not Using QR Codes?
                            Are You Qrazy?

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13
Who am I?
                          Why am I here?

Sunday, February 10, 13
What is a QR Code?

Sunday, February 10, 13
What is a QR Code?
                           short for Quick Response

Sunday, February 10, 13
What is a QR Code?
                            short for Quick Response

                          a 2-dimensional matrix bar code

Sunday, February 10, 13
What is a QR Code?
                              short for Quick Response

                            a 2-dimensional matrix bar code

                          fast readability & large storage capacity

Sunday, February 10, 13
What can I code?

Sunday, February 10, 13
What can I code?
                              url                   voice
                                     youtube video
                          google maps            itunes links
                          contact info             facebook
                                     sms messages
                                       plain text

Sunday, February 10, 13
QR Codes in the Wild

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13
                            easily shared

Sunday, February 10, 13
                            easily shared

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Creating Codes

Sunday, February 10, 13
Classroom Advantages

Sunday, February 10, 13
Classroom Advantages
                          avoid frustration with long urls

Sunday, February 10, 13
Classroom Advantages
                          avoid frustration with long urls
                                go directly to a site

Sunday, February 10, 13
Classroom Advantages
                          avoid frustration with long urls
                                go directly to a site
                                     saves time

Sunday, February 10, 13
Classroom Advantages
                          avoid frustration with long urls
                                go directly to a site
                                     saves time
                                   easy to make

Sunday, February 10, 13
Classroom Advantages
                          avoid frustration with long urls
                                go directly to a site
                                     saves time
                                   easy to make
                                  switch things up

Sunday, February 10, 13
Classroom Advantages
                          avoid frustration with long urls
                                go directly to a site
                                     saves time
                                   easy to make
                                  switch things up
                          great way to provide resources

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
What is
                          that thing?
                                                                 These black and white boxes are
                             EASY STEPS TO
                            SCAN A QR CODE                       showing up everywhere and
                                Launch scanner                   now they have come to Red Mill!
                            Point phones camera
                                                                 QR codes are matrix barcodes that can
                              at the QR code.
                            Watch as your phone
                                                                 be scanned and read by smartphones
                             reads the code and                  to quickly and easily link you to
                           displays its information.
                          *Free scanner applications available
                                                                 websites, images, phone numbers, etc.
                            include: QR Reader, AT&T Code
                                 Scanner, and i-nigma.

                                                                 Scan the QR code above with
                                                                 your smartphone for the latest
                                                                 news & events at Red Mill!

                                Red Mill Elementary School
                                   W E S T           S H O R E   S C H O O L     D I S T R I C T

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Red Mill Digital Dolphins

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13
Going Forward

Sunday, February 10, 13
Going Forward
                              yearbook              BTS night
                              home page            self checker
                            business cards         book posters
                             newsletters         about the author
                           language learners     learning stations
                          contact information interactive worksheets

Sunday, February 10, 13
Just a Heads Up

Sunday, February 10, 13
Just a Heads Up
                          be sure to link to the mobile version

Sunday, February 10, 13
Just a Heads Up
                          be sure to link to the mobile version
                          use url shortener for cleaner codes

Sunday, February 10, 13
Just a Heads Up
                          be sure to link to the mobile version
                          use url shortener for cleaner codes
                                   video (schooltube)

Sunday, February 10, 13
Just a Heads Up
                          be sure to link to the mobile version
                          use url shortener for cleaner codes
                                   video (schooltube)
                                     email qr codes

Sunday, February 10, 13
Just a Heads Up
                          be sure to link to the mobile version
                          use url shortener for cleaner codes
                                   video (schooltube)
                                     email qr codes
                                         qr voice

Sunday, February 10, 13
Just a Heads Up
                          be sure to link to the mobile version
                          use url shortener for cleaner codes
                                   video (schooltube)
                                     email qr codes
                                         qr voice
                                  computer qr reader

Sunday, February 10, 13

Sunday, February 10, 13
Sunday, February 10, 13

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