This document summarizes a quarterly project review by Lwala Community Alliance. It reports on progress towards objectives of training healthcare providers, integrating family planning into health services, and establishing youth centers. 18 providers were trained, 9 rooms were integrated, and 1 youth center was established. It also provides data on indicators like long-term method provision and post-abortion care. Challenges included high youth provider turnover. Priorities going forward include collaborating with other organizations and intensifying efforts to promote long-term family planning methods.
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QRM Presentation template Y2Q3_Dec 2014
1. Quarterly Project Review
Closing the Gap
Presenter: Stephen Okongo
Date: 9th
December 2014
Organization: Lwala Community Alliance
2. Targets and Outcome Objective 1
Target -Activity based Achievement/outcome
Train 10 health care providers in LTM/PAC.
So far a total of 18 service providers
have been trained on LTM/PAC since
the project began.
Integrate FP and PAC into existing health
services by training Comprehensive Care
Center (CCC) and Maternal and Child Health
Clinic providers on PAC, and FP, focusing on
Integration has been on going as a result
a total of 9 rooms have been integrated
fully to offer family planning education
and 3 rooms offering FP procedures.
Produce guidelines and job aids on PAC and
FP (LTM) service provision for dissemination
to health providers in 2 engaged health
Since the beginning of the project a total
of 36 job aids have been produced for
education purposes t at the community,
8 FP ,6 PAC guidelines and 10 MEC
wheels have been donated by the MOH.
3. Targets and Outcome Objective 2
oneTarget -Activity based Achievement/outcome
Establish youth friendly corners in 2 health facilities. One youth friendly corner has
been established in Minyenya.
Lwala is still waiting for the
delivery of the container and
fabrication to start.
Continuous mentorship support to 10 providers on
provision of youth friendly services by 3 TOTs
A total of 21 sessions have been
so far conducted
4. Targets and Outcome Objective
3 oneTarget -Activity based Achievement/outcome
Provide FP education and counseling services
to clients accessing services, including services
other than FP and PAC, at 2 facilities
FP education has been ongoing to
clients accessing other services at the
facility .this has been successful due to
integration done in 9 rooms at the
In-service clinical mentorship and facilitative
supervision of providers by trained trainers,
focusing on provision of LTMs
18 In service FP/PAC mentorship sessions
have been conducted so far in
collaboration with the MOH staff.
5. Targets and Outcome Objective 4
Target -Activity based Achievement/outcome
conduct 8 grassroots advocacy campaigns targeting
community leaders and other stakeholders to
influence social norms that impede access to PAC and
FP services, including LTMs
A total, of 5 advocacy campaigns
have been conducted since the
project begun .
conduct 100 sessions of demand creation activities
to inform and educate community members using
different forums by the trained CHWs and YPPs.
Total of 48 demand creating
activities have been conducted
so far since the beginning of the
Community based facilitative supervision by trainers 30 supervisory visits have been
conducted so far.
6. Targets and Outcome Objective 4
oneTarget -Activity based Achievement/outcome
Develop and implement service provision reporting
systems for health facilities
On job training and mentorship
on FP/PAC documentation has
been on going .
Develop and implement monitoring plans for CHWs
and YPPs
Monitoring of the YPPs and CHWs
has been on going through
support supervision. A total of 30
sessions have been conducted.
Quarterly review meetings with CHWs and YPPs
around engaged health facilities
Monthly meetings for CHWs and
YPPs on program
implementation has been on
going , a total of 16 sessions
have been held so far.
7. Indicators and Quality Performance
Target -Indicator based(from
Indicator sheet targets)
% Achievement Explanation on achievement
2 health facilities upgraded to provide
youth-friendly services and have youth-
friendly corners
50% 1 facility upgraded the other one to be
done in the coming quarter
1672 STM provided
236% Due to many mobilization forums
conducted and integration of services
16800 Number of Condoms Distributed 263% Due to many mobilization forums.
2500 Number of Clients receiving
131% Due mobilization conducted
1000 IUD Insertions
21% Nature of the procedure
800 Implant Insertions
119% Mobilization by YPPs and CHWs
1800 Total LTM insertions
65% Mobilization by YPPs and CHWs
56% Proportion of LTM that are IUD (%)
12% Nature of the procedure
44% Proportion of LTM that are
80 MVA (PAC)
45% Referral of SA to other partner facilities
8. Target -Indicator based(from
Indicator sheet targets)
% Achievement Explanation on achievement
80 Total PAC
45% Referral of SA to other partner
56 Post Procedure Contraception
52% Intensified post procedure
70 Proportion of Post Abortion Care Contraception
81% Intensified post procedure
3472 Total contraceptive clients served (new and
183% Community mobilization
1600 First-time ever contraceptive clients served
216% Integration of services
2000 Youth clients served
170% Youth friendly days
8 Advocacy campaign meetings held
48 Community mobilization and demand creation
events conducted
208% Need for demand creation
11. Gaps Analysis
Planned Activity not Done Reason/Way Forward
2 advocacy forums We were able to conduct one advocacy forum
due to conflicting schedule with the MOH
activities( net Distribution activity).
12. Integration/Partnerships
LCHC partnered with MOH during World Contraceptive Day and FP Rapid
Result Initiative in Migori County
LCHC in collaboration with KEMSA / MOH ensured steady supply of FP
During the quarter, CTG Program collaborated with MOH, Nyarami and
KMET in conducting routine data quality audit and supportive supervision.
LCHC in collaboration with NAYA Kenya conducted advocacy forum in
North Kamagambo to demystify possible myths and misconception on
LTFP methods
The period also realized a comprehensive forum for data quality audit for
the family planning indicators. This was done for Nyarami VCT and Lwala
Community Health Centre in collaboration with county Health Records
Officers form Uriri, Rongo, Awendo and Migori
13. Challenges and Remedial action
Challenges Remedial Action
1. High YPP turn over within the
reporting period 9 YPPs left
11 YPPs were recruited training
conducted and mentorship on the
program is ongoing.
15. Priority activities to achieve the overall targets
LCHC is working in collaboration with small
facilities working in N. Kamagambo to realize
its targets.
The involvement of Provincial administration
during advocacy meetings has seen greater
attendance and involvement of both male and
female partners and to demystify myths and
misconception in N.Kamagambo
Intensify RRI for the long term methods