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QSIP Newsletter
December 2016
Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Faculty and Staff,
Just about 8 months ago I landed in Phuket, Thailand. I didnt know Thailand in the slightest, nor
Asia. I have traveled around to many places in Europe, but nothing east. I was both excited and
nervous as I took over for the departing Russ Page.
I knew I had a challenge ahead of me  I looked forward to that challenge. This was my first post
as a Director and I knew I could do a good job leading QSI Phuket. I embraced the community
and students and felt a connection back. I truly believe that QSI Phuket is a special place and can
be much more.
So, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you I will be leaving QSI Phuket at the end of the 2016-17
school year due to family reasons. I have enjoyed working with the people on campus, getting to
know the kids and young adults that walk these halls and building/rebuilding relationships with
A new Director, Mr. Rob Peters, will be starting at QSI Phuket for the 2017-18 school year. I have
included his Bio in the pages that follow for you to get to know him a little. In my conversations
with Rob, I believe that he will bring a similar passion for learning, a dedication to our school and
community, and a kind spirit for our children to look up to and grow into strong individuals.
I encourage you to give him a warm Thailand welcome when he arrives.
All the best from me and my family and Merry Christmas,
Brian Gerbracht
I want to thank everyone who made our
Thanksgiving Day lunch a success.
In particular I want to thank Chef Noi for
the fantastic meal, the office staff for pulling
everything together, and the students for
sharing their wonderful talents at the
Writers Caf辿.
I hope this becomes a yearly tradition.
We are proud to announce that our very own Khun Kate delivered
a baby boy on November 9, 2016. Her son, Martin, and mom are
home and doing well. She, dad Jack, and Martin stopped in briefly
on Thanksgiving to say hello. Send her your best wishes.
Upcoming events:
 5 December - Monday  Thai Fathers Day (Kings Birthday
observed)  NO SCHOOL
 16 December - Friday  International Day  half day  7:50 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Classes are as usual until 10:30 a.m.
10:45 Secondary and Elementary
student performances in the Breezeway
Parents are encouraged to share a food
dish from their home country.
11.30  Lunch: Parents and children,
according to class, will help themselves
from the buffet
1:00 - Dismissal.
Note: 16 December is also the end of Term 1.
 16 December, 2016  6 January, 2017  Winter Break  NO SCHOOL
 9 January, 2017  Monday  Classes resume  Start of Term 2
 17 January, 2017  Tuesday  After School Activities begin.
SCUBA dive with one for our ownMr. Gregg Aidikoff of Siam Aquatic Adventures is offering SCUBA
instruction at a special discount rate for students (ages 10 and up) and families of QSI. Get open water
diving certified from Mr. Aidikoff a Master SCUBA Diver Trainer with 42 years experience.
QSI Students can earn PE credits and can go diving with the QSI
Shenzhen class that is coming to get certified by Mr. Aidikoff in May of
2017. A SCUBA certification is for LIFE - go explore diving in other
places around the world.
The waters of southern Thailand are warm, clear and full of interesting
fish, animals and colorful corals. A Scuba/Marine Science component
may direct students into a field associated with the oceans in college
and then into a career.
Breathing underwater on SCUBA is an amazing feeling. Getting to slowly tour reefs surrounded by fish, in a
world that you never knew existed, is fun, beautiful, calming and interesting. Only SCUBA divers and
Astronauts can dis-connect from the effect that gravity plays upon us here on our planet.
Contact Gregg at gregg@siamaquaticadventures.com for details about the prices and times of the class.
Here is a list of what each age level parent group
should provide:
Class Dish
8/9/10/11 year old
Office Staff
Finger Food
5, 6 year olds
Sec. III, Sec. IV
Main Dish
12, 13 year old
Sec. I, Sec. 2 Dessert
Dear QSI Phuket,
It is with great honour that I have accepted the position as School
Director at QSI International School of Phuket. My wife, Sarah, and
I are six year veterans of QSI having worked at QSI Shekou in 2008
to 2011 and most recently at Almaty International School for the
past three years. Teaching is my second and chosen career and I
have enjoyed the opportunity to teach and travel in Australia,
Turkey, China, Kuwait, Dubai and Kazakhstan. For the past eight
years, I have focused on program development as an
Athletic/Activities Director and Head of Department for physical
I grew up in Toronto, Canada and was the type of student who many
teachers dreaded from kindergarten through high school. Luckily, I
had a few outstanding educators who were willing to support and
challenge me and they are the reasons I am passionate about
education today. My own struggles and experiences as a student
have encouraged me to remain committed to the belief that all
children can learn, just in different ways and at different rates.
I hold a B.A. in Kinesiology from York University in Toronto, Canada and worked as an exercise physiologist
for a few years before beginning my educational career in 2005. I hold two Master degrees: the first in
Teaching from Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia and the second in Educational Leadership from the
American College of Education in the USA. I also hold teaching and leadership certifications in Australia and
It is a privilege to be an educator for QSI and I firmly believe in the motto of success for all. I am committed
to providing diverse opportunities for students to learn, grow, and thrive. With a background in physical
education, I focus my leadership style on teamwork, collaboration, and critical reflection. Creating a positive
school atmosphere and keeping lines of communication open between students, teachers, and parents are,
in my opinion, two keys to a successful school.
Sarah and I met while teaching in QSI Shekou and
QSI Shenzhen. She has a wide range experience
ranging from Special Education in South Phoenix
to her current position as the AP Capstone
Coordinator and AP English teacher. She hails
from Michigan and is a lifelong MSU Spartans fan.
She will be taking a year off from teaching next
year to study counseling and yoga but I am sure
she will be actively involved with the school
Sarah and I are active outdoor enthusiasts who
love to hike, camp, scuba dive, run, and enjoy life
on the beach. We split our summers between our
large families in Muskegon, MI and Toronto and
love taking our rescued pitbull, Hope, for walks
when we are home. We have traveled to Thailand
at least a dozen times and it is one of our favorite
places so we are thrilled to call Phuket home. We
are truly looking forward to meeting each of you
and becoming part of the team at QSI Phuket.
~ Rob Peters
QSI International School of Phuket
Calendar of Events
Dec./Jan. Success Orientation  Independent Endeavor
1 December
5 December
14 December/ 15 December
16 December
term Extra Curricular Activity end.
 H.M. Kings Birthday Observance  (NO SCHOOL)
 2nd Quintile ends / 3rd Quintile begins
 International Day (1:00 p.m. release) / 1st
Term Ends.
19 December - 6 January, 2017  Winter Break  (NO SCHOOL)
9 January
17 January
21 January (Saturday)
Term begins
term Extra Curricular Activities begin.
 Professional Development
30 January  3 February  Lunar New Year Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
February Success Orientation  Group Interaction
22, 23, 24 February  Annual Camping Trip for 12 year and older students
March/April Success Orientation Aesthetic Appreciation
2 March / 3 March
9 March (3:30 to 5:30 pm) /
10 March (8:30 to 12 Noon)
11 March (Saturday)
23 March
24 March
31 March
31 March / 3 April
Quintile ends / 4th
Quintile begins
Term Parent/Teacher Conferences / 3rd
Quintile Status
Reports distributed. (NO SCHOOL March 10)
 Charity Walk/Run
Term Extra Curricular activities end.
 Writers Cafe
 Trash Fashion Show
Term ends and 3rd
Term starts

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QSI Phuket: December Newsletter

  • 1. QSIP Newsletter December 2016 Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Faculty and Staff, Just about 8 months ago I landed in Phuket, Thailand. I didnt know Thailand in the slightest, nor Asia. I have traveled around to many places in Europe, but nothing east. I was both excited and nervous as I took over for the departing Russ Page. I knew I had a challenge ahead of me I looked forward to that challenge. This was my first post as a Director and I knew I could do a good job leading QSI Phuket. I embraced the community and students and felt a connection back. I truly believe that QSI Phuket is a special place and can be much more. So, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you I will be leaving QSI Phuket at the end of the 2016-17 school year due to family reasons. I have enjoyed working with the people on campus, getting to know the kids and young adults that walk these halls and building/rebuilding relationships with families. A new Director, Mr. Rob Peters, will be starting at QSI Phuket for the 2017-18 school year. I have included his Bio in the pages that follow for you to get to know him a little. In my conversations with Rob, I believe that he will bring a similar passion for learning, a dedication to our school and community, and a kind spirit for our children to look up to and grow into strong individuals. I encourage you to give him a warm Thailand welcome when he arrives. All the best from me and my family and Merry Christmas, Brian Gerbracht I want to thank everyone who made our Thanksgiving Day lunch a success. In particular I want to thank Chef Noi for the fantastic meal, the office staff for pulling everything together, and the students for sharing their wonderful talents at the Writers Caf辿. I hope this becomes a yearly tradition. Sincerely, Brian
  • 2. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! We are proud to announce that our very own Khun Kate delivered a baby boy on November 9, 2016. Her son, Martin, and mom are home and doing well. She, dad Jack, and Martin stopped in briefly on Thanksgiving to say hello. Send her your best wishes. Upcoming events: 5 December - Monday Thai Fathers Day (Kings Birthday observed) NO SCHOOL 16 December - Friday International Day half day 7:50 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Classes are as usual until 10:30 a.m. 10:45 Secondary and Elementary student performances in the Breezeway Parents are encouraged to share a food dish from their home country. 11.30 Lunch: Parents and children, according to class, will help themselves from the buffet 1:00 - Dismissal. Note: 16 December is also the end of Term 1. 16 December, 2016 6 January, 2017 Winter Break NO SCHOOL 9 January, 2017 Monday Classes resume Start of Term 2 17 January, 2017 Tuesday After School Activities begin. SCUBA dive with one for our ownMr. Gregg Aidikoff of Siam Aquatic Adventures is offering SCUBA instruction at a special discount rate for students (ages 10 and up) and families of QSI. Get open water diving certified from Mr. Aidikoff a Master SCUBA Diver Trainer with 42 years experience. QSI Students can earn PE credits and can go diving with the QSI Shenzhen class that is coming to get certified by Mr. Aidikoff in May of 2017. A SCUBA certification is for LIFE - go explore diving in other places around the world. The waters of southern Thailand are warm, clear and full of interesting fish, animals and colorful corals. A Scuba/Marine Science component may direct students into a field associated with the oceans in college and then into a career. Breathing underwater on SCUBA is an amazing feeling. Getting to slowly tour reefs surrounded by fish, in a world that you never knew existed, is fun, beautiful, calming and interesting. Only SCUBA divers and Astronauts can dis-connect from the effect that gravity plays upon us here on our planet. Contact Gregg at gregg@siamaquaticadventures.com for details about the prices and times of the class. Here is a list of what each age level parent group should provide: Class Dish Pre-school 8/9/10/11 year old Office Staff Finger Food 5, 6 year olds Sec. III, Sec. IV Teachers Main Dish 12, 13 year old Sec. I, Sec. 2 Dessert
  • 3. Dear QSI Phuket, It is with great honour that I have accepted the position as School Director at QSI International School of Phuket. My wife, Sarah, and I are six year veterans of QSI having worked at QSI Shekou in 2008 to 2011 and most recently at Almaty International School for the past three years. Teaching is my second and chosen career and I have enjoyed the opportunity to teach and travel in Australia, Turkey, China, Kuwait, Dubai and Kazakhstan. For the past eight years, I have focused on program development as an Athletic/Activities Director and Head of Department for physical education. I grew up in Toronto, Canada and was the type of student who many teachers dreaded from kindergarten through high school. Luckily, I had a few outstanding educators who were willing to support and challenge me and they are the reasons I am passionate about education today. My own struggles and experiences as a student have encouraged me to remain committed to the belief that all children can learn, just in different ways and at different rates. I hold a B.A. in Kinesiology from York University in Toronto, Canada and worked as an exercise physiologist for a few years before beginning my educational career in 2005. I hold two Master degrees: the first in Teaching from Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia and the second in Educational Leadership from the American College of Education in the USA. I also hold teaching and leadership certifications in Australia and Canada. It is a privilege to be an educator for QSI and I firmly believe in the motto of success for all. I am committed to providing diverse opportunities for students to learn, grow, and thrive. With a background in physical education, I focus my leadership style on teamwork, collaboration, and critical reflection. Creating a positive school atmosphere and keeping lines of communication open between students, teachers, and parents are, in my opinion, two keys to a successful school. Sarah and I met while teaching in QSI Shekou and QSI Shenzhen. She has a wide range experience ranging from Special Education in South Phoenix to her current position as the AP Capstone Coordinator and AP English teacher. She hails from Michigan and is a lifelong MSU Spartans fan. She will be taking a year off from teaching next year to study counseling and yoga but I am sure she will be actively involved with the school community. Sarah and I are active outdoor enthusiasts who love to hike, camp, scuba dive, run, and enjoy life on the beach. We split our summers between our large families in Muskegon, MI and Toronto and love taking our rescued pitbull, Hope, for walks when we are home. We have traveled to Thailand at least a dozen times and it is one of our favorite places so we are thrilled to call Phuket home. We are truly looking forward to meeting each of you and becoming part of the team at QSI Phuket. ~ Rob Peters
  • 4. QSI International School of Phuket Calendar of Events 2016/2017 Dec./Jan. Success Orientation Independent Endeavor 1 December 5 December 14 December/ 15 December 16 December 1st term Extra Curricular Activity end. H.M. Kings Birthday Observance (NO SCHOOL) 2nd Quintile ends / 3rd Quintile begins International Day (1:00 p.m. release) / 1st Term Ends. 19 December - 6 January, 2017 Winter Break (NO SCHOOL) 9 January 17 January 21 January (Saturday) 2nd Term begins 2nd term Extra Curricular Activities begin. Professional Development 30 January 3 February Lunar New Year Holiday (NO SCHOOL) February Success Orientation Group Interaction 22, 23, 24 February Annual Camping Trip for 12 year and older students March/April Success Orientation Aesthetic Appreciation 2 March / 3 March 9 March (3:30 to 5:30 pm) / 10 March (8:30 to 12 Noon) 11 March (Saturday) 23 March 24 March 31 March 31 March / 3 April 3rd Quintile ends / 4th Quintile begins 2nd Term Parent/Teacher Conferences / 3rd Quintile Status Reports distributed. (NO SCHOOL March 10) Charity Walk/Run 2nd Term Extra Curricular activities end. Writers Cafe Trash Fashion Show 2nd Term ends and 3rd Term starts