Sample configuration of IPsec connection with Vyatta to Windows Azure Virtual Networks.
and Demonstration Windows Azure to SAKURACloud InterConnect using Vyatta.
Spectre / Meltdownのスキャナがリモートクライアントの脆弱性をどうやって調べるのか気になったので作った資料です。
This material made because I was wondering how the Specter / Meltdown scanner will look for remote client vulnerabilities.
Thank you very much for using Quadcept.
We are offering the new version 9.3.0 that provides new features, improvements and enhancements for a better development environment and service.
Thank you very much for using our Quadcept.
We are offering the new version 9.2.0 that provides new features, improvements and enhancements for a better development environment and service.
Spectre / Meltdownのスキャナがリモートクライアントの脆弱性をどうやって調べるのか気になったので作った資料です。
This material made because I was wondering how the Specter / Meltdown scanner will look for remote client vulnerabilities.
Thank you very much for using Quadcept.
We are offering the new version 9.3.0 that provides new features, improvements and enhancements for a better development environment and service.
Thank you very much for using our Quadcept.
We are offering the new version 9.2.0 that provides new features, improvements and enhancements for a better development environment and service.
This document provides information about semiconductor components in Spice Park's inventory in April 2017. It shows that semiconductors made up 75% of the total inventory of 4,640 pieces. Specifically, it details 282 general purpose rectifier diodes from 12 different manufacturers, including part numbers, manufacturers, specifications and update history. It also provides charts summarizing the inventory breakdown by component type.
IT Automationはオープンソースのフレームワークです。
本スライドは、お手持ちの環境に IT Automationをすぐにインストールするためのインストール手引きです。
RedHat系Linuxディストリビューション (RHEL7.0以上、CentOS7.0以上) のサーバとインターネットに接続できる環境をご用意ください 。
インストール完了後、下記の IT Automationクイックスタートを始めれば、すぐに IT Automationの魅力的なインターフェースを体験いただくことが可能です。
Quadcept ver10.7 release note summarizes the key updates and improvements in the latest version, including:
1) Added over 2,300 Toshiba component libraries for improved design capabilities.
2) Enhanced keep out area functionality to better visualize prohibited design rules through layer-specific fill colors and styles.
3) Improved routing efficiency by adding options to fix or change line widths between routing steps.
4) Resolved issues with importing DXF files and improved overall PCB design workflow.
Thank you very much for using Quadcept. We are offering the new version 10.5.0 that provides new features, improvements and enhancements for a better development environment and service.
Thank you very much for using Quadcept. We are offering the new version 10.3.0 that provides new features, improvements and enhancements for a better development environment and service.
Thank you very much for using Quadcept. We are offering the new version 10.2.0 that provides new features, improvements and enhancements for a better development environment and service.
Thank you very much for using Quadcept. We are offering the new version 10.1.0 that provides new features, improvements and enhancements for a better development environment and service.
The Quadcept V10 release note summarizes new features in the software update. Key additions include:
1) Projects now use a file-based structure for less data size and smoother experience. Project data is separated from the database and managed as individual files.
2) A new "master-db" allows sharing libraries read-only across a team. Components can now be placed directly from online search results as well.
3) File locking prevents accidental editing of projects and libraries simultaneously. Project searching and maintenance tools were also enhanced.