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Corporate Office Louisville Office
212 N Main St, Nicholasville, KY 40356 2808 Rosewood Road, Louisville, KY 40031
www.katsme.com 855 466-4200 www.facebook.com/katsmellc
KATS M & E, LLCQualifications -- Joel Gonia, ASA
Page 1 of 3
 30 + year career appraiser providing valuation and consulting within the disciplines of
Appraisal Review and Machinery / Technical Specialties (Industrial and Commercial
Machinery & Equipment)
 Accredited Senior Appraiser ( ASA  ARM & MTS ) by the American Society of Appraisers
within the valuation disciplines of Appraisal Review & Management and Machinery /
Technical Specialties  Machinery & Equipment
 Compliance with USPAP ( Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ) since
inception in 1991
 Annual M&E appraised valuations in excess of $1 Billion
 Over 100 projects annually throughout US and Canada
 Approved as an Expert Witness in State and Federal Courts
 Approved Appraiser by IRS, SBA, USDA, US Justice. Clientele include commercial lenders,
accounting firms, attorneys, equity firms, insurance companies, middle-market and large
 Performed over 12,000 appraisals between 1996  2003 via contracts with the Federal
Bankruptcy Court
 Performed over 2,500 appraisals between 1987  1993 via contracts with the US Justice
 Performed over 600 appraisals between 1984  1987 via contracts with the US Small Business
Corporate Office Louisville Office
212 N Main St, Nicholasville, KY 40356 2808 Rosewood Road, Louisville, KY 40031
www.katsme.com 855 466-4200 www.facebook.com/katsmellc
KATS M & E, LLCQualifications -- Joel Gonia, ASA
Page 2 of 3
Mr. Gonia has continued his appraisal education by attending various courses, conferences and
seminars hosted by the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), the American Institute of Real
Estate Appraisers (AI) and the Machine Dealers National Association (MDNA). Mr. Gonia has
recently (April 2014) received his 7th ASA Reaccreditation with over 200 course hours
documented within the past five years, all related to the appraisal industry.
Core Valuation specific courses ( 30 hrs each CE credit ) include:
- ASA ME 201 Introduction
- ASA ME 202 Methodology
- ASA ME 203 Advanced Topics & Case Studies
- ASA ME 204 Advanced Topics & Report Writing
- ASA ME 205 Advanced Cost Approach
- ASA ME 206 Inventory Valuation
- ASA ME 214 Mining & Mineral Processing
- ASA ME 215 Financial Reporting
- ASA ALL 215 Appraisal Report Writing
- ASA ALL Ethics
- ASA ARM 201 Appraisal Review and Management
- ASA ARM 204 Appraisal Review and Management
- AI Real Estate Finance, Statistics, and Valuation Modeling
- AI Market Analysis and Highest & Best Use
- AI Sales Comparison Approach
- AI Site Valuation & Cost Approach
- AI Income Approach/Part 1
- AI Income Approach/Part 2
- AI Report Writing & Case Studies
- USPAP 15-hour National course (every 5 years since 1991)
- USPAP 7-hour National Update course  2014, 2012, 2010
Joel is one of the few professional appraisers to spend his entire career within the valuation
industry  32 years and counting! His expertise as a generalist appraiser within the Machinery
& Equipment field began with a contract with the US Small Business Administration providing
equipment appraisals to update their portfolio  Over 600 loans on all types of assets!! Over the
years, he has gained considerable knowledge regarding numerous types of equipment and
Corporate Office Louisville Office
212 N Main St, Nicholasville, KY 40356 2808 Rosewood Road, Louisville, KY 40031
www.katsme.com 855 466-4200 www.facebook.com/katsmellc
KATS M & E, LLCQualifications -- Joel Gonia, ASA
Page 3 of 3
established a solid reputation for providing straight-forward real world values. Mr. Gonia is
directly responsible for in excess of $1 Billion in appraised value annually.
Joel has continued to work closely with commercial lenders and professional service providers for
middle market firms. He also provides consulting services for tax appeal and other litigation
purposes. Joel received his initial professional credentials from the American Society of
Appraisers in 1989, as an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) within the discipline of Machinery
/ Technical Specialties (MTS), with emphasis in Industrial and Commercial Machinery &
Equipment. Additionally, Joel is an ASA within the discipline of Appraisal Review &
Management (ARM.)
ALL of Joels work product has complied with USPAP regulations since its inception in
Mr. Gonia also conducts various seminars regularly for the accounting, lending and legal
professions and is a contributing author to the American Society of Appraisers and the KY Bar
As the Senior Review Appraiser, Mr. Gonia assumes overall responsibility for all work performed
by the firm and its associate appraisers, including value accuracy and consistency, USPAP
compliance, internal policies and procedures, and continuing education.

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Qualifications - Joel Gonia, ASA

  • 1. Corporate Office Louisville Office 212 N Main St, Nicholasville, KY 40356 2808 Rosewood Road, Louisville, KY 40031 www.katsme.com 855 466-4200 www.facebook.com/katsmellc KATS M & E, LLCQualifications -- Joel Gonia, ASA Page 1 of 3 QUALIFICATIONS / EXPERIENCE OF CONSULTANT JOEL D. GONIA 30 + year career appraiser providing valuation and consulting within the disciplines of Appraisal Review and Machinery / Technical Specialties (Industrial and Commercial Machinery & Equipment) Accredited Senior Appraiser ( ASA ARM & MTS ) by the American Society of Appraisers within the valuation disciplines of Appraisal Review & Management and Machinery / Technical Specialties Machinery & Equipment Compliance with USPAP ( Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ) since inception in 1991 Annual M&E appraised valuations in excess of $1 Billion Over 100 projects annually throughout US and Canada Approved as an Expert Witness in State and Federal Courts Approved Appraiser by IRS, SBA, USDA, US Justice. Clientele include commercial lenders, accounting firms, attorneys, equity firms, insurance companies, middle-market and large corporations Performed over 12,000 appraisals between 1996 2003 via contracts with the Federal Bankruptcy Court Performed over 2,500 appraisals between 1987 1993 via contracts with the US Justice Department Performed over 600 appraisals between 1984 1987 via contracts with the US Small Business Administration
  • 2. Corporate Office Louisville Office 212 N Main St, Nicholasville, KY 40356 2808 Rosewood Road, Louisville, KY 40031 www.katsme.com 855 466-4200 www.facebook.com/katsmellc KATS M & E, LLCQualifications -- Joel Gonia, ASA Page 2 of 3 APPRAISAL EDUCATION Mr. Gonia has continued his appraisal education by attending various courses, conferences and seminars hosted by the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (AI) and the Machine Dealers National Association (MDNA). Mr. Gonia has recently (April 2014) received his 7th ASA Reaccreditation with over 200 course hours documented within the past five years, all related to the appraisal industry. Core Valuation specific courses ( 30 hrs each CE credit ) include: - ASA ME 201 Introduction - ASA ME 202 Methodology - ASA ME 203 Advanced Topics & Case Studies - ASA ME 204 Advanced Topics & Report Writing - ASA ME 205 Advanced Cost Approach - ASA ME 206 Inventory Valuation - ASA ME 214 Mining & Mineral Processing - ASA ME 215 Financial Reporting - ASA SE 101 USPAP - ASA ALL 215 Appraisal Report Writing - ASA ALL Ethics - ASA ARM 201 Appraisal Review and Management - ASA ARM 204 Appraisal Review and Management - AI Real Estate Finance, Statistics, and Valuation Modeling - AI Market Analysis and Highest & Best Use - AI Sales Comparison Approach - AI Site Valuation & Cost Approach - AI Income Approach/Part 1 - AI Income Approach/Part 2 - AI Report Writing & Case Studies - USPAP 15-hour National course (every 5 years since 1991) - USPAP 7-hour National Update course 2014, 2012, 2010 EXPERIENCE Joel is one of the few professional appraisers to spend his entire career within the valuation industry 32 years and counting! His expertise as a generalist appraiser within the Machinery & Equipment field began with a contract with the US Small Business Administration providing equipment appraisals to update their portfolio Over 600 loans on all types of assets!! Over the years, he has gained considerable knowledge regarding numerous types of equipment and
  • 3. Corporate Office Louisville Office 212 N Main St, Nicholasville, KY 40356 2808 Rosewood Road, Louisville, KY 40031 www.katsme.com 855 466-4200 www.facebook.com/katsmellc KATS M & E, LLCQualifications -- Joel Gonia, ASA Page 3 of 3 established a solid reputation for providing straight-forward real world values. Mr. Gonia is directly responsible for in excess of $1 Billion in appraised value annually. Joel has continued to work closely with commercial lenders and professional service providers for middle market firms. He also provides consulting services for tax appeal and other litigation purposes. Joel received his initial professional credentials from the American Society of Appraisers in 1989, as an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) within the discipline of Machinery / Technical Specialties (MTS), with emphasis in Industrial and Commercial Machinery & Equipment. Additionally, Joel is an ASA within the discipline of Appraisal Review & Management (ARM.) ALL of Joels work product has complied with USPAP regulations since its inception in 1991. Mr. Gonia also conducts various seminars regularly for the accounting, lending and legal professions and is a contributing author to the American Society of Appraisers and the KY Bar Association. As the Senior Review Appraiser, Mr. Gonia assumes overall responsibility for all work performed by the firm and its associate appraisers, including value accuracy and consistency, USPAP compliance, internal policies and procedures, and continuing education.