This document discusses different measures for summarizing qualitative data:
1. Proportion is a number of observations with a characteristic divided by the total observations. It provides the percentage of observations with that characteristic.
2. Percentage is the proportion multiplied by 100 to provide a percentage value.
3. Ratio is a number of observations with a characteristic divided by observations without that characteristic, to compare groups.
4. Rate is similar to proportion but includes a multiplier like 1000 or 10,000 to standardize to a common population size over a specified time period.
2. Learning Objective
Identify and combute the different
measures of qualitative data
At the end of this presentation, the
participant will be able to:
4. I. Proportion
Definition: Is the number (a) of observations
with a given characteristics (such having MI)
divided by the total number of observation.
Proportion =
Male Female
No of CVD Patients 60 60
Myocardial. I 5 3
Question: What is the proportion of an MI
among Male Patients ?
7. A proportion:
Is always defined as apart divided by the
Is useful for ordinal and numerical data
as well as nominal data, especially when
the observations have been placed in a
frequency table.
8. 5 33.3
6 40.0
4 26.7
15 100.0
Age Group
1 - 5
6 - 10
11 - 15
Frequency Percent
Q: What is the proportion of Patients Aged
between 6 and 10 years?
9. . Percentage
Is the proportion multiplies by 100.
Q: What is the Percentage of an MI among
Male Patients ?
Male Female
No of CVD Patients 60 60
MI 5 3
10. (5 / 60) * 100 = 8.3 %
The Percentage of an MI among Male
11. II. Ratio
Is the number (a) of observations in a
given group with a given characteristic
( such as having an MI) divided by the
number (b) of observations without the
given characteristic (such as not having
12. Q: Among Male patients: What is the ratio of
those who had an MI to those who did not?
Male Female
No of CVD Patients 60 60
MI 5 3
13. Male Female
No of CVD Patients 60 60
MI 5 3
Without MI 55 57
The ratio of those who had an MI to those who
did not for male patients:
Ratio= 5 /55 = 0.09
16. III. Rate
Are similar to proportion except that a
multiplier (eg,1000, 10.000 or 100.000)
is used, and they are computed over
specified period of time.
- The multiplier is called the base.
Rate = X Base
17. What is the Rate of MI per 1000 male
patients in 2014 ?
Male Female
No of CVD Patients 60 60
MI 5 3
The admission number of CVD patients at
Hospital A in 2014
18. 0.083 X 1000 = 83 MI cases per 10.000 CVD admissions
In 2014
Proportion Base Time