Quality in Conversation; the tenets of productive telephone communication.
In this presentation we cover the various aspects and techniques of providing excellent customer service. We address the attributes of successful customer service representatives, research that supports the importance of communication, the different stages of call handling, the communication quirks and common courtesies of the customer service world.
3. Quality In Conversation
The Tenets Of Productive Telephone Communication
Item 1 The puzzle pieces that make up the customers experience
Item 2 Stages of Excellent Customer Service
Item 3 Communication Quirks
Item 4 Common Courtesies
Item 5 The Scripted Advantage
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4. Key Piece of the Puzzle
Same job, same clean
windows, but Chais purpose is
connected to the bigger picture
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5. Key Piece of the Puzzle
Each team member is key to the customers experience
Chai does more than clean
windows , he makes me feel like a
welcomed guest so I would want to
Chai is part of the customer
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6. Research
WHAT you say is as important as HOW you say it
Face to face communication consists of
three components
Words 7%
Tones 38%
Physiology 55%
Telephone communication consists of
two components
Words 15%
Tone 85%
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7. Stages of Excellent Customer Service
The Tenets of Productive Telephone Communication
From the opening of a call to the
Stage 1 Friendly and courteous opening closing statements, every step of
the way is an exercise in
Create a Friendly / Courteous Climate customer appreciation.
A simple and professional greeting and extension of service
Simple things like greeting your
Stage 2 Get the necessary information caller, clearly stating your name
and allowing time for the
Careful and deliberate listening sets the framework of a working customer to speak; will place you
relationship and establishes respect a position to be of service,
manage the call and highlights
the companies level of dedication
Stage 3 Mirror effect and degree of customer focus.
Check for understanding, reiterate what you understood
Stage 4 The proposal
Propose plans of actions to address the reasons for the contact
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8. Stages of Excellent Customer Service
The Tenets of Productive Telephone Communication
Stage 5 The agreement
This is where you review and explain what has been done to resolve or comply with the requests or
Stage 6 - Keeping the promise
Make sure that you do what you said you would do. Follow up on any outstanding issue.
Stages 7 - Documentation and Scripting
Ensure that all customer contacts are properly Use scripts to establish consistency throughout
documented the organization
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9. Communication Quirks
The Tenets of Productive Telephone Communication
vocabulary specific to a informal usage of
Maintaining professionalism is
particular trade vocabulary critical to emoting confidence,
should only be used to should be avoided at all integrity and setting the
educate and/or help the times expectations. These common
customer navigate maintain communication quirts make or
through the next steps professionalism break interactions and should
be avoided.
Jargon Slang Jargon is necessary within
particular trades to ensure
efficiencies. The use of jargon
avoid making clicking
sounds, lip smacking, etc
with customers usually leads to
non-verbal clues make
confusion and
up the majority of the misunderstanding.
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10. Common Courtesies
Putting a caller on hold and transferring calls
1. Explain why
2. Ask permission
3. Put caller on hold
4. Thank the caller for holding
1. Tell the caller to whom he or she
will be transferred
2. Explain why
3. Ask permission
4. Transfer the call
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11. Common Courtesies
Heres what I CAN do
When you dont know the answer:
Be honest
Advise the customer that you will follow up
Stay in communication, even if you still dont
have the answer
Damage Control
Be a blame buster, not a finger pointer!
Listen to the issue -dont take it personally
Empathy, Ownership, Assurance
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12. Common Courtesies
Standards of Service
Return voice messages within 1 to 2
Standards of Service
Minimums Maximus Call back when you say you will
Call back even if you dont have the
7:15 answer yet
When you are off, make sure to set up
your voice mail and provide an
alternate way to contact the company
Talk Time
Hold Time
Total Handle
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13. The Scripted Advantage
Scripts are guides that help you stay on target
Keep scripts simple, polite & to the point
Consistent Message
Sets the Tone
Establishes Control
Manages the Outcome
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