The document outlines 14 quality metrics used to measure testing effectiveness, including test case efficiency, number of tests executed per day, defect slippage rates, review and test defect detection efficiencies, rework effort, percentage of automation, defect density, and defect detection percentages. Formulas are provided for calculating each metric.
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Quality Metrics
SNO Metrics Formula
1 Test Case Efficiency No. of defects from test cases / total defects X 100
2 Total number of review comments Count of Review comments
3 # of Tests executed per day Count of test cases executed / day
4 Defect Slippage to SQA No. of defects that went past testing team = (defects detected
by SQA)/( defects found by testing team + defects found by
5 Defect Slippage to Customer No. of defects that went as part of delivery team = (defects
detected by Customer)/( defects found by testing team +
defects found by SQA + defect found by customer)
6 RDDE ¨C Review Defect Detection Efficiency (Review Defects / Total Defects)*100
7 TDDE ¨C Test Defect Detection Efficiency (Test Defects / Total Defects)*100
8 Rework Effort (Rework Effort / Creation Effort) X 100
9 % Rejection of defects No. of rejected defects / total defects * 100
10 Total no. of testing defects Overall count of defects accepted
11 Percentage of Automation # of tests automated / total test cases X 100
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Quality Metrics
SNO Metrics Formula
12 Defect Density (Number of Defects /size) * 100
13 Defect Detection Percentage (DDP) (Defects (Tester) / Defects (Testers) +Defects (Field)) * 100
14 Defect Detection Efficiency (DDE) Number of Defects Injected AND Detected in a Phase / Total
Number of Defects Injected in that Phase) x 100 %