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Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019
Sevana O端
Roosikrantsi tn 2
Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119
Phone: +3726170331
Qualtest GSM
Document objectives.
This document describes application purpose, requirements, software architecture and user operations for
Qualtest GSM Android application.
Application purpose.
Application provides the following functionality
- measure quality of mobile calls in the field (using rooted Android phones only)
- measure quality of mobile calls with regular non-rooted Android phones and accompanying tools
- upload and share test results
- run both active (with reference audio) and passive tests
- integrate with Qualtest Host and correspondent Backend to automate making and receiving mobile
test calls
Hardware requirements.
CPU ARMv7 or better. x86 support is available upon request.
Memory 1024 MB
Network Any mobile network including 5G.
Software requirements.
Rooted Android OS to run analysis with mobile phone only. Android OS 4.1 and later. Optionally one can
install QualTest Host and Backend. Developer mode MUST be enabled on the phone.
Operation model.
This is a typical Android application with two main use cases:
Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019
Sevana O端
Roosikrantsi tn 2
Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119
Phone: +3726170331
- initiate test calls and measure MOS when installed as system application. It is available on rooted
phones only. One can view / share / upload test results right from the phone.
- initiate and accept calls without analysis on mobile phone. Rooted phone is NOT required. In this
mode application notifies its desktop (Raspberry Pi) counterpart (Qualtest Host, further down QH)
about progress of the call. QH handles audio streams via cable adapter and communicates with
Application installation / uninstallation.
Application is distributed as archive (.zip) with QualtestGSM.apk inside and few Windows and Bash scripts
for installing (and uninstalling) the application on rooted phones.
Installation script will put few Sevana analyzers to /data/local/tmp directory (on mobile device) and will
install QualtestGSM.apk as system application. During the install the application asks to grant superuser
rights on the phone. Phone will be rebooted after installation script finishes working. It is required to
complete installation of Qualtest GSM as system app.
For non-rooted phones usual command adb install QualtestGSM.apk can be used. But in this case
companion application (Qualtest Host) is required.
Application logic.
Main screen represents a list of recorded calls. It includes target number, length of the call, time of the call
end. Recorded call audio files are stored in a dedicated directory (usually named CallRecords). Path to this
directory is shown at the bottom of the screen.
To make analysis just tap any recorded call. The results will be shown on the screen and report files with
.json extension will be written to CallRecords directory. During the analysis Qualtest GSM can request
superuser rights (it is required by license check procedure).
After analysis one can share results via Android share dialog.
Depending on configuration options analysis can run automatically right after the call.
There is Options menu on the main screen. It has the following items:
- Get Host ID. Required to generate system fingerprint file and share it to generate production
- Share. Share call record with analysis results.
- Delete. Removes selected records from the list, deletes corresponding files.
- Upload internal log. Sends internal log to the vendor (Sevana). It is helpful for debugging.
- Settings. Details on the Settings screen one can find further down of the document.
Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019
Sevana O端
Roosikrantsi tn 2
Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119
Phone: +3726170331
- Make test call. Initiates mobile call to predefined test number (it can be defined on Settings
- Upload probe. Uploads call record with analysis results to Qualtest Backend server (QB).
Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019
Sevana O端
Roosikrantsi tn 2
Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119
Phone: +3726170331
Settings screen.
List of available parameters:
Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019
Sevana O端
Roosikrantsi tn 2
Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119
Phone: +3726170331
Phone instance ID This application instance ID is used for integration with Qualtest
Backend (QB). All reports sent to QB will be bound to this instance
ID. It can be empty, but in this case uploading to QB will not work.
Backend server URL. URL to QB server. It can be empty, but in this case uploading to QB
will not work.
Audio source. Audio source where call is recorded. Usually Voice Downlink is best
Encoder type. Used encoder type. As Android OS does not let to write plain
uncompressed .wav it is needed to find the best encoder for
further analysis. HE-AAC is quite good; but may not always be the
best option.
Output format. Typically it is kept as Default..
Test number. Target number for tests. It does not restrict QG to this number
only, the application will check ALL calls in the system. However,
this number can be used for quick access from the Options menu.
Limit of recordings. Number of allowed recordings. If new recording exceeds this
number then oldest recording will be removed automatically. Zero
value disables this check.
Run analysis automatically. Analysis will run automatically after each call upon its completion.
It has to be set to allow fully automated tests scheduled via
Qualtest Host.
Audio reference file. Path to reference file. It should be plain uncompressed PCM .wav
file. On some phones selection dialog may have problems and to
avoid that we recommend installing ES File Explorer beforehand.
UNIX timestamps in file
Forces to use UNIX timestamps in call recording file names instead
of full time string. Useful for integration tasks.
Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019
Sevana O端
Roosikrantsi tn 2
Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119
Phone: +3726170331
Quality results screen.
Sharing and uploading results is available from the main screen (select desired reports and select Share
from Options menu).
Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019
Sevana O端
Roosikrantsi tn 2
Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119
Phone: +3726170331
To see details about PVQA analysis please tap button "Show detectors report"
Detectors report screen:
Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019
Sevana O端
Roosikrantsi tn 2
Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119
Phone: +3726170331

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QualTest GSM User Guide

  • 1. Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019 Sevana O端 Roosikrantsi tn 2 Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119 Estonia Phone: +3726170331 Qualtest GSM Document objectives. This document describes application purpose, requirements, software architecture and user operations for Qualtest GSM Android application. Application purpose. Application provides the following functionality - measure quality of mobile calls in the field (using rooted Android phones only) - measure quality of mobile calls with regular non-rooted Android phones and accompanying tools - upload and share test results - run both active (with reference audio) and passive tests - integrate with Qualtest Host and correspondent Backend to automate making and receiving mobile test calls Hardware requirements. CPU ARMv7 or better. x86 support is available upon request. Memory 1024 MB Network Any mobile network including 5G. Software requirements. Rooted Android OS to run analysis with mobile phone only. Android OS 4.1 and later. Optionally one can install QualTest Host and Backend. Developer mode MUST be enabled on the phone. Operation model. This is a typical Android application with two main use cases:
  • 2. Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019 Sevana O端 Roosikrantsi tn 2 Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119 Estonia Phone: +3726170331 - initiate test calls and measure MOS when installed as system application. It is available on rooted phones only. One can view / share / upload test results right from the phone. - initiate and accept calls without analysis on mobile phone. Rooted phone is NOT required. In this mode application notifies its desktop (Raspberry Pi) counterpart (Qualtest Host, further down QH) about progress of the call. QH handles audio streams via cable adapter and communicates with backend. Application installation / uninstallation. Application is distributed as archive (.zip) with QualtestGSM.apk inside and few Windows and Bash scripts for installing (and uninstalling) the application on rooted phones. Installation script will put few Sevana analyzers to /data/local/tmp directory (on mobile device) and will install QualtestGSM.apk as system application. During the install the application asks to grant superuser rights on the phone. Phone will be rebooted after installation script finishes working. It is required to complete installation of Qualtest GSM as system app. For non-rooted phones usual command adb install QualtestGSM.apk can be used. But in this case companion application (Qualtest Host) is required. Application logic. Main screen represents a list of recorded calls. It includes target number, length of the call, time of the call end. Recorded call audio files are stored in a dedicated directory (usually named CallRecords). Path to this directory is shown at the bottom of the screen. To make analysis just tap any recorded call. The results will be shown on the screen and report files with .json extension will be written to CallRecords directory. During the analysis Qualtest GSM can request superuser rights (it is required by license check procedure). After analysis one can share results via Android share dialog. Depending on configuration options analysis can run automatically right after the call. There is Options menu on the main screen. It has the following items: - Get Host ID. Required to generate system fingerprint file and share it to generate production license. - Share. Share call record with analysis results. - Delete. Removes selected records from the list, deletes corresponding files. - Upload internal log. Sends internal log to the vendor (Sevana). It is helpful for debugging. - Settings. Details on the Settings screen one can find further down of the document.
  • 3. Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019 Sevana O端 Roosikrantsi tn 2 Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119 Estonia Phone: +3726170331 - Make test call. Initiates mobile call to predefined test number (it can be defined on Settings screen). - Upload probe. Uploads call record with analysis results to Qualtest Backend server (QB).
  • 4. Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019 Sevana O端 Roosikrantsi tn 2 Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119 Estonia Phone: +3726170331 Settings screen. List of available parameters:
  • 5. Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019 Sevana O端 Roosikrantsi tn 2 Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119 Estonia Phone: +3726170331 Phone instance ID This application instance ID is used for integration with Qualtest Backend (QB). All reports sent to QB will be bound to this instance ID. It can be empty, but in this case uploading to QB will not work. Backend server URL. URL to QB server. It can be empty, but in this case uploading to QB will not work. Audio source. Audio source where call is recorded. Usually Voice Downlink is best choice. Encoder type. Used encoder type. As Android OS does not let to write plain uncompressed .wav it is needed to find the best encoder for further analysis. HE-AAC is quite good; but may not always be the best option. Output format. Typically it is kept as Default.. Test number. Target number for tests. It does not restrict QG to this number only, the application will check ALL calls in the system. However, this number can be used for quick access from the Options menu. Limit of recordings. Number of allowed recordings. If new recording exceeds this number then oldest recording will be removed automatically. Zero value disables this check. Run analysis automatically. Analysis will run automatically after each call upon its completion. It has to be set to allow fully automated tests scheduled via Qualtest Host. Audio reference file. Path to reference file. It should be plain uncompressed PCM .wav file. On some phones selection dialog may have problems and to avoid that we recommend installing ES File Explorer beforehand. UNIX timestamps in file names. Forces to use UNIX timestamps in call recording file names instead of full time string. Useful for integration tasks.
  • 6. Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019 Sevana O端 Roosikrantsi tn 2 Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119 Estonia Phone: +3726170331 Quality results screen. Sharing and uploading results is available from the main screen (select desired reports and select Share from Options menu).
  • 7. Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019 Sevana O端 Roosikrantsi tn 2 Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119 Estonia Phone: +3726170331 To see details about PVQA analysis please tap button "Show detectors report" Detectors report screen:
  • 8. Copyright 息 Sevana O端, 2019 Sevana O端 Roosikrantsi tn 2 Tallinna linn, Harju maakond, 10119 Estonia Phone: +3726170331