The document discusses recent developments in quantum computing. It begins with key concepts like superposition and entanglement. Potential applications of quantum computing include cryptography, optimization problems, and artificial intelligence. Current quantum computing hardware providers are discussed, including D-Wave, IBM, Intel, and Google. Challenges to quantum computing like decoherence and error correction are also covered. The document concludes with potential future directions such as using liquid crystals, quantum dots, and diamonds in quantum computing.
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Quantum Computing - Recent Developments (2019)
1. Quantum Computing
Recent Developments
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 1
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev
Ronin Institute &
Institute for Advanced Physical Studies
2. Outline
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 2
Key Concepts in Quantum Computing
Possible Applications of QC
Present Status on QC Resources
Recent Developments and Future Directions
Open Discussion
3. Key Concepts in
Quantum Computing
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 3
LinkedIn 際際滷Share: 17 Nov 2014 Quantum Computing: Welcome to the Future by Vern Brownell CEO
4. Key Concepts in
Quantum Computing
息 2014 D-Wave Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved 7
Superposition Entanglement
Key Quantum Effects
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Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 4
LinkedIn 際際滷Share: 17 Nov 2014 Quantum Computing: Welcome to the Future by Vern Brownell CEO
Data Representation - Qubits
A bit of data is represented by a single atom that is in one of two states denoted
by |0> and |1>. A single bit of this form is known as a qubit.
A physical implementation of a qubit could use the two energy levels of an atom.
An excited state representing |1> and a ground state representing |0>.
A single qubit can be forced into a superpositionof the two states denoted
by the addition of the state vectors:
| > = | 0> + 硫| 1>
Where and 硫 are complex numbersand | | 族 + | 硫| 族 = 1
Schr旦dinger's cat
01 賊 10( )
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5. Key Concepts in QC
What special about Quantum computer
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 5
LinkedIn 際際滷Share: 29 Sep 2012 Topic: Quantum computer By Nisarg Y Bhagavantanavar
The Q-bit represented
as a Bloch sphere
+ y2
Generators of Rotations
as quantum gates:
Pauli-X gate
Pauli-Y gate
Pauli-Z gate
6. Key Concepts in QC
Quantum Gates-Hadamard
Simplest gate involvesone qubit and iscalled a Hadamard
Gate (also known asa square-root of NOTgate.) Used to
put qubitsinto superposition.
State |0> State |1>State |0> + State |1>
Two Hadamard gates used in succession can be used
as a NOT gate.
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 6
LinkedIn 際際滷Share: 21 Apr 2014 Quantum Computing by Rohit Mishra & Ankit Agarwal
|0> |1>
7. Possible Applications of QC
Quantum Communications
Quantum Key Distribution (BB84 Bennett & Brassard 1984)
Cryptography Prime Number Factorization (Peter Shor 1994)
State Teleportation (Charles Bennett et al 1993)
Artificial Intelligence
Large Data processing (Lov Grover search 1997)
Optimization problems
Pattern Recognition
Variety of Art form expressions
Quantum Music Composer
Wearable Gadgets
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 7
8. Quantum Teleportation
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 8
9. Advantage of the Shors Algorithm
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 9
際際滷 by Meghaditya Roy Chaudhury on Quantum Computing at Jadavpur University
See also R. J. Hughes, LA-UR-97-4986
10. Possible Applications of QC
息 2014 D-Wave Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved 12
What is the future of quantum computing?
Finance Computing
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 10
LinkedIn 際際滷Share: 17 Nov 2014 Quantum Computing: Welcome to the Future by Vern Brownell CEO
11. Present Status on
QC Resources
Quantum Computing Hardware
D-Wave (128/512)
IBM (50)
Intel (49)
Google (72)
Rigetti (19)
AliBaba (11)
Quantum Computing Software
IBM Q-Experience and QISKit
Rigetti Forest
Microsoft #Q, Google CirQ, QC Ware
Applied Communication Sciences (ACS)
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 11
息 2014 D-Wave Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved 6
Exploits properties of quantum physics
Builtaroundqubitsra ther th
n b i t s
Qubits are 1 or 0 and both simultaneously
Operates in an extreme environment:
150x colder than interstellar space
Shielded to 50,000 lessthanEa r th s
magnetic field
Very low pressure: 10B times lower
than atmospheric pressure
What is a quantum computer?
14. Tangle Lake, Intels 49-Qubit Processor
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 14
26 spin q-bits
15. Problems and Future
Error Correction
Output Measurement
Finding the right problems for a quantum computer
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 15
16. Recent Developments and
Future Directions
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 16
D-Wave Previews Next-Generation Quantum
Computing Platform (5000 qubits)
Current Chimera topology:
each qubit is connected to six other qubits.
Pegasus topology:
each qubit is connected to 15 other qubits!
17. Future Directions
Are liquid-crystals part of the future QCs?
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 17
18. Future Directions
First 3D quantum liquid crystal!
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 18
The electrons have different magnetic properties, depending
on whether they flow forward or backward on a given axis!
atomic lattice 3-D quantum liquid crystal
19. Future Directions
What about the Quantum Dots?
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 19
Cadmium sulfide quantum dots
lead sulfide (selenide)
QDs can contain as few as 100 to 100,000 atoms
diameter of 10 to 50 atoms (2 to 10 nanometers)
nearly 3 million quantum dots could be lined up
end to end and fit within the width of a human thumb.
20. Future Directions
Quantum dots as liquid crystal dopants !
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 20
J. Mater. Chem., 2012,22, 22350-22365 ;!divAbstract
21. Future Directions
Are diamonds only for jewelry ?
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 21
22. Conclusion
Zen4Maker MeetUp at the Hacker Dojo, Santa
Clara, CA /Sep. 06, 2019/
Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, PhD 22
QC will be complementary to classical computing!
It will be few more years until becoming of age!
The QC territory is a wide-open field of opportunities:
Hardware development
Software development
Future QC based services and applications
You can pick your favorite now or explore multiple options!