Qube is an independent creative agency that transforms brand communications and design through a strategic framework focused on building brand affinity. With over 20 years of global experience across multiple markets and sectors, Qube offers a complete spectrum of branding and design services. Qube is dedicated to creative excellence and integrity to engage audiences, connect with customers, and create business success for its clients.
4. The Qube approach Our creative design process is We are dedicated to delivering changing perceptions, imparting
pivoted on a strategic framework dynamic, unified solutions for understanding and evoking
that focuses on building brand brand-focused designs across response as we create and
affinity through creating visibility all communication channels refine the brand’s very essence.
and emphasising distinction. that impact and motivate:
We draw on the client’s strength,
incisive research and cutting-
edge creativity.
Design should seek to build
relationships of meaning, which
appeals to the reader’s need of
understanding, and relationships of
form, which appeals to the reader’s
need for attraction. Alex White
5. The Qube commitment To engage, persuade, connect Our commitment to creative experience and expertise, are
and create business success. excellence and integrity, the building blocks we use to
together with our wide perfect the art of design.
Imagination is the beginning of creation.
You imagine what you desire, you will
what you imagine and at last create
what you will. George Bernard Shaw
6. The facets of Qube Offering a complete spectrum Advertising Design
Art Direction Annual Reports
of branding and design Campaigns Corporate Brochures
services, whatever your Creative Direction Marketing Collateral
Promotions Print
requirements, Qube can be Product Catalogues
relied upon for inspired, cutting- Brand Promotional Collateral
edge design that constantly -Audit Stationery
evolves to suit the brand. -Design & Development Environmental Graphics
-Identity Exhibition Displays
-Integration Posters
-Management Signage
Website Design
Creativity is the power
to connect the seemingly
unconnected. William Plomer
7. Qube defined Quentin Berryman
Executive Creative Director, Founder
+65 6465 4329 Tel
A great trademark is appropriate,
dynamic, distinctive, memorable
and unique. Primo Angeli
8. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is
about creating yourself. George Bernard Shaw