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Question 1
In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge
     forms and conventions of real media products?
Masthead at the top of
                                                          the page.                  Cover picture obstructing the
                       Cover model making                                              masthead slightly to show
                       eye contact with the                                         connivence in brand recognition.

Text mainly on
the left third of
   the page.
                                                                                                         Plug and pull in a circle to
                                                                                                             entice the reader.

                                                                                                                  Bar Code

                                                                                                             The name of the
                                                                                                           featured artist is the
                                                                                                          most prominent text on
                                                                                                                the cover.

  The colours of the text,
  clothing and mast head                      Bar Code
 all link in with each other.                                                 Featured artists are named to draw the
                                                                             reader in to the contents of the magazine.
The magazine masthead and the
The contents has been split
                              title of the page are placed at the                     A main image is used to
  into relevant groups to
                                         top of the page.                            entertain as well as intrigue
  make 鍖nding an article
                                                                                             the reader.

                                                                                                   Page numbers are
   The contents                                                                                   highlighted to make
     has been                                                                                       them stand out.
      listed in

                                                                                          The font type is the same as that
                                                                                          on the cover to make these two
                                                                                          connecting pages 鍖ow better as
                                                                                          they are not next to each other.

  The web address and
   the issue month are                      I have included a smaller image of the front cover in the top
    clearly marked and                        right corner of the page. This is a conventional detail that
    separate from the                        appears on most contents pages, although it is not present
    main body of text.                                             in this example.
The main body text and the
                                                           Drop caps to begin the article.   The title of the article is
                            image are on separate pages.
                                                                                             clearly highlighted at the
                                                                                                 top of the page.

  The conventional form of showing
images is to one have one main image
 of the featured artist. I have chosen                                                            The featured artist is stated
   not to conform to the norm as I                                                                  at the top of the page.
   believe this layout tells more of a
  story and lets you into the life and
        character of Indie Rae.

                                                                                              A short overview of the article is
                                                                                                    the 鍖rst bit of text.

       The featured artist is stated
         at the top of the page.                                                               A pull quote is placed at the
                                                                                             bottom of the image/s to explain
                                                                                             the scene that is being portrayed.

     Drop caps to begin the article.
Overall I have tried to stick to the traditional
  conventions of music magazines but I also like to
think that I have challenged them to help create my
                   music magazine.

By challenging these conventions I have been able to
improve the look or the feel of the layout or spacing
    of each page. I think that by going this I have
 improved my magazine and have created a better
             鍖nal product because of it.

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Question 1

  • 1. Question 1 In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 2. Masthead at the top of the page. Cover picture obstructing the Cover model making masthead slightly to show eye contact with the connivence in brand recognition. reader. Text mainly on the left third of the page. Plug and pull in a circle to entice the reader. Bar Code The name of the featured artist is the most prominent text on the cover. The colours of the text, clothing and mast head Bar Code all link in with each other. Featured artists are named to draw the reader in to the contents of the magazine.
  • 3. The magazine masthead and the The contents has been split title of the page are placed at the A main image is used to into relevant groups to top of the page. entertain as well as intrigue make 鍖nding an article the reader. simple. Page numbers are The contents highlighted to make has been them stand out. listed in columns. The font type is the same as that on the cover to make these two connecting pages 鍖ow better as they are not next to each other. The web address and the issue month are I have included a smaller image of the front cover in the top clearly marked and right corner of the page. This is a conventional detail that separate from the appears on most contents pages, although it is not present main body of text. in this example.
  • 4. The main body text and the Drop caps to begin the article. The title of the article is image are on separate pages. clearly highlighted at the top of the page. The conventional form of showing images is to one have one main image of the featured artist. I have chosen The featured artist is stated not to conform to the norm as I at the top of the page. believe this layout tells more of a story and lets you into the life and character of Indie Rae. A short overview of the article is the 鍖rst bit of text. The featured artist is stated at the top of the page. A pull quote is placed at the bottom of the image/s to explain the scene that is being portrayed. Drop caps to begin the article.
  • 5. Overall I have tried to stick to the traditional conventions of music magazines but I also like to think that I have challenged them to help create my music magazine. By challenging these conventions I have been able to improve the look or the feel of the layout or spacing of each page. I think that by going this I have improved my magazine and have created a better 鍖nal product because of it.

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