The front cover features a male model in designer clothes to portray wealth and dominance, aligned with conventions of hip hop magazines. The full-frame shot reinforces the model's power through eye contact. The title "FRESH" and graffiti font also represent hip hop conventions. A faded car in the background symbolizes wealth. The contents page similarly presents a female model in designer clothes to look equally dominant rather than sexually available. Both images portray emerging views of gender equality.
2. Front Cover The front cover of my magazine features dominant
representation as you would except to see a male
model on the front cover posing and dressed in that
specific way as in all real media products such as
Vibe and XXL magazine they mainly feature a male
model on the front cover. They present the male to
have a hard exterior which is what I have tried to
The designer clothes (Ed Hardy hoodie and Evisu
jeans) I got my model to wear portrays the aspirer
psychographic which relates to my targeted
The full shot image on my front cover with the model
looking directly into the camera reinforces dominant
ideology as men are seen to be controlling and
powerful which is portrayed through the connection of
the models eye contact with the camera.
3. Front cover
The title of my magazine ‘FRESH’ is a word used in
the hip hop genre to mean new, cool and current this
would be identified by certain social groups like
‘chavs’ and ‘gangsters’ as this particular word would
be apart of there vocabulary. Also the font used for
the masthead is in a graffiti style which is a
convention of the hip hop genre which again portrays
dominant representation.
The car behind my model represents dominance
as in the hip hop genre one of the conventions is
wealth and ‘whips’ aka cars. Here the car which is I decided to go with the colour dark blue
slightly faded behind the model represents this for the background of my front cover as it
ideology as in the hip hop genre the norm is to connotes confidence which again
have a fancy car. reinforces dominant ideology.
4. Contents Page For my contents page I have
represented women to be just as
dominant as men, again taking a full
shot image, instead of representing
them in a light where they are seen to
be sexually available. This portrays
emergent ideology as in
contemporary society women are
becoming less stereotyped as being
seen as an ‘object’ and more equal to
Again like my model on the front cover, I got my
female model to wear designer clothing ( Roca
wear hoodie which is the hip hop artists Jay Z’s
brand and converse trainers). This portrays the
aspirer psychographic which relates to my
targeted audience. It also portrays dominant
ideology as a sign of wealth in the hip hop genre
is wearing designer clothes.
The use of a wide shot image displays dominant
representation as the graffiti in the image would
be expected in the hip hop genre as it one of the
5. The second image
Double in the top right
hand corner again
shows emergent
ideology as both
Page genders are seen
as being equal.
They both pose in
Spread way which
portrays a hard
exterior which is
unusual as
The main image on the usually the
right side of the page female gender are
represents emergent The pull quote ‘It’s not about the fame it’s not seen to be as
ideology as both the male about making a difference’ contrasts with the dominant
and female gender have the tag lines on the front cover as here gender. However
been photographed in a ‘rappers/singers’ are seen to be helping in this instance
way where they are both and setting a good example where as the the female model
equal. The mid close up of tag line about Soulja Boy is the opposite is more dominant
the two models are back to as he is ‘arrested again’ setting a as she has a more
back with their arms folded bad example. Therefore the powerful,
but still remaining eye pull quote here presents confident pose
contact reinforces the idea dominant ideology as the with her hands
that they are both as norm in society is try and on her hips
dominant as each other. help others. instead of folded.