The combination of the documentary and two ancillary texts of a radio trailer and magazine article were effective at targeting a similar audience of 16-34 year olds. Similar conventions and features were used across all three products to clearly connect them. While the radio trailer most directly advertised and reinforced the documentary through use of the same music, narration style, and audio clips, the magazine article could have been improved with more attention to layout and visuals to better appeal to the target demographic. Overall, the products established a clear brand identity through a shared color scheme and language to cohesively promote the topic of social networking.
2. How effective is the combination of
your main product and ancillary
ï‚™ In addition in creating a documentary we also had to
create two ancillary tasks which were a radio trailer
and TV listing magazine .We ensured that similar
features and conventions were used in order to link
the three products together .
3. Our target audience
In the process of making our main product and ancillary tasks we insured that they all aimed at the same
target audience .The main target audience are 16-34 year olds regardless of gender , race, ability or
religion as Social Networking is more relevant and relate able to that age range. Although we have a
focus group ,the three product will appeal to other people, for example parent ,people with companies
and the general public interested in the topic. To avoid creating products that would only appeal to teens
and young adults we included some older general public in our vox pops and we also decided to talk
about the advantages that companies have from social networks and this would appeal to older audience.
This is one way in which the three products are clearly connected and the ancillary tasks combine well
together in supporting the main product.
4. TV listing magazine
The TV listing magazine article reinforces the connection between the main product and ancillary task in many ways.
However if we could go though the process of making the double page spread again I would ensure that we spend more
time on the layout the images as I feel that it does not appeal to our target audience as well as we wish to.
A sense of ‘brand
identity’ is also found
from the colour
scheme. This is done
by using the colour
blue as it is the main
colour of social
network and this is the
topic of the
Both images feature within
the actual documentary. This
helped to add an element of
continuity and highlight the
main object of the article
and support the
The language used in the article is the same
friendly styled narration that is used both in
the documentary and in the radio trailer. This
is another way the three products are all
combined together.
We chose ‘Radio Times' for our
double page spread to be
featured in. The reason we
choose it was because they have
a wide audience and our topic
would fit nicely into it.
5. Radio Trailer
The radio trailer is particular effective in relating directly to the documentary ,supporting it and combining with it in
order to make a product that will appeal to the target audience. I feel like this is the ancillary task that succeeded In
advertising the documentary the best. The way it does this is t through:
Same background music as
the documentary. This adds
element of continuity and
advertises the
We featured the date ,time and
channel the documentary will
come out just like in the double
page spread .
Audio snippets from
the documentary
interview, vox pop
and voice over
The narration in the radio trailer is again friendly
just like in the documentary and the double page
spread .We wanted this way to engage with the
audience. This is another way the three products
6. Conclusion
In conclusion I feel that the thee products combined relate well back to the same audience and advertise
effectively .Additionally as shown they all create a clear ‘brand identity', however as mention before if we
could go back we would spend more time on the double page spread and make it more appealing to the
target audience.