The document provides an evaluation of the house style, images, typography, and messages conveyed across a trailer, magazine, and poster for a film. The trailer, magazine, and poster all utilize the Falcon font for titles and feature images of the main character engaging in action and displaying sophistication through costume. Bold fonts are used for key text to make it easy to read. Common elements like release dates and credit blocks on the poster additionally link the marketing materials together while portraying messages of action, danger, and the main character's skills through props like a gun and strategic placement against urban backdrops.
2. Trailer House style Images Typography Message
The house style The trailer The trailer uses The messages
for our trailer portrays the bold font which portrayed from
includes the use image of has been used for the trailer
of Falcon font precision and the Inter titles, this includes
on our title. The sophistication makes the text action, danger,
main character with the use stand out and with the use of
is also featured of a blind fold therefore easy to the Gun prop
across all our when read. We have also precision with
media products. shooting used falcon font the use of the
The house style along with for the title of our blind fold and
for the trailer is the use of a film which helps to sophistication
that It uses a suit. We also indicate the genre with the use of
fast pace high use a gun that of the film as being the costume
action tempo also has action. used within
which is images that including the suit
conventional for show he is an all of these help
action trailers. agent. to show he is an
3. Magazine House style Images Typography Message
Falcon font has The use of the The house style The messages
been used on gun prop which Falcons font has portrayed from
the title of the also shows also been used on this magazine
film on the images of this magazine to includes action,
magazine. aggression, help indicate the danger/
However the precision and genre of the film. aggression, with
colour is not focus but also This has also been the use of the
seen across shows images used to create a Gun prop
other product. of the action recognisable precision with
The name of genre along brand image for the use of the
the magazine with the the film. The blind fold.
and the main costume that largest test on the Location in the
image is also shows page is the title of background also
conventional sophistication. the magazine suggests
for empire. The tag line for which has also isolation and
The image the film has been written in that he is an
used on this also been used empires agent.
cover has also under the title conventional font.
been taken of the film Articles on this
from the trailer therefore links page also written
therefore there with all in bold font.
is a direct link. products
4. Poster House style Images Typography Message
Falcon font has The main The house style The messages
been used on character has Falcons font has portrayed from
the title of the been used also been used on the Poster
film on the which links with this poster to help includes urban
poster. Further other products indicate the genre feel from the
more an image he is also stood of the film. Steel concrete wall
of the main against a tongs font has also which is linked to
character has darkened been used for the the action genre.
also been used concrete wall credit block of this Use of costume
which can be which has poster which is also shows
seen across all connotations of conventional but sophistication.
our products. being edgy the credit block
The release date which can also has also been used
and the use of a be related to within the trailer
credit block are the action therefore a direct
also genre. Tag line link. The use of a
conventional for from the film release date is also
a poster with also featured at conventional for
the credit block the top of the posters also
featuring on the page this links written in large
trailer. to the film. font.