The target audience for the media product is female 16 to 30 year olds based on questionnaires completed by a variety of people. While most respondents were female and between 16-18, the creator wants to expand the target audience by using additional research to identify interests of those over 18 to include in the media product.
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Question 4
1. Who would be your
audience for your media
Evaluation Question 4
2. To find out what
• The target audience for my media product would be female 16 to 30 year olds. I achieved this
conclusion due to studying answers on questionnaires that I had people fill out. I had a good
variety of different answers but the majority of the target audience were between 16 and 18
and female, although I would like to expand this target audience my using yougov to find out
what those aged above 18 are interested in so that I could include these things in my media
product in order to expand my target audience.