Question tags are short questions placed at the end of sentences, especially in spoken English, to solicit input or confirmation. If the main part of the sentence is affirmative, the question tag is negative, such as "It's warm, isn't it?". Conversely, if the main part is negative, the question tag is affirmative, like "She couldn't see it, could she?". Question tags are useful tools for conversation.
2. What are Question Tags?
Question tags are the short questions
that we put at the end of sentences,
especially in spoken English.
Question tags are often used to solicit
input or confirmation to what we are
息 2005 Ma Foi Management
4. Type of Tag
If the main part of the sentence is
affirmative, then the question tag is
It's warm, isn't it?
They went also, didn't they?
息 2005 Ma Foi Management
5. Types of Tag
If the main part of the sentence is
negative, then the question tag is
She couldn't see it, could she?
We won't know till tomorrow, will we?
息 2005 Ma Foi Management
6. Types of Tag
If the main part of the sentence is
negative, then the question tag is
She couldn't see it, could she?
We won't know till tomorrow, will we?
息 2005 Ma Foi Management