By analyzing survey results, the author found that most questionnaire participants did not regularly attend concerts. However, most of the target audience did occasionally attend concerts. Therefore, including small amounts of concert information in each magazine issue could help keep readers informed about upcoming concert opportunities, while not focusing too heavily on concerts since many readers have only moderate interest. The survey also showed more people buy music magazines than do not, which is positive for the potential audience size.
3. These results showed that the majority
of the
20 Questionnaire participants weren't
15 exactly avid concert attendee’s. with
this information I could either include
10 information on concerts to show how
5 interesting they could be and how going
to them could support their favourite
0 artist or I could exclude it entirely from
yes no my magazine because if they don’t
attend the already perhaps they are
purely just uninterested in concerts and
just want to listen to their artists music
on the go or whilst their working.
4. These results showed a more in-depth
analysis of the target audiences concert
attendance rates. From this I have
frequently found that most of the T.A do attend
often concerts but not that often so with this
information I would believe that if I were
not very often
to include concert information in small
never amounts each issue just to inform my
T.A on the latest and available concerts
are just so that they can keep up to
5. 14
This information aids me on how big the
target audience for people who buy mus
magazines are, positively there were mo
people who buy magazines than those w
yes no